The Creation of Chaos

by The Truth of Chaos

Chapter 3 - Sweet Delicacy

The sun began rising at its usual time, its radiance showering over the horizon. The land of Equestria awoke to the view of a light rising higher into the sky, until the light was no longer hidden to those farthest out in the land. Camps, sheds, and houses began to awake with a stir with their owners leaving their beds and starting off a new day in the first city of Equestria, Canterlot.
One house in particular was holding a very special pony whose smile seemed to light up other's hearts like the sun itself. The light shone through a small opening through the middle of the silky curtains, for they had not been shut properly the night before. The light had finally managed to find itself shining on a certain pony's eyes, forcing him awake from the glare of it's source.
The light brown pony stirred, and slowly opened his eyes. His eyes, in fact, were probably the most unique part of him.

They had two different sizes. The iris in his left eye was smaller than an average pony's, making him a source for teasing when he was little. But instead of succumbing to the depression, he simply decided to like whatever ponies said about his eyes. He would reply 'Thank you!' to a pony who would say his eyes were weird; he would say 'Sorry, but it's not my problem if you don't like me. I don't really care if you don't want to be friends, but you're missing out,' to anypony who would say he should 'leave because he was different or because he seemed like such a bother'. Now, in his bed at a ripe age of 20, he groaned a little as he slowly rose from his bed, and smiled at the window.
"Morning sunshine," He said as he stepped out of his bed and moved over to the curtain. He grinned widely and spread the curtains wide, embracing the full force of the sun's light. "Nice day you got here."

The sign on the door flipped from 'Closed' to 'Open' as the light brown pony passed by, his smile quite wide as he hopped over the counter, placing the bell ringer down as he headed into the kitchen to grab some pre-made chocolate out of his freezing cabinet. He began to collect the orders some of the ponies made yesterday, and as he trotted back to the counter with the chocolate in hoof. Just as he made himself comfortable, he was surprised to see the door open up at such an early hour, but smiled as he saw a familiar face enter the shop. "Well, good morning Ticking Clock!" He greeted, smiling at the grey mare with the straight, white mane and cutie mark clock. The unicorn smiled back at him shyly, walking towards the counter as she pressed her small spectacles further back her nose.
"Uh... Hi, Chocolate Chaos..." She smiled shyly at him as she made it face to face. The light brown pony giggled a little, smiling back.
"I told you, call me Choco. All my friends do!" He exclaimed, cocking his head a little to make himself look adorable. He pulled up a paper bag from the display case, and held it in his hoof, untying the sting that held it together. It was a thing of his to make sure his customers were completely satisfied with his products before they bought them.
"There you go, fifteen Cocoa flies, like you ordered." Chocolate Chaos said, emptying the bag carefully after he pulled the string away. After which, he smiled as Ticking gazed at the delicacies spread across the counter. They were butterflies made from chocolate, which were about 10 centimeters long and wide in average. But, the most unique thing about them was the details. Each one of them were different, whether it be body size or wingspan. But the most eye catching feature were the wings, on each them were different indentations, with remarkable accuracy. Ticking Clock put her hoof to her mouth, stunned by the beauty and details of the small butterflies.
"Choco... They're amazing..." She picked one up, looking at it from all sides. "I'm not sure I can eat something that looks so... so... wonderful..." She exclaimed as she continued to examine the beautiful chocolate treat.

Choco giggled at her statement, his spiky black mane shifting around as he jumped in success, letting off a soft squeal. He then leaned over the counter, pushing his head right up to Ticking's face, in which she reared back bit, looking a bit stunned with a red tint on her cheeks as she pushed her spectacles up her nose once again.
"Of course you can! It's only chocolate!" He said, giving off another childish giggle. He felt like he needed to show her how, so he took a spare from the display case. He threw it high in the air and caught it in his mouth like a dog, eating it whole. Ticking looked towards Choco, giggling a little, before hesitantly turning to the delicacy in her hoof. She pulled it to her mouth and, opening her jaws a little, pushed the chocolate against her teeth, and began to nibble on it. She looked pleased and slowly began to eat the whole thing, licking her lips and smiling in satisfaction when she finished.
"That's really, really good!" She said, smiling happily at Choco. He squealed softly again in delight, shaking a bit.
"Thanks! It's my own special recipe. Maybe later I can show you my famous chocolate milk!"

