//------------------------------// // 7. I figgerured out murderpone (Zergling Drone #4853 aka KitsuneRisu) // Story: Dream A Little Dream Of Me // by horizon //------------------------------// Zergling Drone #4853 Dear MAs Bosspone Hi is me your SIKRET ZERGLING SPAH reproting from PONYWAH ISLAND I figgerured out murderpone ples listeen THE CULPRET IS DARK TEMPAR Dark tempar hiding in body of PONY CALLED TOMMYRUM I give proofs nao = – = -== = = - PROOFS 1 ONE: Protosx is smelly race They ias always smell of dump poops AND I AM ZERG I know aboot the bad smelllllls! And the Protosz is bad smelz ALL THE DAY EVERY DAY I disguize mysef as Pone pone call LITTELMOFF so dat I can smell every pone in village by go to bed with them Then I smell them while they are SLEEP. I SLEEP WITH EVERYPONE Tommyrum smells bad LIKE OLD LEAF AND TIGER WANG he is protoz dark temprar. PROOFZ 2TWO: Protzoz EATING HABIT Protozez do not has MOUTH They cnanot put LOVELY CRICKET IN MOUTH DELICIOUS CRIKET They cnanot put LOVELY WORM IN MANBIBBLES TASTY WORM Protoz has no manbibble. THEY EATING THE SUN AND LIGHTZ And drinkz throgh skin. Like DIRTY PLANT THIS IS PROTZOZ BIOLOGGY acoarding to wiki TOAMYRUM ALSWYAS SLEEPING IN DAY IN THE SUN ON STREETS He is sleepeaeting HE IS ALWAYS LYING IN PUDDELS ON HIS FAEC. He neavar eats FOOD or PIGMEAT Only has bottle to por water on his hed Always dunkling head in WATER BARREL He is protzreoz dork tmeprar. -=--8——--565 PROOFS 3 THIREE: PROTOSS BAD SPEKALING MY WRITELING IS BAD Bezucs I am zerg. TOMMYRUM SPEKALING IS BAD Bezuc he is Protzsoz. Protarz SPEAK IN THE BRAIN NUTS THey has no mouth Cannot word!!!!! TommYrum is not practiz the speak! He SPEAK LIKE CRAZY BASTAD NOPONE UNNERSTAND HIM SunsPot pone always say to hims: “Spak clearar, you dumb dronken haff-twit!” HE SPEK LIKE WET ORANGE like failed badger Becuz he no speak in life He is protoz Daek templor. =-3-2-1–-1444444–= LAST NIET I has the NIETMEAR I am FRIGENTEN they will FIND ZERGRNG and KILL ME WIATH SPEAR I am zergring in body of DIRTY HOOKER ONE DAY THEY WILLL NOTICE TEH SLIME I anwat to leave on BOAT but BOAT IS NO HERRRRRRRRRRE. Plz send boat. =3=-=-==-=-002=0— Murdrar of Pettydough is Tawmmyrum Pettydough is High Temprar who is hunting dark temprar So Dark temprar kill first DARK TMERPRAR. DARRRRRRRK TEMMMMMMPREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEARRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrr chehgkkgkgkkk I am tierd of being a spah too many pensises in the mouff.