Nation of the Damned

by Tyrannical T-Rex

Chapter Four: The Farm.

We crept through the town as quiet as mice. Slinking down the streets and across the paths to avoid being detected by the limping and groaning creatures who wandered the empty streets. They seemed to be creeping out of the buildings as the sun began to dip lower in the sky; guards and townsfolk alike.

I didn't notice any of the creatures that had come through the portal which meant those beasts were still at Canterlot, or perhaps making their way down the mountain...I merely hopped we'd manage to get to the farm before they reached Ponyville.

Soon enough we reached the outskirts of the town and saw Sweet Apple Acres in the distance. A welcomed change to the desolate, monster filled town. I wasted little time and bolted, leaving the town behind, as I ran along the dirt path towards the farm, eager to get somewhere that could be well as see if Applejack and her family were alright.

We soon reached the farm which seemed to be in good condition, save for an overturned cart just outside the main house. Though passing closer to the cart gave me a good look at the hoofprints and dried blood dotted the ground around it, along with a single body.

The cart had the royal insignia on its sides. It was harnessed to the body of a royal guard whose armor was dotted with crimson. His stomach looked like it'd been torn open...and hollowed out. The cart would have slown the poor guard down, especially if he was attacked from the side…or from the passengers.

I felt Spike hide his face in my mane, whimpering. I lit my horn and looked around, glancing to the nearby barn and then to the apple tree was clear that those monsters had made it to the farm and were most likely still lumbering around somewhere.

It was then I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. Still jittery from the encounter with Lyra, and from everything else, I fired off a bolt of magic without thinking. It struck the front of the house next to a wide-eyed Big Mac. Whatever Lyra had given me hadn’t worn off. The pain was worse than being smacked with a wooden bat, something I'd had the misfortune of experiencing in a school baseball game while younger...I was busy reading the rulebook and one of the players let the bat slip out of their magical grasp. It struck me on the horn.

Once the pain had faded I looked back at Mac. Thank Celestia I hadn’t hit him! He was still alive!

The large stallion’s fur and orange mane were muddy. His usual calm expression was replaced with a tired and empty one. Small bags were beneath his faded green eyes, and his orange mane was messy as if he'd just gotten out of bed. He was wearing his usual harness and hooked up to a small cart with a dirty shovel inside.

"Miss Twilight?" he finally asked, shaking his head as he approached us. He seemed both confused and somewhat relieved to see myself and Spike...most likely thankful to see another pony, in general, who wasn’t insane or trying to chew his skin off.

"Me and Spike managed to get out of Canterlot and make our way back's awful Mac, ponies eating each other, weird's as if Tartarus coughed up the most vile and evil creatures from its depths." I replied, while Spike peeked over the top of my head, giving Mac a weak wave.

"Really? We had them fancy guards roll up to the farm with a cart full of ponies, they said something about getting to Appleloosa before one of the ponies in the cart went nuts, biting and fighting with the others...pretty soon we had a cart full of ponies tryin’ to chew through the door," Mac gushed, approaching the dead guard and slowly removing the harness connected to the body, while I blinked in surprise...I don’t think I’d ever heard the stallion say so much in a day before, let alone all at once.

"Ya'll wanna help me with him? Just go ahead and use your magic to put this poor fella in my cart...gonna bury him outback with his friends and the ponies who were on the cart,” the large stallion said before I nodded and used my magic to lift the corpse, only to wince and whimper before I dropped the dead stallion. I put a hoof to my horn as it seemed to throb at the base.

“You ok Miss Twilight? Ain’t like you to have trouble with magic like that.” Mac didn’t wait for a reply and just raised a brow as he sighed and approached the fallen stallion. He clumsily lifted him and placed him in the back of the bloodied cart then motioned for me to follow him around the house.

“I’m alright Mac, just had a run in with some trouble in town….I’ll be using my magic again soon enough!” I replied, giving the stallion a half smile as I followed along behind him.

We were soon met with the sight of six makeshift graves, one of which was empty. "Place him in that there hole and I'll bury the poor guy...ya know...never thought I'd be doing this kinda work." He mused as I, more carefully this time, picked up the stallion from the cart and lowered him into the shallow grave. I had to stop then as the pain returned. Meanwhile, Mac unhooked himself from the cart and grabbed his shovel to bury the unfortunate guard.

Once he was finished and had dropped the shovel from his mouth, there was no moment of silence. "Ya'll must be hungry so I'll tell you what, you two head inside and I'll fix you up some grub once I'm finished out here...pretty soon AJ and Apple Bloom will be back from the orchard with some apples, and Granny was in town so she won't be joining us..." he said, his words slowing and dropping in volume the more he spoke.