Just before he could start ranting, his ears perked up as he heard the front door creak open again. He quickly got behind the counter, smiling as three ponies walked in. An earth pony mare, a pegasus stallion and pegasus colt. Choco smiled, instantly knowing they were a family, but surprised as he had not seen them before. He rested his hoof on the counter as the family walked up to him. Ticking stepped out of the way, allowing the ponies to get to the counter. he mare smiled at her in response, thanking her. The stallion took a good look at Choco, and reared back as he saw the two different colored and sized eyes.
"What's with your--"He started, but was quickly interrupted by a childish grin.
"Eyes? Oh, they've been like that since I was a small foal. Everypony teased me about it, but I don't mind it anymore. Sticks and Stones, right?" Choco explained. Before the stallion could answer, he and his family's eyes drifted to the chocolate butterflies, in which the stallion gazed in amazement. The mare, stunned, let her jaw drop and the colt smiled gleefully and began looking at each different one.
"They are so pretty!" He said, grinning as he kept shifting between each one.
The stallion smiled, and, seeing his son pleased, once more faced Choco.
"How much for ten of these?" He asked curiously, glancing back at the Cocoa flies. The mare pulled out a bag of bits from her saddle bag, placing it on the counter, smiling kindly at him. Choco cocked his head in return, smiling at the family.
"Two." He said with a cheerful expression on his face. The mare's mouth dropped once more, along with the stallions. The stallion shook his head, regaining his concentration.
"Two? But....That's awfully cheap for such.... Art. Are you sure you don't mean five?" The father asked, his expression one of dumbfound.
"Nope, definitely two bits!" Chocolate Chaos replied, smiling sincerely. The stallion looked stunned, then took two bits out of the bag.
"Alright, if you say so..." The stallion said, partially feeling guilty for paying such a small price for something that looked like something out of a Five-Star restaurant.
"Please, take a seat and I'll go get them ready." He smiled, gesturing to the tables near the front of the room. The family began trotting over to a table and Choco quickly disappeared into his kitchen in another room. Ticking started scooping up all the chocolate butterflies into a bag, smiling gratefully. As the family proceeded to the chairs around the table, the stallion sat down along with the rest of his family.And a noise resembling a long, loud fart was heard.

Everything went silent as all the eyes in the room turned to the stallion. The noise had come from his direction. He looked around, a red tint on his cheeks as he saw everyone staring at him. It was a few seconds after that the child broke the silence with a repressed giggle, which turned into a large laugh. He laughed, pointing at his daddy, when soon another voice joined the laughter. Popping out from behind the count, Choco couldn't help but laugh aloud. During the laughter, he managed to get a few words in before he continued his laughing frenzy.
"YOU'VE BEEN PRANKED!" He yelled, falling to his belly and rolling around laughing.
Soon, Ticking began to giggle with the colt and Choco, and eventually joining them in group laughter. The stallion looked down to see he had sat on a whoopee cushion, and soon his wife, though she tried to resist, joined in with the crowded laughter. The stallion himself then began to laugh a little. The more he thought about it, the funnier it was. Soon, he had joined in also in the laughing frenzy. Eventually, the laughter eventually died off, smiles still on everypony's face as Choco picked himself off the ground, and grabbed a bag that had been placed on the counter. He moved over to the stallion, placing the bag on the table they sat around.
"There you go, fifteen chocolate butterflies."
The stallion looked at him strangely. "I thought we only ordered ten?" He exclaimed, curious as to what Chocolate Chaos was up to. The light brown pony smiled.
"A rule of mine is: 'When you make a pony laugh, give them an extra half! Because what you do may not be kind, so in repayment, give them a gift so they don't mind." He smiled, cocking his head to the side a bit.
The stallion looking in the bag, counting exactly fifteen Cocoa flies. He looked back up, his mouth opening to say something when he found that Chocolate Chaos was gone, already back behind the counter. He shrugged, and he spread the chocolate butterflies between him and his family. As they began to eat, his eyes widened. The chocolate was like none he had ever tasted, a perfect mix of sweetness and flavor. "We are definitely coming here again."

Soon, business was bursting, probably the most customers Chocolate Chaos had for a one while. The orders were overwhelming, and soon he was beginning to think his customers may get displeased. That's when Ticking stepped into the kitchen, poking her head around several cabinets to find Chocolate Chaos rummaging through what looked like a bowl cabinet.
"Come on come on come on!" He said, shifting through the container of containers. "Where is that stupid…Ah! Here it is." He said, pulling out a small wooden bowl with several holes in it.
He began to turn around, already his next objective on his mind. "Now where are those ch--" He stopped mid-sentence as he saw Ticking Clock holding a bad of chocolate dust. She smiled and placed it on the bench near her, then brushed a bit of her mane out of her face.
"You look like you need some help." She said flatly, smiling.
Chocolate Chaos then thought about how she had stayed here the whole day, ever since he opened. He cocked his head slightly as he began pouring milk into a large container, then placing the bowl with holes inside that as well.
"Ticking, why are you still here?" He asked bluntly.
Ticking was a little taken aback, and seemed a little sad. Choco realized what he had just said and waved his hooves desperately in front of her. "Nononono, I meant, why are you staying here when you could be out in the Canterlot Gardens or something?"
Ticking sighed thankfully, her expression flipping back into her joyous smile. "Well, I just wanted to spend the day with you of course." She said, her eyes then widening and covering her mouth with her hoof.
"I mean, well...Uh.....Umm...." She blushed, looking away shyly. Choco smiled, placing one of his hooves on her shoulder.
"I would be glad if you continued to stay. I don't mind." He then grew his childish grin. "In fact, would you like to help me out in the kitchen?" He asked, smiling sincerely.
"Okay, on one condition." She replied, smiling with the red tint on her cheeks.
"After your work hours are over, you have to take me on a date~" She said, looking away blushing hard, but a smirk was apparent on her face. Choco blushed in return, but then shook his head.
"D-Deal." He replied, smiling shyly turning as red as Ticking.
Soon, they heard complaints from the counter, and they immediately got to work.