Dragon Age: Fading Out

by The Joeker

The Fade?

-1 week later, the Frostback Mountains-

We heated our meals and ate them in the moonlight.

I pulled out a relic from my bag that may just be the key to curing the Calling.

I rolled it in my hand a little, it was a dull, dark green orb and not very promising, and yet, my latest lead on the cure.

"I wonder if this lead was worth it…" I said as I set my unfinished bowl down a second and placed the orb next to me on my log and finished my soup, I had to crawl through a dungeon full of cobwebs, giant spiders and dragons to get this bloody thing.

I went over to the small pool near my camp and washed the bowl and splashed my face and drank some water and Barkspawn did the same.

Knowing my luck it would conjure up a wish-granting Fade Spirit that made me do menial tasks in exchange for three wishes, after which he'll betray me or the wishes will be cursed.

Maker's Breath...

I sat back down and messed with the orb some more, I sighed and got my knife out, it's always blood, why never spit? Or a lock of hair?

I took my gauntlet off and cut my hand and bled on the orb, as I replaced the gauntlet, it started glowing and Barkspawn sat beside me, cocking his head at the orb.

That's when I fell…

Well, that's what it felt like, I saw the Fade, the fall didn't hurt so I must be in the Fade, I landed in… hmm, I need to look for the Black City… maybe I can find out if I've been here before...

I saw Barkspawn panting next to me, looking at me for direction, I looked up and… nothing…

There was no Black City, just a ceiling!

Usually if you concentrate hard enough you can see it even through walls.


I was in the Black City!

There were no floating islands... usually you can see them through the ceilings as well if you concentrate but... nothing...

I looked around, and it… was a long corridor…

Unimpressive for the Makers old home, but then again, magic…

Being an Andrastian, this was almost an honor, almost, considering I'm not the first here and it has been corrupted.

Barkspawn and I walked the corridor, and it was dripping with Blight.

We walked for… well, time has no meaning in the Fade, so… I don't know.

Eventually we came across a door, a black door, me and Barkspawn looked at each other uneasily…

What was behind this door?

Well! One way to find out! Nothing ventured, nothing gained! but again, knowing my luck it was a room full of Pride Demons…

I pushed it slightly and it cracked open.

I could see a bright light behind it…

I pushed the door the rest of the way.

I… I… holy Maker's soiled underpants…

The… the Golden City!

It was beautiful… there were clouds you could walk on, no demons or threat to be seen… and light… so much light, and a constant feeling of serenity.

I walked with Barkspawn, who was equally in awe, no demons had tried to kill my face, so I must be safe, but I kept my guard up, in war, death, in peace, vigilance, in death, sacrifice.

I repeated this over and over again, reminding myself I was never safe-

"Please Warden-Commander Regnier, and fair Ser Barksby Spawlum Cousland you are safe here, enter my home, you are most welcome." Came a soothing yet stern voice, like First Enchanter Irving but stronger, more old, if that was possible, how he knew Barkspawn's full name, I don't know.

Suddenly, door made of complete light opened in front of me, and there was a light ahead, had I died? And Barkspawn was also mesmerised, and weary.

We entered the light and… holy Maker... literally! it was a massive throne room made of clouds.

I saw a large human on the throne, sitting proudly, not as big as I'd have thought, slightly bigger than a Qunari.

"Greetings, Ser Regnier, hello Ser Barkspawn, my name is Markus Greater, or the Maker as you know me." Greeted the Maker.

"Ser Markus." I said and crossed my hand over my chest and bowed slightly.

Suddenly the Maker burst out laughing.

"HA HA HA HA HA, you have to be the first human I've brought that hasn't kissed the floor in front me, consciously or otherwise." He chuckled.

"What can I say? I'm a special human." I replied nervously, to be honest, the things I've seen and learned, hardly anything surprises me anymore, this made me nervous, but that's it.

"Indeed you are Ser Regnier, indeed you are." He replied and stepped off his throne, shrinking to my size.

"I have watched you for some time, 'why does no one say his name?' I wondered, but then I realised, you are special, your time in that world is over Warden, I have decided this, I need you and Ser Barkspawn for a job on my behalf." He said, put a hand around my shoulder and we walked.

"Of course, Maker." I said.

"Ser Barkspawn is also very special, have you wondered why he hasn't got the Blight, even after following you into Denerim? I have protected him, he and you are part of something greater."

"What is that?" I asked.

"A personal favour, for me, if you would." He said.

"Of course, but, a question, why are you human?" I asked.

"I am not, I am what you are, it creates a sense of trust between the person who comes, ones who die do come here, by the way." He affirmed.

"Wow…" I said.

"Yes, they are in paradise, your mother, father, nephew and sister-in-law are here, I will allow you to talk with them after you have heard my favour." explained the Maker

"Go ahead." I said.

"I need you to look after my dear nieces, for me and my brother and my sister-in-law, my nieces are… troubled"

"You have family?" I asked.

"I am still a person, an immortal, but still a person with feelings, and emotions, family and such, Andraste was my prophet, but I wasn't her husband, and she knew it, people just got the idea and spread it around, you were my prophet, but not to spread my word, you were my warrior, my voice through your sword, cleaving through evil, you made your own choices, yes, but you made the right ones, that are often hard to discern, but you have a good knack for it, will you now be my warrior willingly and knowingly?" he asked.

"I will, blessed are the peacekeepers, champions of the just right?" I replied.

"Hahaha! Correct, as a favour, I will also make you a Templar, they are my warriors, as they believe, but some are more oppressive on my Mages than I'd like." he said.

"I see, I am pro mage luckily." I said.

"You have enough mental focus, and you will need it for the trials ahead, you will be a Light Warrior a Templar of the elite order and of the most powerful and you need not use lyrium either, you will use My Light, or Maker's Light for you, you will be more resistant to magic now."

"Thank you Maker." I said.

"Please, it's Markus, Maker is a misinterpretation, but I decided to leave it at that, it sounded much better than 'Markus Greater, Creator of all!'" he laughed.

"True." I said with a chuckle.

"Now, step through these doors, and claim your destiny..." he said.