//------------------------------// // Friendship Games // Story: The Twelfth Doctor Tries to Understand Canterlot High // by Helblade Master //------------------------------// "No you're not understanding me Clara," The Doctor said as he opened the door to the TARDIS," anything and everything i've been doing lately is related to understanding magic." The Doctor and Clara were just getting back from a horrid adventure through fabricated dreams. "Then what am I not understanding if that is exactly what I have been hearing from you," Clara asked. "Well the fact that you don't seem to grasp the concept well. I'm saying that we're going back to Canterlot High only for samples of magic. I'm not sure how i'll get my hands on it but I will." "Doctor, why can't you just sometimes accept that you aren't always going to understand something?" "When I can finally say I give up. Which is a one in a million chance." "Fine. But if i'm tagging along then we're gonna start using your cards." "Cards? What cards?" Clara dug through her pocket and pulled out a set of cards. They weren't playing cards but rather, flash cards. "These are my way of helping you," Clara said as she attempted to hand him the cards," get along with others." "And why would I need to do that?" "Because you suck at getting along with people. You're always insulting them." "But they always ask for it. Just like all the pudding brain race." Clara tapped her foot for a few seconds. "Oh except for you. You're different." "Just use the cards. Please," Clara asked as she held out the cards making the biggest, most innocent smile she could muster. "Fine. But just this once." Although he knew this wouldn't be the last time Clara would have him use them. Clara's face lit up as she hugged the Doctor. When she let go she, finally, handed him the cards. "Alright now read the first one." "Clara I-" "Just say it Doctor." "Alright fine." The Doctor held up one of the cards and looked at it. "I'm sorry you had to see me in such a grumpy moo-, Clara!" "What?" "These are absurd. You can't expect me to actually use these." "Do you want me on the trip or not?" Clara put her hands on her hips. "Alright fine. I'll attempt to use them." Clara turned around and started heading for the door. The Doctor grumbled and slid the cards into his pocket. "Fine I WILL use them." "Great." Clara said as she went to sit down. The Doctor flipped a few switches on the TARDIS and she began to wheeze and moan. Within seconds it stopped and The Doctor walked to the doors. "Now. Lets get down to business." The school looked exactly as it should, three story windows and the statue sitting in the front court. Except something seemed different. The Doctor pulled out his sonic sunglasses and scanned the area. The radiation levels had seemingly sky rocketed to exponential proportion. Last time he was here it was far lower than it was now. "Well Doctor are we going to get going?" Clara asked as she walked in front of him. Her hair seemed to glow as she kept walking towards the school. The Doctor watched as she walked and went back into the TARDIS. He came back out with a hand mirror, he had no idea where it cam from, and held it in front of him. As he walked even his hair glowed a bit. Although his hair was a rather light grey so it didn't show as much as Clara's. This was odd. But maybe it was just the side effects of walking into a radiated area. He toke off his sonic sunglasses and replaced them in their pocket. The doors to the school were locked. Strange it wasn't a weekend and it was already time for classes. The Doctor pulled out his sonic sunglasses again and unlocked the doors. Him and Clara walked in and found empty halls. Papers hung on billboards talking about some sort of tournament called the Friendship Games. "What kind of stupid thing is- I mean um," The Doctor hesitated as he pulled out the cards. He flipped through them as he tried to find one that would work in this situation. There wasn't any. "Uh I mean, sounds very interesting wouldn't you agree Clara?" "Why yes Doctor I would," Clara said. She looked at the paper for a bit before turning to the Doctor. "It seems this happened a few days ago. So why is this still up?" "Perhaps it may have something to do with the increase in the magic count. It is a lot stronger now than it was last time." "Where do you think they'd be then if they aren't here?" "Well either at home sleeping like....... they should," The Doctor said as he looked around," or they're at a restaurant or cafe." "So where do we go first?" "Well i'd start, at their homes. And I know just which ones to start at." The Doctor turned around and went back outside to the TARDIS.