//------------------------------// // Things May Come and May Things Go. Some Go Fast and Some Go Slow. // Story: Me and My Little OC // by IMNOTHERE889 //------------------------------// Let me get this straight: I am a fifteen year old girl who has no life at all. You can sum up my life with one word: depressing. All my life I had to be the happy one, so I always had to keep a smile. But smiling gets hard after ten years, so frowns soon took over. I am the kind of person who spends her time doing virtually nothing, just playing games or watching videos on the Internet. Now, with that said, it is safe to say that the Internet is what turned me into a brony. Or, is it Pegasister? I don't know the correct terminology, so let's just say brony, since it's a term everybody is familiar with. With things like Smile HD and Pony.mov floating around, my becoming a brony was only fate. But I don't say it loud and proud. I feel like a wuss, being a fan of the show. So, I keep up my tsundere exterior in places like school. Speaking of which, I made it very clear to my friends that I hate the show. So much so that I say, "I only like the parodies because the characters die" and such. No sign of me loving the actual show. But soon afterwards, by some Pinkie gypsy magic, I joined the fandom. And now pictures fill my phone and iPad gallery, and I even have my own OCs. Speaking of my OCs, let me tell you an amazing tale. Now, we've all heard of stories like My Little Dashie and Fluttershy and Me, right? Most people have heard of the former, and when I read it — and saw the mini movie — some tears were shed. But, in those stories, the human found a canon character. But what if it was an OC? Your own persona? Well, I am here to tell you. It was a day like any other. The school day had ended, I had grabbed my bags, left, and started the walk home. One of my favorite things to do was walk, mostly because when I walk I'm able to look at my surroundings and I can also think about how sucky my life is without any interruptions. The town I live in is very broken down: buildings were collapsing, houses became abandoned everyday, it was hard to even find a decent job, unless you like doing some major community service by trying in vain to clean up all of the litter and debris strewn about everywhere. Heck, the roads were so filled with trash that it was declared too dangerous to be driving anymore. The part of town I live in is near the outskirts, also by a giant field. So, if I ever get told by my mom to spend some time outside, I can just relax out in the field with a book. This particular day there were very few clouds, a miracle considering the fact that we get rain almost every day. It's like Ireland where I live. The sun was still quite high in the sky, so I decided that I can stop and wander around for an hour or two. My mom allowed it, since almost no one hangs out in our part of the neighborhood. So, I wandered around. Even exploring an abandoned building or two. Time went by quickly, so I decided to head home. I was nearing home, and I spotted a lone tree near the path. This tree caught my eye due to the fact that it was lone, and it seemed fairly new. I usually wouldn't, but I walked up to it. How can a tree make my curiosity buzz? That's what intrigued me. An idea popped into my head, and I looked around. It had been a few years since I climbed up a tree, and this one looked strong enough to support my weight. So, I put my bag by one side of the tree, the side facing away from the path, and I proceeded to climb up. It wasn't even a minute before I reached the top. I sat myself on the highest branch and looked out to the oncoming sunset. For once, everything was quiet. And beautiful. It had been at least two months since I last saw the sunset, and now, I'm finally seeing one again. For the first time all week, I smiled slightly. But then, I heard sniffling. Very close. Curious again, I slowly made my way down the tree. I got to the second lowest branch, and the sniffling was amplified. I went around the circumference of the tree until I saw what was sniffling. Or, should I say, who. A Pegasus filly was sitting there. Just... Crying. For some reason at that point the song ¿Viva La Gloria? (Little Girl) by Green Day popped into my head, probably because the first line is, "little girl, little girl why are you crying?" The filly's coat was a tad lighter than a normal shade of red, and she had a purple mane. Her mane had a light purple streak through it, which seemed to be glowing slightly. Her wings had a slight grey gradient to them. I was completely shocked at who this Pegasus was when I figured it out. It was my very own OC. Neon Screen. It was weird seeing her in flesh and blood. I had to rub my eyes and shake my head to see if I was hallucinating. But, she was still there. She didn't have an SFM look to her like I had expected, but she was in the show's style. I was glad, to be honest, since seeing