You've Got to be Foaly Kitty Me: From Home to Equestria

by Josh Crapo

August 9, 2015 (Josh)

Today's a new day! I look around for the note, the albums, the phone and the feather, which is starting to look a little grayer. I come over to the kitchen and look at the time. 12:04? Darn it! I overslept! In the end, it's going to be worth it if it means seeing Tail Flight, Wind Rust and Wiretap. Soon after, I decide that it's time to have a little soda. I grab a cup and a bottle of root beer and poor the root beer into the cup.
I take a look around the apartment. Where a little box once was is no longer there. Where a food and water bowl once were are no longer where they are. All the cat toys are gone. The scratching post is gone. Did everyone have a yard sale without me this July? It doesn't seem too far fetched seeing how Tail Flight and Wind Rust have been gone for about a month now.
I take a walk over to Greg's. I look where the dishes are supposed to be, set out for Rusty, but none. Looked for the cat food. There wasn't any. Any trace of relevance to Tail Flight and Wind Rust prior to the senior prank is gone. But as I sit on a chair at the living room table, I think of the memories I had with Wind Rust and Tail Flight. It's one of those days where my mind replays an entire time period of my life.
I over flow with memories going by. The first of which is the day I found Wind Rust. Standing next to the window in the driveway, I find what I assumed was Rusty. But it was Wind Rust. He'd tried the food I set out for him but he cringed at the thought of the food. Soon after, going home, I found that Eve was at it again, but this time as a pegasus. That's when she dubbed herself, Tail Flight.
My mind wonders off to the Friday after, when we had a very bad downpour. My two brothers wanted me to spend the night there because it was so bad out. I gladly accepted. I took my shower shortly after and got to bed. As soon as I did so, Tail Flight came in wanting someone to sleep with. I gave her a spot to sleep, but she used that area to preen her wings for the first time. It was so cute that I quickly and quietly grabbed my phone and snapped a picture as she was preening her left wing.
Then I wonder off to another night of high downpour. Not much shorter than a week after, I thought I would've had to stay home if the rain kept up until the morning because the entirety of Oak from Pleasant to North was flooded curb to curb above an ankle height. Wind Rust also wanted me to stay home too but the morning came and the status quo remained. I had to go to my last day of school.
Another memory comes where my mother returned. I can't believe I thought that if my mother returned to New York, I would lose the Tail Flight and Wind Rust I know and love. When I saw my mother home, nothing had changed. Once I slept back home, Tail Flight began sleeping on me, which was absolutely adorable especially when she preened her wings in front of me. Wind Rust by that time had come over every single day.
Then my mind wonders off to the sunrise of Summer Solstice, my first attempt at the Summer Sun Celebration. It was somewhat successful. I snapped some pictures of the lighting sky with Tail Flight and Wind Rust. However, there were quite a few clouds up there.
I wonder off again into when we had a bus ride on our way to Maine. It was very bumpy but we made it alright. For the next week or so, because of how dysrhythmic the bumps were, Tail Flight and Wind Rust refused to sleep on me but they both did sleep next to me. Wind Rust got over it fast, but Tail Flight didn't. She did sleep on me by the time we got back to Cole's house but that was only by a week. The bus ride home wasn't nearly that bad on the way back. But it certainly was dark in there.
Now I come back to today. As nothing really came to my mind when I thought of LeMoyne. Maybe it was because nothing was better there than anything was prior. Everything was very routine. Wake up for breakfast, go somewhere away from Foery, have lunch and come back until dinner.
I come home to see that I'd been gone so long, I got home in time for supper. I make myself something to eat as I get my phone out to play some music. The last of the day was on my computer before getting to bed very lonely.