"Applejack and Apple Bloom are alive? That's great!" I said, my mood lifting at the idea of seeing my friends as well as getting some decent food...heavens know I could use it. I left Mac to his work.

Soon enough me and Spike were inside the farmhouse, relaxing on the sofa. I'd managed to find a book to read while Spike was taking the time to snooze. I was somewhat worried about Mac, he was acting calm and somewhat strange considering the circumstances...but I suppose that's how he dealt with most things, calm and collected...even when the subject was burying dead ponies behind his house.

"Poor guy..." I mumbled, closing my book and putting it aside before I got up and left the living room to look around the rest of the house, hoping to find something else to help me pass the time. After a while of looking around and peering into the various rooms of the small farmhouse I returned to the living room and sat down with a sigh, getting comfortable and closing my eyes to take a well deserved nap.

That's when the screams and shouts reached my ears.

I recognized the panicked voices and quickly sat up in my seat, my blood going cold...they were Mac and Applejack’s. Not a moment after, the door to the house was pushed open with a loud 'crack' which caused Spike to jolt awake and yell, grabbing one of my hooves in fright before he noticed the lack of flesh eating monsters or danger...but what we did notice was something much worse than that.

I got up and followed AJ and Mac who'd entered the kitchen and cleared a space on the table before gently placing an object, no, a pony down onto it. The sight made me freeze, eyes going wide.

Lying upon the table, motionless and bloodied was Apple Bloom, a nasty gash down her cheek while a deep and bloodied bite mark rested on the back of her neck staining her yellow fur a deep red.

Applejack was in a fit of tears and sobs, bloody hooves covered her eyes while Mac looked his motionless sister over, gently adjusting her body to see the wound more clearly.

"What happened?" He asked, glancing to AJ who lowered her hooves and gulped, pale as snow.

"T-There was a pony up in the apple orchard, he looked hurt and we tried to help the fella out...w-when Apple Bloom and I got close he went nuts and grabbed Bloom. Got his teeth in her neck an’ thrashed her around like some kinda chew toy! I managed to beat the bucker off of her and ran back here...she got cut on the way by some low hangin’ branches..." She whimpered, looking at her younger sister as she moved a trembling hoof to rub her cheek.

"Alright, let's stay calm! Applejack, you go get the first aid box from upstairs and I'll find that pitchfork we used to fend off them other fellas who went nuts in the cart...Twilight, ya'll watch Apple Bloom," he got a quick nod from his sister before she galloped upstairs, while I simply gave a small and unsure nod. Applejack didn’t even seem to realize I was there.

I knew what would happen, I'd seen it enough times by now to know what would happen when you were happened to the guards back in the castle, it happened to the ponies in the city and in happened to Bon Bon and Pinkie...once you were bit that was it, you were dead. Doomed to come back as a monster.

I had little time to relay this information to my friends as they quickly hurried off to do their duties, leaving me alone with the motionless filly. With a gulp I approached the table and sat down on one of the empty seats, leaning back from the tabletop as I watched Apple Bloom closely for any signs of movement, ready to bolt or act upon a moment's notice.

Thankfully her eyes were closed and she had a peaceful expression upon her muzzle which helped put my mind at was hard enough to see her in such a state, bloodied and motionless...having empty eyes stare at me or seeing her face contorted with pain would just be too much.

Spike was soon at my side and made me jump when I felt his clawed hand pat my coat, though I quickly relaxed and glanced down at him. "Yes Spike?" I asked softly, moving a hoof down to gently smooth his bright green spikes atop his head.

"Is Apple Bloom gonna...turn into a monster like Pinkie?" He asked, tears in his eyes as he looked up at me, causing me to give a soft sigh, a lump slowly forming in my throat.

"S-she might, Spike, I'm not going to lie...but remember, it wouldn't be'd be one of those things inside of her body and we'd make sure it wouldn't hurt anypony else." I replied, glancing back to Bloom’s body.

It was then we were rejoined by Applejack who had a small wooden box. She quickly placed it on the table and opened it up to reveal some bandages, a rag and small alcohol bottle, along with some tablets, needles, and sewing thread.

"Alright, sis, you’re gonna be alright..." she said quietly to herself before she gently rolled the filly onto her stomach to get a good look at the back of Bloom’s neck before getting one of the bandages and soaking it in alcohol before she pressed the rag against the bloodied bite, wincing as she did so.

She then looked up to me and startled back. “T-Twilight! Oh sugarcube, you’re alive!” She gave me a big smile and a quick hug before her expression darkened again and she returned to Apple Bloom. "D-Do ya mind holdin’ this here? I gotta...gotta get the needle and thread ready..." she said, and I quickly nodded, moving to hold the rag in place while she got ready to stitch up her sister.