an SFM pony in the real world would just be weird. I slowly made my way to her, wanting to know for sure if she was real. When I got close enough, I reached out my hand and rubbed her mane. She mustn't 've known that I was there before, so, she had a bit of a reaction to the faux jumpscare. She yelled out, and fell off the branch. I was worried, of course, so I scrambled to where she once was on the branch and looked down. Thank goodness I had put my bag where I did. She landed right on top of it, so she had something moderately safe to land on. She groaned slightly and rubbed her head, so I was guessing that she had landed on her head. The branch wasn't too high above the ground, so I hopped off and kneeled down to Neo. She shrunk back, quite obviously. I would too if I nearly had a heartattack, fell off a tree, and got approached by a creature I've never seen before. Neo was shaking like crazy, it might be because she's scared. Maybe she's cold? It is quite cold despite the fact that the sun is out. And she is a filly after all, her coat wouldn't be enough to keep her safe from these temperatures. I managed to get close enough, and I petted her head. "Don't worry.... I won't hurt you..." She eventually stops cowering and reluctantly takes a step toward me. Then another. And another. Soon enough, she climbs onto my knees, and lies down. "Friendly with me already?" It was strange. A creature not from this world, already friends with me? But, it would make sense... I did create her as a pony version of myself, so she definitely would like me because we have similar personalities. She was still shaking slightly, so I opened my jacket and pushed her into it. Neo looked up at me with a confused face, but her confusion went away when I said, "I'm doing this to keep you warm. I also can't allow anyone to see you." As if anyone would see me. My side of the neighborhood was almost completely deserted. Fat chance of that. I zipped up my jacket with a little hole for air. I got up and grabbed my bag. I walked home, speeding up my pace as the sun dipped down under the horizon. I also made sure that my special cargo had support as well. Hey, this filly is heavier than she looks. She must be, like, half a kilo or something! Anyway, I managed to get home without a hitch, and I was glad to find out that my mom wasn't home yet. Don't want her to find out about what I had just brought home. I walked upstairs to my room, turned on the light and locked the door. I undid my zip, and Neo flew out as soon as she was able. "Jeez! It stinks in there!" Neo coughed, trying to get the stink out of her system. "Hehe, sorry. I tend to sweat a lot when I'm nervous." I was actually quite surprised that she was able to speak. Wait... This isn't My Little Dashie. I sat on my bed and Neo followed suit. "Well... Welcome to my room." I motioned toward everything around me: my computer and desk, my TV, my closets, everything. "I like it here. It feels... Homey." Neo pushed her head into my side and closed her eyes. I reluctantly petted her head, and she cooed soon afterwards. "I think you should get some sleep." I picked her up and put her at the end of my bed. I tucked her in and she closed her eyes. Just then, my stomach growled, quite loudly. Neo got up and tried her hardest not to laugh. I, of course, blushed, embarrassed. "I'll get us some food." I unlocked the door, walked outside, locked the door again, walked downstairs and into the kitchen. It has been, what, two years since I found Neo? Yeah, something like that, I forgot to keep count. I've been too depressed to be able to. Now, people might think that my reaction to finding Neo might be a little.... Meh, but I must say that reading fics like My Little Dashie and Fluttershy and Me have mentally prepared me for a thing like this. Onto some bad news. My mom recently got a strain of cancer: leukemia. I was devastated to find out. I'm now a seventeen year old girl living in a house all on her own. From the day I found out, I took very long walks. Sometimes they lasted whole days. Neo always tried to comfort me, but she doesn't.... Oh wait. She does. She knows of the pain I'm going through. She lost her on mother to a deadly illness. One of the things leading up to... Her getting her cutie mark.. I must note that Neo is cutie markless, so I figured that when the time is right, I'll show her gaming. Her necklace is also absent, which, I must say, is actually strange. She had gotten her necklace just as her mother died.... I decided that, as a gift of being there for me for the past two years, I'll get her the necklace she wears. Since she is my OC, I made her birthday on August 18, the same date as my beloved sister. I guess, Neo is the only family I'll have left, that is, if my mom dies of leukemia. I hope she survives. I was planning to leave my house to find a job when I was twenty one, not when I was seventeen. At least, my little OC will be there to comfort me...