New Batteries for Celestia

by Thunder Song

Royal Espresso

“Well. No point in hanging round. Let’s go!” Luna exclaimed cheerfully, trying to lighten the mood. Celestia nodded, and followed Luna downstairs.

Celestia, who was in need of some royal espresso, dragged her tired body into the kitchen and over to the coffee machine. She hit the espresso button, maybe a little too hard for the machine fell over. Annoyed, she picked it up, rotated it the right way up and smashed it onto the work surface. Shards of plastic shot everywhere, and a coffee river gushed onto the floor. Luna watched, amused, as Celestia magicked the plastic into the bin. Luna peered inside and could see the shards of yesterday’s coffee machine, Wednesday’s coffee machine and now today’s coffee machine. She walked away from the bin towards the ‘Coffee Cupboard’ as Luna and Celestia called it and opened the door. It was usually full of spare coffee machines, but today it only had one in the corner. Luna reached in and brought out the coffee machine carefully. Placing it on the side in front of Celestia, she finished mopping up the coffee lake.

Celestia, grumpy, tired and frustrated, pressed the ‘Espresso Delight’ button carefully. She was being too careful and the machine didn’t register her hoof. She tried carefully again, but in the end, she lost what temper she had left and hit the button with all the force she could muster.

CRASH! A new pool of coffee appeared where Luna had just been cleaning and shards of plastic formed a mountain on the work - surface. Luna groaned and mopped up coffee lake number two. Celestia, who had no more temper to lose, hit her head, but accidentally smacked her horn. Howling in pain, she hopped around the kitchen. As she hopped around, her hair got caught on the fan, and slowly, she got tugged up into the air by her mane and was swung round and round and round the room. Luna had just dropped the plastic shards in the bin when this happened. She zapped Celestia onto the floor where she lay, as still as a pork chop.

Luna looked down at Celestia and left the castle. She walked all the way towards Bon Bon’s Café, and ordered a ‘Delight Espresso’. It was as close as she was going to get to an ‘Espresso Delight’ and she was sure Celestia wouldn’t notice. When she walked out of the café about ten minutes later (she had ordered a ‘Moonbeam Latte’ for herself), she sipped her drink.
Soon she was back in the castle kitchen. She got the espresso cup and lifted back Celestia’s head, tipped the coffee carefully into the mare’s open mouth and dialled 999.