"I wish we could have found each other again under better circumstances...this is just..." I began but was quickly silenced by Applejack who shot me a glance and gave a sharp “hush.”

"It can't be helped none, Twi...once we get Apple Bloom here fixed up and in bed me and you can get to work barricading up the farmhouse...we got a cellar filled with tinned food and the likes for tornados if things go south...and I can say for certain that things have gone south." She sniffed before nodding for me to remove the rag, which I quickly did. My horn worked well enough for that at least. I wasn’t going to pick that up with my mouth.

The mare then began to get to work sewing up the bite wound, her hooves trembling as she stitched it up. I wasn't surprised by her basic medical knowhow, she did live on a farm after all, accidents likely happened every once and awhile so it was wise to have at least one of the family members know how to fix up cuts and such....though by Applejack's face this was clearly the first time something this bad had happened.

"Applejack...I-I wouldn't be so sure on Apple Bloom recovering...I mean I hate to say this and it breaks my heart but...but I've seen these monsters bite ponies and the ones they bite often end up like them..." I told her, trying to be as soft and gentle with my words as I could as I spoke.

AJ frowned at that, glancing up from the bloody bite mark. "Now don't ya'll start talkin’ like that, Twi. Apple Bloom here is gonna be jus’ fine! That fellah just bit her...sure it's deep but it ain't nothin I can't fix." She stated stubbornly, continuing to try and fix up Apple Bloom.

After an hour, Applejack placed her kit to the side and sighed, rubbing her eyes before she got up. "S-she...just needs some rest is all...I'll take her to her room," she said before she gently slid the young filly on her back and left the kitchen.

I heard the mare make her way up the stairs as I got out of my seat and went back into the living room with Spike, who was clearly as nervous as I was before we both took a seat on the sofa, simply hoping for the best.

After a few minutes, Mac returned with a pitchfork, the prongs bloody, and let it rest against the wall before he looked around. "Where's Apple Bloom gone?" he asked and I motioned to the staircase.

Mac quickly left to the upper floor,muttering “no, no, no...” Not long after I could hear the muffled sounds of what seemed like an argument which was followed with Big Mac storming down the stairs. His eyes were narrowed and his cheeks wet as he walked into the kitchen, followed closely by Applejack who was yelling rather obscene things at her brother.

"Ya'll wanna do that? Ya really wanna do that to her!?" She yelled, slamming a hoof on the kitchen table, or at least that’s what it sounded like. I quickly got up and told a rather worried Spike to stay in the living room before I too entered the kitchen, looking at the siblings.

"No I don’t wanna do that! But ya know what happens when one of them things bite ya! I saw them folk in the cart go insane and eat each other, and the ones that got away bit went nuts as well!" Mac yelled, slamming a hoof on the floor. "I don’t aim to let Apple Bloom end up like them, not our little sis!"

The stallion then glanced to one of the kitchen drawers, huffing as he reached over and pulled it open revealing a collection of kitchen knives. "Now I don't need ya to do it, ya don't even have to be in the room...but I'm not gonna let her turn into some monster who could hurt somepony else! Do you want her to get up, her eyes all glassy while she tries to bite into ya neck?" He asked with a frown which caused AJ to back off a bit, the mare’s ears going back against her head.

"She isn’t gonna turn into a monster! She just needs some good old fashioned rest and she'll be back on her hooves in no time." The mare stated, her green eyes tearing up before she stormed out of the room, shoving me aside before she headed back upstairs.

"Erm, d-did I miss something?" I asked, giving a nervous smile as Mac glanced in my direction, his gaze quickly causing me to go silent.

"Ya'll could say that, Miss Twilight...but it ain’t none of your concern, alright?” His glare at me broke and he looked around the room. Seeing the open drawer of knives he turned back and tried to smile. “ about I cook something up for you, eh? I mean you and Spike must be hungry!" The stallion turned and busied himself preparing a small meal.

While Mac was cooking I had gotten up with the intent to go and see if Applejack was alright, but before I reached the doorway I remembered how she had pushed past me before...the poor mare needed space and I wasn't about to go and bother her after all that had happened so I decided to sit back down at the table, giving a small sigh.

After a while of working as if in a daze, he'd managed to sort out a rather simple apple crumble, something myself and Spike were beyond grateful for. While we ate, Mac left to the upper floor of the house and we heard the arguing resume. In response, I heard Spike mumble as he ate, clearly uneasy.

"Hey, Spike, try not to listen alright? They’re just sorting some things out...just try not to focus on it too much and eat up." I urged and took a break from my own food to shuffle my chair closer to the dragon. I smiled at him and raised a hoof to gently rub his back, but a loud bang sounded from upstairs, causing us both to jump.

