Dawn of the New Day

by QueenOfTheSilence


Ticking. It was always ticking. Time. Celestia slid her eyes towards her bedroom walls, her eyes following the needles of the clock as time slowly crept by. Both in a literate and figurative sense. Could time ticking even be figurative? It was always moving, never stopping and always pushing in one direction. She often contemplated that she should have been a philosopher instead of a teacher. The steady rhythm of the clock was therapeutic and put her mind at ease and yet at the same time the clicking sound put her on edge. Every sound put her on edge. A sudden door opening or closing somewhere in the house, the ringing of her cellphone, the thuds of Scootaloo running up and down the stairs or the blaring of the television or one of Luna's games.

She supposed it wasn't that surprising. When he had first been incarcerated, she had been the same way, always looking to the shadows, jumping at the slightest raised sound and over all irritable. Now, with his inevitable release, she had reverted to a similar state. Always on edge. She sighed and sifted under her blankets as she tried to make herself comfortable. Her attempt to take a nap was not working; she had been trying to fall asleep for the last half an hour to no avail. She let out another sigh and pushed back her blankets and got up from her bed. Sleep had been a fleeting thing in the recent days. She made her way out of her bedroom and found herself descending the stairs and in the kitchen. Standing in front of the stove, oblivious to her sister, was Luna who was trying and failing to make dinner for the family, a meal of canned beans and salad with pieces of chicken. Somehow, the salad seemed to be burnt. She wondered how that happened.

"Tia! How was your nap? Did you get any sleep?" asked Luna, when she realized that her sister was there. Celestia shook her head and sat down at the island and laid her head in her hands.

"No, I couldn't sleep." said Celestia, rubbing her eyes and mumbling a profanity under her breath. Luna shot her a concerned look and briefly stopped stirring the pot of beans to address her elder sister whom she was greatly scared for.

"You need to sleep."

"I would love to. But I can't Lulu. I....I'm lost, I'm scared and all I want to do is cry....Am I acting like a child?" Luna hesitated briefly before she replied, not sure what to say and uncomfortable with the role of being the pillar to lean on.

"I think it's reasonable that you're feeling like this. After all you've been through and how far you've come, having your sense of safety dangerously close to shattering well I think anyone in your position would react the same way, if not worse. But don't worry, I'm sure everything will be all right."

"What will be all right?" Scootaloo sauntered into the kitchen, dressed in a pair of grey yoga pants and an orange hooded sweater, opening the fridge to rummage for food but also slightly interested in her aunt's and mother's conversation.

"Nothing, we were just talking about the school board. They're unhappy about the recent incidents at school....Now, I do believe Luna is making dinner so put that pie back. You can have a piece AFTER dinner." said Celestia, lying through her teeth and deflecting Scootaloo's attention to something else.

"Awww, but the salad is burnt!"

"Your aunt tried. Besides, it's not all burnt and I'm sure I we have left over spaghetti if you want to forgo the salad."

"But then who's going to eat my salad?" asked Luna, heart broken at the prospect that her food would possibly go to waste. Celestia gave her sister a forced smile, one she usually gave when she struggled with eating Luna's cooking but was too polite to say no too.

"Oh I will eat it of course....I'm sure it will be....delicious...."

"You're lying and we all know it." said Luna, playfully sticking her tongue out at her sister. Honestly, she appreciated the effort her sister went through even though she often told Celestia that she didn't need to eat the food. Sure, she was bad at cooking but her sister had more or less always been there for her and been like a second mother. Well except that phase in her life, during her late teens where she joined a gang and began going by the name of Nightmare Moon of all things. Odd time that was, putting both sisters at odds ends with each other. Honestly though, it had been a boring gang. Mostly all they had done was sit around and talk about all the crimes they wanted to commit but where too scared to actually do. Speaking of which, she really needed to have a drink with Sombra and Chryssie at some point in the future. Odd how they had all became school principals.....

"Eh leftovers? Well better then burnt salad...I mean...thanks for the food Auntie Luna but I'm going to pass." said Scootaloo, correcting herself when she realized her mother was giving her a disapproving glare. She gave gave the two woman a smile and dashed off, probably to listen to music in her bedroom until dinner was announced. When she was gone, Luna gave her sister a frown and Celestia let out a sad sigh.

"Have you talked to her yet?"

"No. And I don't think this is the time."

"Celestia. I don't think he'll get out but on the small, very small chance he does, she should be informed. Because we all know what would happen if he get's loose."

"He'll finish up loose ends."


".....I hate it when you're right Lulu."

