//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Crossroads of the Universe // by Idle Game Player //------------------------------// I heard a loud bang. Then another one. I looked behind me to find hoards of rockets screaming towards me. Ducking for cover behind an abandoned tank, I took a moment to let what remained of the battlefield sink in. The smoke from all of the rockets blurred most of my vision. What I did see however, was an endless sea of death and destruction. The screams from my fellow soldiers pierced through the cluttered air. Fires broke out from the explosions from and rockets, and from some of our tanks and other assorted war machines. "Captain. What the hell are you doing just standin there behind that tank?" I quickly whipped out my telecom. I held out the small circular device in my hand, and popping out from it was a hologram of General Koz. "Sorry General, I needed a bit of a time to myself to try and come up with a plan to try and defeat these freaks." "Well stop jerking off in the corner Captain, and get to work! You're the only one out here with any real power to fight them, and you're hiding like the rest of these cowards out here!" "Well I don't see you having your ass out in the open!" "Well I'm trying not to die just like anyone else out here! Now I order you to stand put and not go out-" I curled the com link in my hand, and smashed it on the ground. I closed my eyes for a second, and lowered my power level down to where it would be very hard to locate me. As the energy from my body began to fade away, I felt a sort of calmness that I really hadn't felt in a long time. It was something not unlike a calm before a big storm. I had made peace long before this battle that if I were to die it would be an honorable death. I opened my eyes, and found a few aliens patrolling the area around me. Then something inside me clicked. These guys must rely on being able to search for power levels. I took a deep breath in, and placed my index and middle fingers on the middle of my forehead. I appeared hovering over one of the aliens in the middle of a line taking out my blue lightsaber, and swung at it. I managed to cut it in half by the torso which killed it instantly. Right after that the majority of the aliens in the area took notice, and turned towards me, with their black, beady eyes staring deep within me, sending a brief, but furious chill down my spine. I focused my sights on the two aliens on either side of me. Using the Force to pull out my second lightsaber, I sliced my way through a few more aliens before being hit with a counter attack. It came from one of their High Commanders. He had a bronze coated breast plate, his horn was as sharp as a steel drill, and his tail was about ten feet long and looked strong enough to crush an entire mountain. A couple of the smaller soldiers started to swarm over me, but the bigger one waved them off. "So just you and me then huh pal?" I gave a light, but confident smirk. The alien responded to me in his language back, and gave a loud, blood cuddling shriek that was meant to send fear into his enemies. He charged at me with his claws extended to their full length. He swiped towards my head;but missed. I countered with my lightsaber. The blade hit, but only bounced off his armor causing a loud bang to echo around us. I swung again, but this time he intercepted. I powered up more, but it still wouldn't budge. Instead he laughed at me, and tossed the weapon aside, and proceeded to knock me down to the ground with his tail like a hammer. "Puny mortal thinks he can run with the big boys. Well I think not." He walked over to me, and kicked my head into the ground. The pain that followed was so bad that I thought I could feel my skull cracking in a thousand different places at once. "You'll just wait and see you bastard!" Even in my current state I managed to somehow get off the ground, and still fight. "Hmph! Please young child you can't possibly defeat me like that. A broken arm, your head smashed, and one of your prized lightsabers several feet away from you. I would leave you for dead, but what's all the fun in letting a criminal rotting in jail when you can be the executioner?" He wore a devilish smile on his face that would stop any man dead in his tracks. "You watned me so badly you're gonna have to come and get me you big fat bitch!" I growled, and charged with the other lightsaber. I swung this time connecting with the creatures' left forearm, just barely piercing into the skin. "You call that an attack? I'll show you what a real attack does!" He shouted, swinging a claw right at my head. I ducked, but not before he managed to cut a part of my right ear off. I screamed in agony as I hit the ground. The High Commander stood over me, eyeing me as if I were a prized artifact. He bent down, and picked me up by the head. "I guess you Sayians aren't all you're cracked up to be." He bellowed a loud chuckle as he threw me aside like trash. "Goodbye." While my head was down on the ground, I could hear him start to charge up a particle weapon. As if it were in a split second afterwards, I found the will and strength to try and get up. Those weapons weren't meant to disintegrate one person, but meant for entire planets. As I was standing up, I suddenly felt a peace that I'd never felt before in my life. Then I felt something else. It was as if I was connected to every living being in the universe at the same time. I got up, and looked down at my hands. They were beginning to emit a powerful white energy. So this is what it feels like to be One with the Force. With the new found confidence, I defied his expectations with one singular word. "No." I turned around, and charged at him, pulling in my other lightsaber along the way. I smiled at that as I swung, which caused a little bit of damage to his particle gun. "You little bitch!" He growled; trying to fire the weapon. I swung a second time. It didn't hit but, it did manage to prevent him from