//------------------------------// // Glossary of Terms // Story: Ad Astra // by Merchent343 //------------------------------// This will contain basic information on key terms in the story. It will be added on to over time, so after each chapter which submits new material to this, I will add a notation to check it. Terms/Abbreviations Times are based on Metric Time, but are otherwise normal, therefore; Decisecond = 10 seconds (Rarely used) Centisecond = 100 seconds (This would actually be 1/100th of a second, but for story purposes it is 100 seconds. In reality, the prefix would be hecto-) Kilosecond = 1,000 seconds Megasecond = 1,000,000 seconds (Also rarely used, about two weeks) Day = A single rotation of Equestria, lasting 80,000 seconds, compared to Earth's 86,400 Lightsecond = Distance light travels in a second: 299,792 Kilometers, approximately Lightminute = Distance light travels in a minute: 17,987,520 Kilometers, approximately Equestria = A name for both the former state of Equestria, long since dissolved, and the planet it is on Equus = The system itself, with a total of nine planets