"Sometimes, so do I."

Dinner came and passed and evening turned to nightfall leaving the inhabitants of the house to settle into their evening routines. Mostly. While Sunset retreated to her room and soon after Scootaloo, Celestia descended the stairs and approached her youngest daughter's room hesitantly stopping in front of it. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Luna who was shadowing her while pretending to rearrange the linens in the small linen closet located between Sunset and Luna's bedroom with the big bathroom.

Briefly she glanced at Sunset's door. This really didn't involve Sunset well....Actually it did. They were all at risk; he would hurt anyone dear to her and she was quite partial to her other child. But Celestia would tell her after, the conversation with Scootaloo had to be one just between the two of them and was more important. She gave a gentle knock on the door before her and called softly to the child residing within.


Shuffling came from inside the room and the door opened soon after, revealing Scootaloo who had her MP3 in her left hand and one earphone inserted into an ear; the other dangling.

"What's up mom? Something the matter?" asked the girl as she studied her mother's face which was filled with a sadness and and void. Celestia sighed and without a word she pulled her daughter into a hug and placed a kiss on Scootaloo's head. The teenager blinked in confusion and tilted her head towards toward her mother's face, cocking it slightly.


"Scootaloo honey....I need to tell you something important.

To be continued....

Celestia took a seat upon Scootaloo's bed, taking in the sight of all the Rainbow Dash pictures. It was actually kind of concerning how obsessed with the older teen her daughter was. Scootaloo hesitantly sat down next to her, unsure to what was causing her mother's odd behavior. Had she found out about the smokes? Or was something else going on? Wait....she wasn't going to have another one of THOSE talks was she? She was positive that sex education in school and her mother's initial lecture at the age of ten about how people were created was sufficient and she didn't need any more information.

"Did I do something wrong?" asked Scootaloo. She seriously hoped it wasn't about the smoking. Celestia shook her head then paused cocked her head slightly to the side like Scoots had done minutes before.

"No...Unless there is something I should be aware of?"

"Nope!" said Scootaloo, a little to quickly and defensively. Celestia raised an eyebrow but she ignored it. Clearly something was going on but that wasn't her concern right now. She grabbed Scootaloo's hands and held them in her own, brushing her thumb over her daughter's soft hands.


".....You know that it takes two people to create a child right?"

"Seriously, I already know how babies are made! I don't need another lecture Mom!"

"That's not what I'm talking about. Scootaloo.....have you ever wondered why you have no father?'

"I kinda always assumed he bailed out or I'm adopted since I don't have the same skin tone or hair as you or Auntie Luna...wait, am I adopted!?"

"No. You're mine. Genetically wise I mean; even if you weren't I'd still love you before you start getting any doubts. I have the stretch marks to prove it and you've seen the photos of me holding you shortly after giving birth. I know your genetics are odd; but odd hair and skin combinations that have not appeared in a family tree before are actually fairly common. Look at the Jones down the street; they both have blue skin and yet their daughter is bright pink. Or the Cakes."

"Then...so is this about Daddio' then?" asked Scootaloo, growing more and more confused and worried as the seconds passed. Celestia winced as her daughter jokingly called that man Dad. She obviously didn't understand or know but it made Celestia boil inside to hear him being referred to with a title he did not deserve.

"Yes, basically that....him."

"So did he ditch you? Oh did he die in a super awesome accident or something? What was he like? Wait, why are you telling me now?" asked Scootaloo, a flurry of questions spewing out of her mouth. She had always been a tad curious and she recalled she had asked a few times when she was young but whenever she asked her mother would yell at her and one time she began sobbing on the kitchen floor when making lunch for Scootaloo. She had been six at the time and that was the last time she asked. After that she stopped caring though the occasional thought popped up here and there."

"No, no....later and because of my sanity."

"I don't understand."

"Your....father is not a nice guy Scootaloo. Not at all."

"Like how not nice?"


"Is he alive?"

"He's imprisoned in Cloudsdale Penitentiary but yes, he is unfortunately still alive."

Scootaloo felt a pit growing in her stomach. Her hopes of suddenly discovering an awesome, long lost dad had turned to dust. She stared at her mother's face watching as tears collected and a few rolled down her face. She leaned against her mother, breathing in the familiar scent of lavender.

"What was he convicted for? Was it something really bad?"

Celestia blinked and stared into her daughters eyes. On one hand Scootaloo was only thirteen and didn't need to know the explicit details but at the same time she was a teenager now and she was already in deep, not being able to press the back button on life and make her daughter forget what she had said. How would one phrase her answer? Bluntly?