"Spike, stay here...I'll be right back, alright?" I asked, nuzzling his cheek before I got up and headed out into the hall before making my upstairs. I then saw Mac and AJ standing outside the door to Bloom’s room. AJ's eyes wide as she gripped a bloodied bite mark upon her right forehoof, shivering slightly while Mac tended to her wound. All the while a soft thumping came from the door to Bloom’s room along with gurgled, raspy moans.

"What happened?" I asked, quickly running over to the pair before Mac glanced to me, looking rather shaken. "It’s Bloom, o-or that thing in her body! It woke up like I said..." He muttered, visibly shaken while Applejack began to weep, her renowned bravery breaking as she realized the reality of the situation around her.

Her sister was gone and dead, replaced with a flesh hungry monster who had no emotion or whatever was wearing Bloom’s skin, Applejack and Mac were just food, flesh to be eaten and blood to be drank...and that could understandably terrify anypony, including myself.

"A-alright, look...that thing in there can't get out right? I'd suggest we simply gather food and leave, head somewhere like Manehattan to try and find help! And if that fails we head somewhere remote such as Appleloosa, or Dodge Junction," I suggested, while Mac nodded...though then he glanced to AJ's bloodied hoof.

"Yeah, we can all head out after gettin’ enough victuals ready..." He stated, nuzzling AppleJack’s cheek before looking to me, giving a small, nervous smile. "Can ya go down and get us some bandages from the kitchen? It'll be in the first aid box." I quickly nodded before hurrying off to grab some bandages.

After a moment in the kitchen I was joined by Spike who took a seat at the table, stretching his little legs before he glanced to me. “So, is Bloom gonna be alright?” He asked timidly, his little claws tapping against the table top.

“Well Spike, Bloom is very sick...but all she needs is a little bit of rest! But we can’t stay here, we need to go and get help.” I lied, not having the heart to tell him what had happened to Bloom even after all he’d been through. Especially after all he’s been through.

The young drake seemed to sigh at that, looking somewhat relaxed at the news...though that relaxation was quickly broken when the sound of a door opening upstairs could be heard, followed by snarls and growls before the soft sound of a door clicking shut seemingly echoed around the house.

Spike glanced to me once it grew relatively silent, save for muffled snarls and thumping. Soon we were joined by Mac, his face just as emotionless and calm as he normally looked while working the fields or doing the weekly shopping...but what stood out to me and Spike was the hat that now adorned his head.

My heart sank like a pebble in a pond as I stumbled over to a chair and sat down, moving to rest my hooves against my temples while Spike glanced to Mac and then to me, and finally down at the table top.

“S-So, I guess Applejack is staying here to look after Bloom right?” I heard Spike ask softly, his voice a little shaky...before I could reply Mac intervened, walking around the table before ever so gently going to rub the top of Spike’s head. “E’yup! She’s gonna stay here Spike…” He said before sitting down beside him.

“Ah can promise ya we’ll see her again...but we gotta get movin!” he bolstered with a smile while I looked up at the two, forcing a smile of my own.

“That’s good, now come on you two, let's get some of that food Mac has in the cellar and get moving.” I said before I got up, followed by Spike and Mac as we left the house.

It didn't take us long to get the food and water we needed from the cellar thanks to Mac and a cart. Soon enough we had enough food to last us three days easy and a barrel of water that could keep us from dying of thirst for quite a while.

While we worked I made sure to keep Spike busy, not wanting to let his mind wander too far lest he figure out what had happened...heck, he most likely already had but I’d much rather play it safe than risk upsetting him even further, it was taking me every fiber of my being not to simply break down...we had been so close, so close to getting out unscathed!

I was pulled back to reality when I felt Mac nudge me, the large stallion smiling a little. “C’mon, cheer up, Miss Twilight. She wanted this. Even though that thing in there isn't Bloom anymore, she wanted to stay somewhere she felt comfortable and with whatever remains of Bloom, and I wasn't gonna deny her a final wish,” he whispered, trying to make things seem less awful than they truly were. And…he was right, the farm and family were everything to her, she wouldn’t have wanted to leave…at the end.

“Alright, well...s-she’s where she wants to be! Now...l-let’s get going!” I called as I glanced over to Spike who was perched on the cart idly chewing on a carrot. I helped Mac get hooked up to his cart and soon enough we were on our way, leaving the farmhouse and ponyville behind as we walked along the dirt path, and while my heart was heavy with the loss of Applejack and Bloom, I knew that they were in a better place than Equestria at the current moment, and I’d have time to mourn once it was all over...for now I had to focus on surviving, as did Mac and Spike...all we had left was each other, and until we reached safety I’d be damned if I let anyone else die.

Big Mac never looked back once.