firing again. This time however, he sent two of his goons after me, and I jumped over both of their attacks, still focusing for the High Commander. He backed away behind more of them, and I was forced to put away one of my lightsabers in exchange for firing an energy beam. That gave him time to charge the weapon one more time. This time however, he fired successfully, and I fired back with my most powerful attack: the particle bomb. The resulting explosion sent massive waves of energy throughout the area, knocking down everyone except myself, and the High Commander. We stared at each other for a moment until a strange wind started to blow between us. "What in the world..." I could feel my mouth start to fall open in shock as a black hole started to form in the middle where the particle beams formed. My eyes widened when the right side of my body started to be pulled by the fast growing hole. The last thing that I saw before loosing all sense of reality was a distant explosion from outside the hole. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I came to I had to shield myself because the sun was shining so bright. I tried to stand up, but all the energy from me was drained when I went through the black hole. Then something hit me; I survived the black hole. I guessed that I was One with the Force longer than I had thought. Then I noticed something else. There were lots of standing buildings around me, and what surprised me even more was that there were people. Not that there were people all that much, but not only were they out and about without any sort of weapons or armor, they were different colors. Not like the white and black skinned people that I was used to, but there were people who's skin were green, blue, purple even. There was even something even stranger about this statue of what appeared to be of a creature with an equine nature. Through the Force I felt a strange powerful presence coming from the mirrors that were on the concrete slab that was holding it up. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief, but I sat down to think. "Am I in a different universe?" I walked over towards some people who were deep in their conversation. "Sorry to bother you to ladies, but do you know what that building is behind us?" "Uh yah. It's our school. Don't you like go here or something?" She flipped her hair in my face. "I see; tell me then miss: where are your finest warriors?" I asked. "Finest warriors? Look kid I don't know what Medieval convention that you came from, but please lay it off. You're making us really uncomfortable right now." She backed away from me a bit, and said something to her friend. "What I'm being dead serious with you guys. I need to contact your toughest warriors. Please this is an emergency!" I pleaded grabbing both of her shoulders. "Get off of me you freak! You're lucky that I'm not in the mood to bring upon a rape charge against you." She pushed me aside and took several more steps back. "But, if you really want to know where you can find these strong warriors just ask Principal Celestia." "Great! Where may I find this Celestia?" "Just go inside that building behind you, walk up to the second floor, and her door is the first one on your left." I nodded and ran inside hoping for an answer as to where exactly I am. "Yes who is it?" I heard who I assumed was this Principal that they talked about. "I need to ask you a couple of questions." I said taking my seat across from her. "Oh? I wasn't expecting a new student for a few months now, but I guess adding one more won't hurt." She raised an eyebrow at me. While trying to gather up a few question, I took a look around at her office. It was very reminiscent of General Koz's with a desk towards the back side of the room, and various trophies and pictures of herself with what I assumed to be her prized students. "First thing's first: where exactly am I?" "You're not from this dimension are you?" She leaned in closer. "No... How could you tell that I'm not?" I perked up about this. Does this mean that they know about other dimensions? "Just by asking that very first question showed me that you're not from here. Now tell me are you from Equestria?" "What's Equestria; is that another dimension?" Maybe there are more dimensions out there than we first theorized. "Yes it is; you're a very smart boy for figuring all of that based on a simple question. I'll tell you what: stay here until after the school day is done, and you can come have more of a chat with me. I'm sorry to leaving you hanging, but the lunch period is almost here, and I need to get down there for my daily announcement." Celestia then walked up and gave me a little wave. I sat down in the chair for a few moments before getting up, and returning to where I was before near that statue. As I was walking towards it I felt a very strange sort of energy that was being emitted from it through the Force. I decided to place a hand on the mirror. To my surprise there was a huge surge of energy that blasted from the mirror, which sent me flying down on the ground several feet away. Shaking my head, I got back up and decided to meditate near this mirror. If this thing is as powerful as that one blast, then maybe I could some how harness it's magic to defeat these aliens. