Descent Into Birthright

by Amber-Citrine Sunset

Interlude: MEANWHILE...


Jester's Thorn paced up and down while waiting for his superior. He was irritable and nervous, having been told to come at some ungodly hour of the morning to some random forest clearing far from the base for a debriefing. He'd protested a little, but his superior had insisted that this be where the meeting was to take place. Sure, Jester's Thorn had several unicorns ready for a fight in case trouble erupted, but he wasn't sure that he could defeat his superior in a battle.

Commodore Triangle Star was a powerful pony, a double threat of strength on the battlefield combined with experience in the political arena. Jester's Thorn had no choice but to comply.

The crimson pony ran a hoof over his messy neon green mane nervously and flicked his tail over his flank, where his proudly-displayed cutie mark was of a pony skull wearing a bloody jester's mask surrounded by rose bushes intertwining it. His jester's mask, backpack, clockwork wings, and battle saddle with multiple crossbows lay nearby. He felt naked without his weaponry at the ready, but the Commodore had demanded weapons be removed from him before he would see him in person. That order didn't mean his loyal unicorn muscle couldn't have weapons, so he felt safe in case the Commodore was planning a double-cross.

“Sir, we have word the Commodore is on his way.” One of the unicorns said, peering at a small crystal.

“About time.” The crimson stallion said. “I can't wait all night.”

“Is this wise, sir?” The unicorn asked.

“Wise, no. Needed, yes.” Jester's Thorn replied, pushing his mane out of his face again and turning to face the unicorn. “We were so close. I need more time, and with the promise of clockwork weapons I gave the Commodore to sate his growing lust for battle, he'll stay off my back long enough to get the statuette.”

“That... is a matter for interpretation.” A voice said from behind him as a magical portal opened and the Commodore stepped through, flanked by his second in command Frozen Breeze and his aide, Cracked Shadow.

“Good to see you, Commodore.” Jester's Thorn extended a hoof and bowed slightly.

“Report, Jester.” The Commodore was all business and had no time for pleasantries.

Jester's Thorn paced up and down. “We located the last Dragon's Heart we need, sir.”

“Excellent!” The Commodore's eyes lit up.

“Honor's Edge had it.” Jester's Thorn replied, looking away. How he had ended up with it was anyone's guess, but the old stallion was a severe wrench in the Commodore's plans.

The Commodore scowled, the shadows around his hooves seeming to deepen. He was a pale burgundy in color, with three large scars across his right flank where his cutie mark had been scratched out on that side. The mark was of four swords, three in a triangle pattern, with the fourth in the center bisecting a star down the middle.

“How in the... how could he... how did he manage to get that?!” The Commodore growled, eyes sparking. Honor's Edge, although long retired, was immensely popular. His exploits were known far and wide through the kingdom, and he was enough of a legend and folk hero pony as to be untouchable, even by him.

“I don't know. He has friends in high places, I know that much.” Jester's Thorn nervously said, looking around and avoiding the stallion's gaze. “We may have had a stroke of luck, however, as I took the time to track him down.”

“And...?” Commodore Triangle Star glared at Jester's Thorn.

“Dead. Old age finally got to him. The Dragon's Heart is gone, though, and so is his adopted kid. The Waypoint has been looted, too. If the Dragon's Heart were hidden there, it's not there any longer.”

“You put the two and two together, then?” Commodore Triangle Star asked, looking upward thoughtfully.

Jester's Thorn nodded. “It would seem logical, sir. I don't know where she went, because by the time we got there the trail went cold.”

“S-sir...” Frozen Breeze said. “Our reports said that the Dragon's Hearts are from the lands of the Muial'ki.”

“Get to the point instead of telling me common-knowledge history, Frozen Breeze.” The Commodore grumbled.

“We've found a translation in history texts that says if even one of the Dragon's Hearts are replaced on the pillars of the Great Stoneflame Hall without the rest of them within eight feet of one another, they're all nullified for a thousand years.” Frozen Breeze said, producing a folder labeled “TOP SECRET” and handing it to his superior. “We also know that the remains of the girl's real family are in Trol'Kyanis.”

The Commodore rolled his eyes. “Thank you for blurting out information to anypony listening in the shadows, Frozen Breeze.” Frozen Breeze leaked like a diaper full of spear holes, but he was the best pony for organizing knowledge and navigating the mountains of paperwork the base constantly generated. Normally he was restricted to a desk job, but later the Commodore would ask him his opinion. The ice-colored pony was amazing at detecting emotions and intentions and his skill with empathy was one the Commodore could not afford to give up.

The Commodore turned away from Frozen Breeze and growled deeply. “That would make the family high nobility, which puts them out of my reach. I won't have some no name filly get in my way.”

“Sunkissed Amber.” Cracked Shadow mumbled. The Commodore whirled on him and stared him down, and the shadowy-black colt shut up immediately.

“Track her down, get the Dragon's Heart back, then we can proceed with the plan to take the... well, that's not for your ears, Jester.” The Commodore finished.

Jester's Thorn nodded.

Commodore Triangle Star handed Jester's Thorn three large bags of gems. “Your orders are to get that Dragon's Heart back. I don't care how you do it. Deal with that girl, she is a threat to us and I won't have her getting in my path. I want her dead, Jester. Not broken but alive, not humiliated and sent slinking to the shadows, I want her a corpse and I want proof you made her one. I will rule these lands. I will subjagate the Muial'ki. I WILL have their enchanted mineral mines! I will become supreme dictator of both lands!”

“You will shut the hell up, you're boring me with your pride.” Jester's Thorn said under his breath.

The Commodore ignored the remark, though he'd heard him. “You are dismissed, Jester's Thorn.”

The portal opened and the Commodore stepped back through, followed by the others, including the muscle unicorns. Jester's Thorn was left alone with the gems.

“You're lucky my ability and willingness to get my hooves far dirtier than most ponies suits your ends... and that the price is right...” Jester's Thorn muttered to himself before strapping on his backpack and clockwork wings, taking off into the night sky. He was a complete psychopath, a talent that the Commodore had not let go untapped... or unchecked...