//------------------------------// // Chapter One // Story: The Dark Side of Equestria // by Sonic Rainbloom //------------------------------// It was a typical Sunday morning with me waiting for the new My Little Pony to be aired on the Hub. I was sitting on the couch eating my cereal while staring at the TV blankly when the commercials were airing. Then one commercial caught my eye. The entire gang were on the TV looking sad, and thats when they had Twilight Sparkle announce that My Little Pony was canceled. I dropped my Cereal bowl on the ground ignoring the mess. I couldn't believe what I just heard. I stared dumbly at the TV hoping it was some kind of prank. Then minutes later I came back to my senses and ran up to my computer to go on the Hub's website. It said the same thing. My Little Pony was canceled. I held my feelings in and went to go for a walk to cool myself down. Seeing the ruined town just made it worst. Tears started to come to my eyes and then I saw a button. I didn't know if it was just my blurred vision from the tears but it said. "Portal to Equestria!" I wiped my tears and just stared at it. The person who made that must think I'm the dumbest person in the world. But then I noticed that there were fooprints that just ended right at the button. I was curious, but after a few moments. I just noticed that the person could of just retraced their footprints so it looked like the path ended! After a few minutes I just continued my walk and soon came back to my house. I entered my house and switched the TV channel to Cartoon Network I sat down and watched a rerun of Adventure Time. It made me happier than I was in the morning but the button from my walk just wouldn't leave me mind. I got up and went to walk again so I could stop my curiosity. I walked to the part of town where I saw the button and saw it again. I went up to the button and while feeling like an idiot, I pressed it.