The Love of a Farm Pony 2

by Fiction Quill

The Battle With Dark Light! Part 2 The Sacrifice

You and Dark Light stare into one another's eyes intently waiting for the other to strike first. You then notice something you haven't before and smirked. Dark Light stared at you confused.

"What's with that smirk on your face?"

"Dark Light i can tell you don't want to do this. I understand you are hurt and betrayed but do you REALLY want to make others suffer?" Dark Light starts to get even more angry for questioning him.


"Then why do i see hesitation and regret in your eyes?" Dark Light froze and gave you a response a few minutes after.

"That's simple i regret ever becoming Celestia's friend and i hesitate because i am not foolish enough to charge in without thinking." You simply chuckle.

"If you say so Dark Light. You might be able to fool yourself but you can't fool me. I know the truth behind those eyes. You don't want to do this. You are having second thoughts and are thinking about turning back." Dark Light once again froze up as his anger started to boil further.

"I AM TIRED OF HEARING YOU TALK HUMAN!" Dark Light charges as he starts to slash at you with his blade. "STOP TRYING TO MESS WITH MY MIND!" You block and dodge his attacks but you don't retaliate.

"I am not messing with your mind and we both know it! If anything you are messing with your own mind staying delusional and trying to fool yourself into believing that you want to destroy us. We both know that you don't." Dark Light's swings become more wilder and sloppy.

"AND HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY COME UP WITH THAT CONCLUSION?!" You block Dark Light's blade once again but this time you punch him in the face knocking him into the ground.

"Because if you really wanted to Spike would have been dead after your attack. You held back because deep down you don't want to hurt anyone." Dark Light flinched as his grip on the blade tightened as he whispered.

"Shut up.." You continued to lecture him.

"Dark Light stop all of this and let go of all of that hatred." Dark Light spoke in a much louder voice where almost everyone could here as his rage was boiling to the surface.

"Shut up!" You started to get annoyed.

"Dark Light we both know you love Celestia and care about others. This isn't a path you should follow." Dark Light snapped as he charged at you as he lunged his blade into you.

"I SAID SHUT UP!" He caught you off guard as his blade pierced your body and you started to cough up blood. Everyone stood there and watched in shock at the scene before them as Applejack burst into unrelenting tears.

"ALLEN!!!!!" Dark Light gave a malicious smile as he push the blade further into you.

"Now that felt good. Any last words before you die human?" You looked up at him and to his shock gave him a forgiving smile.

"I know you don't want to do this. Whether i live or die is up to you now."

Dark Light glared at you hating the situation you put him. He started to feel the same thing he felt before when he was going to destroy Celestia. For some reason he couldn't bring himself to do it. He hated your guts especially for cutting off his horn but he just couldn't do it. He couldn't kill you. He pulled the blade from your torso and dematerialized the Blade of Disharmony and dropped to his knees as he cried in frustration.

"Why?! Why can't i bring myself to get revenge?! Why can't i bring myself to destroy you and Celestia?!" You kneel down still injured but begin to talk to him in a respectful tone.

"Because Sombra may have created you with dark magic and he thought that would be enough to make you evil like him but he miscalculated that wasn't enough to take away your heart." Dark Light looks at you and gives you a appreciative smile.

"Thank you Allen." After you nod and smile back and you collapse to the ground still bleeding from the stab wound. Dark Light immediately carries you over to the other who are skeptical and take you from him before glaring at him.

"I think it's time you are taught a lesson for hurting my best friend!" Discord tried to lunge out at him but you grabbed his paw and stopped him.

"Discord please no more fighting and that goes for all of you no more fighting. He doesn't want to fight anymore if he really wanted to kill me he would have already done so." Applejack tries to reason with you.

"But Allen look at everything he has done to us how can we-" You put a hand to Applejack's muzzle

"Applejack we must not hold a grudge besides he has suffered as well not only by Celestia herself but i am sure ponies that caught site of him called him and treated him like a freak and it's already bad enough he feels like one for not being born naturally. Please no more fighting." Apple Cider stood in front of Dark Light facing all of us.

"I am mad at this guy for hurting daddy but i will trust daddy and listen to him. Daddy would never do anything to hurt us and if any of you want to hurt daddy's feelings to fight this guy then you will have to go through me first!" Everyone looks at Apple Cider with shock and amazement as you pat is head.

