
by Hyper44


The changeling army began to retreat from Canterlot faster than the princesses had anticipated. This was namely do to Smog. Queen Chrysalis and the commanders had to repeatedly bring back units who had been ordered to retreat by the unicorn that was using their own trick against them. In other cases one commander would get a message to bring his unit left and another to go right. One group would see Chrysalis give the order to retreat and a few moments she would reappear cursing at them for their cowardice and ordering them back. Chaos quickly broke out and many changelings refused to listen to any commander or their queen. Soon after invading army began to give up and flee with all speed back to their homeland. More and more followed.

Above the city Princess Celestia and Princess Luna hovered and watched the changelings flee in growing droves. Chrysalis, battered from her fight with the princesses had screamed curses and promises of revenge before teleporting away. A pegasus captain flew up from the city and saluted.

"Give your report." Luna said.

"Your highnesses, I found the main reason for the chaos. Some ugly, creepy looking unicorn has been using some sort of screen magic to look like the enemy and spread fake orders. We tried talking to him but he just teleported away. All that lightning raining from the sky didn't hurt either."

"Good. We'll have to thank him if we get a chance." Celestia said. "Gather all units who are not injured or exhausted. Half will help sweep the city for any remaining enemies and to find the wounded. The other half will chase after the changelings, not to engage, just to make sure that all of them leave the kingdom."

"We will go to the citizens and find ponies willing to help with the wounded." Luna said. "Dismissed."

The pegasus guard saluted and hurried off to his task.

* * *

Valentine sat on the battle field with her tail wrapped around her feet as the last of the changelings flew away. She had run to her final battle with every ounce of her being prepared, more than prepared, but now here she sat, well alive. It wasn’t that she was unhappy, it was that she had been so geared to the fate that it was taking some time for her mind to unwind.

She was so lost that she didn't hear Iron Clad approaching until he was close. She turned and watched him closing the last yards by stepping over the unconscious changelings. "Perhaps," He said as he walked up beside her, "Perhaps you are meant to live another day because you have much more to do." He finished. He did not need to be told what was going on in her mind. He knew it oh so well. He sighed and looked up at the sky for a moment. Yes, he knew it very well.

"Well," He said suddenly. "I know there will be wounded friends and foe alike. I will be needed."

"I'll help." Valentine said hopping up and quickly following after him.

* * *

Ember Light, having been with Fluttershy, was already helping with the wounded. He didn't know much about the medical field but he helped where he could in bringing whatever the doctors and nurses called for. He also moved beds around and assisted limping ponies inside. He caught glimpses of Valentine and Iron Clad as they arrived. Iron Clad who and once been a field medic proved invaluable and Valentine with her family history knew some medical skill and how to handle these situations.

Ember Light, though he helped as best he could wished he could do more but he was limited by knowledge and lack of training. This was a frustration. If only there was something more he could do. Ember Light noticed the group of still fit guards walking in but he didn't pay attention.

"Hey, brother. We're looking for any brave and fit ponies to volunteer for searching the city. Do you want to help?" One said.

Ember Light kept pushing the bed and glanced around to see who they were calling to.

"Hey, did you hear me? I do mean you." Ember light stopped and sure enough they were looking at him. "We need some tough and brave ponies since we're likely to come across a few changelings hiding out. After your actions on the battle field I'd say that you'd fit the bill as much as any soldier."

Ember Light suddenly felt taller. "Yes, sir. I'm coming." He replied and left with the group.

* * *

On the far edge of Canterlot, in an area where the fighting had not reached, Lightning Jolt lay on her stomach on the cold pavement. It actually felt good against her sore body. She had strained her muscles beyond their limits and exploded clouds much longer she normally should have. Being knocked out of the sky by a changeling and that last explosion that sent her hurtling across the city had done its fair share too. Oh, how she ached. Lightning Jolt rolled and lay the side of her head against the cold stone. This brought back memories, her first memories.

She tried listening for the sounds of battle but her ears where still ringing too much. Was it still going on? What was happening? She looked up at the sky and saw no one, changeling or pony. She could probably rouse herself to fly up and at least look but if she did she would be in no condition for battle. For that fact she would have to get up though. If a changeling flew over and saw her she would not have much a chance. With a groan she got up and headed for the overhang of a shop. It wasn’t the closest one but she could see that it sold fine cloth which would give her something to lay on and a blanket if it got too cold. The door was locked but there were plenty of rolls outside on display. She folded some up and lay on top hoping that the store owner wouldn't mind. These street were kept incredibly clean anyway. She pulled another on top for a blanket and closed her eyes. With the Deja vu to her first memories she lay there pondering her new life to what she had been before as well as how it had happed. According to Twilight there was no explanation on how her memory had been lost. She had no serious head trauma and no trace of a memory spell.

If she remembered her life before what more would she understand? Would anything change? She could not see herself changing. Yet, she really didn't know that much about it since she only knew a little bit from what Smog had told her. What was she compared to who she was back then? What would it be like to know? Oh, she wanted to know. There was something to be understood here but it was out of her grasp. For the first time in a long time she badly wanted to remember her past and understand as her tired body gave itself up to sleep without her noticing it. She lay still for a time and her breathing slowed to a deep and steady rhythm as she lay peaceful and still beneath the awning . Then her legs began to twitch beneath her small body. Her eyes moved and wings flapped under the blanket in a weak simulation of flying as vivid dreams took over her mind.