//------------------------------// // August 7 & 8, 2015 (Josh) // Story: You've Got to be Foaly Kitty Me: From Home to Equestria // by Josh Crapo //------------------------------// I'm back home after a near month at LeMoyne. I actually get to keep the iPad I had there and even get to relax from a hard month's work. The note from the back of the door in my dorm is in one of my photo albums in my backpack. In almost a whole month, I went through almost every single activity in the program and had fun with it. Today, after a long trip home with listening to real music on my phone, I set it down and go on my computer and listen to my cover I was doing back at Cole's house. Throughout that time span, I'd gotten a little further in the cover. About 2:45 was appropriate. But then that note got my attention again. But after some time, I decide that it would be best just to get to bed after a long night of making a cover so long. As I open my eyes again, I look to see that I'm at Cole's house again. I turn to the stairs and somehow, I hear myself talking. "Why the long face? I know I was being forced to do things, but I didn't even abandon you. Did something happen?" I remember saying that when I was at Cole's house in the computer room. I run upstairs to get to the room until I stop and think. I also do remember hearing someone racing up the stairs before Tail Flight explained everything that was depressing the three ponies. I look at the door, but it's closed. However, behind it is a very familiar story. "I love my cutie mark, but somehow, looking at it somehow brings me down. I feel like I'm gonna have to say goodbye to it. I mean, look at Wiretap. He's gotten a great cutie mark too, but he's probably going to have to say goodbye to that too." I think back for a bit. I'm in the past. I "fly" down the stairway on my back outside. Wait, fly? I can fly? How in the world can I fly? I thought it wasn't possible but I guess I'm wrong. That is until I see a growing sun coving my vision with nothing but white as I start to wake up. I'm now awake with a literal "numbskull", which quickly faded after a few minutes as I keep feeling something fuzzy on my hand. I pause the music I'm playing as I turn my eyes to the backpack. I start to think of why I keep thinking about the note. What is it about that note that makes it stick out in my mind? As I take out the note, my attention turns to the left arm of the pillow I was sleeping on. Something I never thought could stay in my world was right next to the arm of my pillow. A black feather. No wonder my hand felt so fuzzy waking up. It's still in perfect shape. This must've been from a crow or something. I set down the note back in my backpack as I pick up the feather once again. I set it down on the computer as I turn it on. I go downstairs for breakfast as I take the note with me and set it down on the top of the bookshelf next to the balcony door. After getting myself some cereal, I get to my phone to post some videos I took at LeMoyne on YouTube. I get right to my computer again and start getting to MilkyTacker upon making a new song. It was very peaceful, much like what music I'd like to listen to going to sleep. It reminded me of one picture I took late at night sleeping on the futon before school was out. It was during the weekend so, I decided that since my brothers wanted me to sleep there because of how bad it was raining then, Tail Flight happily slept with me as I did. But before she could get to sleep, she figured that it'd be the best time to preen her wings for the first time. I got my phone out and took a picture of her as she preened her left wing as her tail was almost touching the wall next to the futon. I take out the two albums and look at them thoroughly again. When reaching that picture, I'm tearing up so much that I'm more than ready to burst out into tears. But these are tears of joy. All of these memories are inside me. Inside my friends. My friends. The feather! I get out my phone and my feather. There's still all the pictures from the album, including some of the oldest. I grab the note and place it where I set the feather and the phone hoping it'll do something. It didn't. However, when I was waiting, my computer shut off on me. I feel something within my stomach. I start to belch out as something comes out. A scroll. I wonder who that could've been from. "Dear Joshua, I may've received from you a letter sometime last month, so I sent it over to Twilight and her friends. Much to my dismay, after three and a half weeks did Twilight find out what happened. There was no real way I could've quickly sent it to Tail Flight, Wind Rust and Wiretap alone but I may have a solution. It's been a while since I've seen what I gave you. But I figured you might've been looking at what's inside the entire time at LeMoyne. I can't say if it'll have any effects or not but I'm certain that it will be worth a shot, maybe even up to five. But make sure to do it at noon. Hope it helps, Princess Celestia." "Ugh! I need some water!" I go to the fridge and see if there's any filtered water. There is about a cups worth. I open the freezer to see if there is any ice, which there is. After seeing the ice tray, I grab it and put a few cubes in a very large clear striped cup. I look at the time. 1:01. Might as well do it tomorrow. I put the ice tray away in the freezer and open the fridge to get to the water filter and poor some water, drinking it very quickly afterwards. I come back upstairs to turn my computer back on. Nothing's working. I go back to the note, phone and feather and separate them all. That's when the computer turns on. That is the weirdest experience I've had so far. First, I've just received a letter from Princess Celestia herself who is very well aware of what's going on. I never thought it would actually work, although it did call for some water. Secondly, at the position of where my phone, note and the feather all were, my computer just shut down like that, only to turn on when I moved them. But I was casted on a flight spell by Princess Celestia for about a day and a half after Tail Flight, Wind Rust and Wiretap left, and did send a letter successfully to Princess Celestia. So, I might as well shrug it off.