You've Got to be Foaly Kitty Me: From Home to Equestria

by Josh Crapo

August 11, 2015 (Spike)

I close the door behind me as I come up to a window to look inside. Josh drinks the potion Zecora gave him and suddenly crouches and screams. I look further into the window and see Josh struggling to get up. As he does though, I could barely see something on his back. I just don't know what.
I race back to the door with the keys and unlock and open the door. I look at Josh and see that what is on his back are wings. Actual, honest to Celestia wings. "Whoa! That looks awesome! Wait'l Tail Flight, Wind Rust and Wiretap see this."
I lead Josh back to Wiretap's house to see if the three ponies are still there, all the while chatting. "So, what do you think of these guys?" Josh turns his backs to me.
"They look amazing!" I offer a fist pump which Josh accepts.
"I only hope these could actually lift me off the ground."

We get to Wiretap's house to see if anypony's there. It's too bad they're not here. On the couch we both sit on, Josh sees a disc case. "Hey, what's this?" Josh looks closely at the case. "A Single Demographic? Hey just like my dad's christian band!"
"Your dad has a band? That's cool!!" I'm now very curious to see what Josh's dad's band is all about. "Hey, what's the name of your dad's band?"
"An Audience of One." I play the disc on a record player as we listen to it. Josh places his palm on his ear. "Wow! For a band named similarly to my dad's band, it sure sounds different."
"Probably because celestial music has different themes compared to 'christian' music."
Josh turns the case to the back. He reads each of the tracks out loud. "Seeing You Here, Raise Them All, Open Forelegs, Homely Abode, Trotting For- wait what?!?"
"What is it?"
"Homely Abode! Spike! Fast forward the disc!" I speed up the tempo until two more songs go by. I then rewind to the near end of the third song. That's when the next song plays proper as Josh snaps his fingers. "Oh my gosh, this was a song I made on Earth!"
"Well, did you come with the lyrics?" I ask.
"Yeah! This is one huge coincidence! How long has this album been out?" Josh grabs me by the shoulders.
"About twelve years, the time I was born."

Knock! Knock! Knock!

The door knocks numerous times before I open the door. "If you need me Spike, I'll be upstairs." When the door opens, three ponies come with absolute smiles.
"Hi Spike." Tail Flight waves at me.
"Hey Tail Flight. I think you'll be in for a nice surprise."
"What surprise? Cider?" Wiretap looks excited to go to the kitchen.
I look at Wiretap slightly noting about his little problem. "Not after what happened this morning." Wind Rust, Tail Flight and I all laugh absolutely hard while Wiretap looks at us very irritated.
"We will never speak of this again." Wiretap walks into the living room.
"Okay." Wind Rust trots to the kitchen.
"Whatever you say." Tail Flight trots over to the staircase and goes upstairs. I still cackle at Wiretap as I head to the bathroom. I stop when I hear some cheering. I race upstairs listening to Tail Flight cheering so loudly. As I arrive in Wiretap's bedroom, I see Tail Flight and Josh hugging tightly on Wiretap's bed. "SPIKE!!! You never told me Josh got wings!"
"Well, that's your surprise for you." I jump onto the bed only to see that Josh doesn't exactly have smile on his face. "Hey Josh, what's going on?"
"Hey Spike, can you grab me a writing utensil?" I look on the desk in this room and see a cup with pens, quills and pencils. I grab the latter and give it to Josh. "Thanks."
"I got some empty scrolls in my book bag, Want me to go get you one."
Josh moves his right arm in front of his chest. "Nah, I'm good. Thanks anyway." I climb back on the bed and see what Josh is writing.

"Princess Celestia,
If you have any letters to send, the next couple of weeks are going to be a bad time to send it. Reason being, I've been getting a bad tickle in my throat today ever since on the way back to Wiretap's house. I may not know what it is now but I hope I can get through this. Tell Twilight and her Friends about this and see what they could do as soon as possible.
Joshua Crapo."

Josh blows on the letter as the floats in the breeze and disintegrates. "Huh. No wonder you weren't really smiling when you were hugging Tail Flight. I have a solid idea of what you have."
"You do, Spike?"
"Yeah. A wicked bad tickle in the throat could've lead to anything, but since you're not talking as frequently, I figured it's definitely not a cold."
Tail Flight waves her hoof in sarcasm. "Oh no, smooth jazz. That could only mean one thing!"
I laugh at Tail Flight. "Good one Tail Flight. Like that's ever going to happen."
Josh facepalms himself and swallows hard in the process. "Seriously?" The door downstairs opens and Tail Flight and I race to the living room to see who it is.
"Twilight?" In unison, Tail Flight and I come shocked.
"Absolutely. Hey, it's good you remember me Tail Flight. I hear somepony has a little laryngitis starting."
"Laryngitis?!? How do you know what Josh is having?"
"It's because in the letter that was sent straight to me instead of you, Spike, getting the letter, Princess Celestia said that Josh was getting what she thinks is laryngitis. So, where is he now?"
"He's coming now." I point with my thumb to the stair case.
"Here I am." I see Josh walking slowly into the living room.
"Hey Josh." Twilight comes up to Josh.
"Wow! You've got wings too?" Twilight look at Josh's chest. Josh just nods. "Well, in other news, even without hearing you prior to now, I can tell that it's the very beginning of laryngitis. How'd it happen anyway?"
"Let's just say that growing those bad boys was very painful for Josh." I point to Josh's wings now.
"Well, I hope you're alright now." Josh nods at Twilight again. "That's good. Say, I also heard Wiretap was in bad shape. Is he okay now?"
"Yeah, Wiretap's fine now." Tail Flight nods, turning behind afterwards.
"That's good."
"Say, where are your friends?" Tail Flight turns back to Twilight.
"Oh, they're at Great Macintosh Valley." Josh starts to think with Tail Flight having a "that rings a bell" expression.
Tail Flight suddenly gasps. "The Great Valley! I've heard of that before!"
"That sounds very convenient because Great Macintosh Valley used to be called just Great Valley back before the founding of Equestria. Back on task, is there anything else you need here?" We all shake our heads. "Okay, then I've got to fly. Won't want to miss too much of what's going on at Great Macintosh Valley." Twilight flies off as we all wave.