"That's my little man. I am so proud of you." Apple Cider giggled in delight as Dark Light approached.

"Besides we need to heal him fast. That strike might not have killed him but his wound will if it is left unattended." They all nodded in agreement and decided to trust Dark Light and they all worked together to heal you.

After you are well heal you stand up and shake hands with Dark Light as Discord begins to ponder.

"By the way are we able to use our magic now?" Dark Light shook his head.

"No because i cannot undo my spell because SOMEONE cut off my horn." Dark Light gave you an annoyed look as you gave a nervous smile.

"Oops. Sorry i didn't know." Celestia nodded.

"Then let's get your horn reattached."

After Dark Light's horn was reattached he undid his spell and everyone got their magic back.

"So do you really think i will be accepted in Canterlot Princess Celestia." Celestia smiles and nods.

"Yes i will even make you apart of my personal guard." Dark Light blushed.

"T-Thank you princess." Celestia kissed Dark Light on the cheek and winked at him which caused him to blush even more.

"You are very welcome Dark Light." You stand up and stretch after you dematerialized the Blade of Harmony.

"Alright everypony let's go home." But as you start to leave the Castle of Dark magic begins to shake violently. "What's going on?!" Dark Light begins to panic.

"It's the castle! its unstable! I think it's about to collapse!" No sooner did he say that a portal opens up with a large dark crystal radiating with dark magic from inside the portal. "Oh no!" You look at Dark Light with concern.

"What is it Dark Light?" Dark Light looks at you.

"It's the Realm of Dark Magic! If we don't destroy that crystal inside that portal this world will be shrouded and corrupted by dark magic!" You smile confidently.

"Then let's go destroy it!" Dark light stops you for a moment.

"But there is a catch you can't blast it with the Elements of Harmony or with a beam from the Blade of Harmony you have to slash it with the Blade of Harmony and once you do the portal will instantly close never to open again leaving that person trapped inside for all eternity." Everyone gasped and Celestia had a look of horror on her face.

"It's the prophecy! The bearer of the Blade of Harmony must make this sacrifice in order to save our world!" Applejack started to cry as she looked at you knowing full well what you plan to do after hearing that. You smile at Applejack with tears in your eyes.

"I am sorry Applejack looks like i won't be able to keep my promise after all." Applejack clings to your leg.

No! Please don't do this there has to be another way!" Celestia looks down at Applejack with a serious look.

"I am sorry Applejack but there isn't another way. This has to be done or we are all doomed." You materialize the Blade of Harmony preparing to jump into the portal. Applejack cries as she struggles in Celestia's grip.

"NO PLEASE! ALLEN DON'T!" But as you were about to jump into the portal Dark Light knocks you down and stands in front of you.

"I am sorry Allen but i can't let you do this." You look at Dark Light with anger.

"So what are you going to let this world be consumed by dark magic?!" Dark Light shakes his head.

"No. I will be the one to destroy the crystal. I have made you and your friends suffer and almost put Equestria through the evils of your world i must do this as my atonement. Besides you have a family now and you are to be wed to Applejack so you need to take care of your family now." Dark Light materializes the Blade of Disharmony but after it was materialized all of the dark magic leaves the blade and becomes a secondary Blade of Harmony.

"But Dark Light-" Dark Light looks back at you.

"No buts Allen! This is something i have to do. Take care of Equestria for me Allen and especially everyone here." You look at Dark Light as you nod. "Everyone leave the castle now! Because as soon as the crystal is destroyed this castle is going to crumble!"

You quickly leave the castle and as you leave you see Dark Light whisper thank you. Dark Light then leaps into the portal and cleaves the crystal in two just as you all exit the castle. As soon as you exit the Castle of Dark Magic it crumbles apart and falls into the ocean. You look at the now rubble of the castle as you all say thank you to Dark Light before heading on home back to Ponyville.

You all return to Ponyville with cheers and squeals of delight. Granny Smith, Big Mac, and Cheerilee all ran up and hugged you, Applejack, Apple Cider, and Applebloom. Afterwards they glared at Applebloom and she immediately knew she was in trouble. That night all of ponyville celebrated our triumphant victory and they were told of Dark Light's atonement and sacrifice and he was put into the history book as the hero who gave his life to save Equestria.