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RING. Hmph. That's kind of weird I wondered while fishing through my book bag. Rainbow Dash said that the gaming club wouldn't start for another hour, why would she be texting me now? After a few minutes I finally found my phone, and saw her message. GUYS COME QUICK! THERE'S AN EMERENGCY THAT I NEED YOU ALL FOR!!!!! I softly chuckled, and rolled my eyes. She's sent these type of messages before, and her emergencies were as mundane as fixing one of her guitar strings, showing her how to use dial up internet, and help her get her pet turtle out of the toilet. I texted her back. What's the emergency this time? A few minutes later I got her reply. You'll just have to come over here yourself. It's pretty important concerning our game club tonight!! Sigh. I gathered my things and hurried off the bleachers, and went in the back door hoping to avoid the sea of people that stood in the lobby every day after school. I made it to the library in no time at all, only to find Rainbow Dash sitting cross-legged in the middle of the room staring at her Xbox controller. "So this is the emergency huh?" I turned around to see Apple Jack walking in with her hands on her hips, and the rest of my friends trickling in. "Guys you don't understand. Right as I was about to become Darth Vader in the new Battlefront beta, my controller died, and I didn't have any extra batteries!" Rainbow Dash turned her controller around to show us the spot where the batteries should be. I picked at my ear for a bit, internally chuckling that her whining would make a little kid blush. "Here I brought some extra batteries just in case our controllers would go out tonight." I gave her two batteries that I had. "Better?" "Better!" Rainbow Dash's eyes glittered with appreciation turning back to her game. "So where's Twilight?" I asked. "She said that she had some catching up to do on a biology lab report about bugs. She should be back any minute." Rarity pulled out her phone. "I can send you her text if you want." "No thanks Rarity, I'm okay, but thanks though." I waved her off. We were silent for a few minutes before Fluttershy spoke up. "Uh Sunset, how about telling us about that dream you told us about that you had last night?" "Oh, uh sure Fluttershy." I was at a loss for words. I was internally hoping that they would forget that I told them that in the first place. "Didn't you say that it had earth shattering implications?" Apple Jack asked. "Yeah, I did. Though I wasn't sure how you guys would take it considering all that we've been through together these past few months." I rubbed my hands together to try and prevent them from sweating. "Hey, we're always going to be there for you no matter what your problems are." Apple Jack placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Because that's what friends do." "Okay, since you guys are all ears then I'll spill the beans." They all seemed pretty interested at this point; even Rainbow Dash paused her game to have a listen. "What my dream was about last night was that, while I don't quite remember everything, I do remember that it said that there's going to be either a new kid here at school, or a couple of kids, and that they could change the landscape of our world forever." Everyone looked shocked by this revelation. "Sunset, do you know if these visitors are good or bad?" Apple Jack asked. "I don't know. That's pretty much all that I can remember." I lied, sitting down in a chair and looked at the floor to try and make them buy it. "Hey darling it's okay not to remember everything. The fact that you told us about this new person alone makes it all worth it." Rarity sat down next to me and pulled my face up to where it met hers. "Yeah, but the problem is that I don't know if this kid, or even these kids, are good or bad so I can't trust however many new people there are!" I turned away from Rarity. "Oh don't think like that Sunny! I like to think 'bout it this way: while my parents may have gotten killed by robbers, there are still good people in this world, and you never know whether or not if you're gonna like the person if you don't meet them!" Apple Jack said. "Yes, he could turn out to be as gloriously handsome as that Prince Charming that we read about during English!" Rarity put her hand at her forehead as if she were fainting. "Or instead of a Prince Charming, it turns out that he's from another dimension where there's nothing but war with magical invisible powers, and he's the only one who can save the world!" I rolled my eyes as we all silently stared at Pinkie Pie for a few minutes. "What; it could turn out to be true!" "Yes it could be, but I don't think I'm going to turn into a frog by kissing another frog that turns out to be a Prince." I chuckled and gave Pinkie a pat on the back. Suddenly, I heard a loud shout, and an even loud bang as the door to the library flew open. There in the middle of the door way stood our world's Twilight; with her hair all frizzled, and glasses crooked. "Holy hay what happened to you Twilight?" Apple Jack ran over to her, and started to fix her hair. "Well, there was this really weird looking guy who was just sitting down on the grass. I walked over to him to make sure that he was okay, but when I got too close he pulled out this weird blue glowing sword, and swung it at me! I'm just lucky to be alive let alone lucky enough that he didn't follow me here!" She started to sob now, and her breathing was out of control. "Easy there now Twi. Does this person look like the type to live around here?" I comforted Twilight by giving her a little hug. "I didn't get quite a good look at him, but what stood out to me was how tattered his white tunic was." Twilight let out a little sniffle and sat down thanks to a little coaxing from Apple Jack. "A tunic darling?" Rarity perked up. "Did he look like one of those college boys who lives down the road that wind up here every so often?" "Not that I could see." Twilight shook her head." Aside from the tunic he also had a brown cloak, and a strange looking utility belt. I bet that's where he keeps that strange glowing sword." "Well then why don't we just take a look at him for ourselves then? He might be one of the baddies that Sunset told us about!" Rainbow Dash started to head towards the door. I stopped her, not caring about her disappointment. "Guys I thank you for wanting to help out with this, but this is something that I need to search for myself, seeing as I was the only one who got these visions. "Okay Sunset, but if you ever need anything about this you'll know where to find us." Apple Jack gave me a hug before I walked out the door; unsure of what was to come.