"He....he w-was convicted for kidnapping and sexual assault."

Scootaloo blinked for a second, letting the information sink in. She had never met this man or seen him but the fact that she was related to someone capable of such things was causing a pit to form in her stomach.

"Who did he do that to?"

Celestia did not answer her daughter's question, instead choosing to avoid her gaze. The pit within Scootaloo's stomach deepened and she could feel her dinner beginning to back up into her mouth. Scootaloo wasn't as sheltered as Celestia wanted. Occasionally she stumbled upon some horrific story online about a mass murder or the news would be turned on and a story about a girl older or around her age had suffered rape or something similar. She was aware the world could be a cold, dark place. That was one of the things about Scootaloo, despite having C or B grades in school or having a bit of ADHD, she had the tendency to study the world and her surroundings. She had an inkling in her stomach that she knew where her mother was going with this conversation.

"Am I....?" Scootaloo trailed off, not sure if she wanted to ask the question or not.

Celestia sighed but didn't answer, at least not at first.

"Possibly but also possibly no."


Celestia pulled Scootaloo into her lap, despite the fact she was much to big. She pushed her fingers through Scootaloo's hair and brushed it to the side, much like she had done when she was small. The young girl leaned into her mother's embrace and for a moment they were transported back in time to when things were simpler. After a few minutes, Celesita spoke.

"Do you want to know the full story? You don't have to if you don't want to...it's....not something I want to re-experience and it's not pleasant but I feel you deserve the right to know."

Scootaloo tilted her head from side to side as she internally debated. On one hand, she was curious, on another she didn't want to bring her mother pain and on a third, non-existent one she wanted to pretend like she had never learned about her missing parentage. She went back and forth for a good five minutes, during which Celestia shifted uncomfortable below her and waited patiently for her child's answer. Finally, she decided that perhaps it would be for the best and gave her mother a nod. Celestia laid her head atop the girl's and slowly began recanting the events of her past.

When I was in my early twenties, I decided to leave home and attend Cloudsdale University despite the fact that it was more expensive then Canterlot University and that I'd be away from Luna who was going through a bad period. But I needed to 'spread my wings' and adventure out from the comfort of home. During my first year at Cloudsdale University, I met and made many friends. You could say I was a very big part of the social secene at university; I was always going to sorority parties or little dorm room shindigs when I had the chance. If there was a party, I was there. Thats where I met your father, Tirek.

"Tirek? That's his name? Really? Did his parents hate him?"

"Yes, I know. He was the quarterback for the Cloudsdale Wendigos and we had meet at a celebratory party, after a big game where the Wendigos managed to beat the Everfree Manticores. He was the type of guy who had a new girlfriend on his arm every other week and was sought after. He could never keep them, he would grow bored and then shove them aside to find someone new. Someone attractive, yet desperate to be loved and naive to think that they could be the one who finally be the girl that steals his heart. Someone....like me. You could say there was something different between our relationship compared to his previous ones. We started dating in my junior year while he was in his senior year and It lasted a whole four months but it was far from perfect.

He was a demanding man both mentally, physically and.....well you know. He was also constantly jealous, if I so much as walked past another male, he would instigate a fight with me, claiming that I was unfaithful. He would set unrealistic rules like picking up my phone whenever he called and even when I was allowed to leave to do things with my friends. We had many explosive argument and I admit, there were more then a few times where he shoved me or even hit me. Near the end, it was becoming more frequent. Still I put up with it because I thought it was love. Finally, one night we had a very big fight that ended in him attempting to choke me to death in my apartment. My roommate walked in on this and Tirek ran off when she screamed causing the next door neighbors to come running. I broke up with him the next day.


"But, he was not a happy man. Not only had I defied him and walked away, there was an impending investigation with the police and college which could possibly get him expelled. Your father came from a rich family, who had a history of attending and graduation from Cloudsdale University. They were not happy that he was being investigate and that their name was being tarnished. He....grabbed me when I was walking home from my evening class around a week later. He.....dragged me to his father's hunting cabin and....held me for half a day where he did....things before the police arrived and he was arrested. He was only ever convicted of....and attempted kidnapping.

The doctors were unable to precisely pinpoint how far along I was with you. Given that I was both....and I...well you know, with your father consentually a week or two prior, there was no way to tell. And then you know the rest of the story, I moved home into a small apartment where I raised you for a few years, both me and Luna decided to become teachers and we moved in together when you were five and ever since then we've been in this house. "

"....That's sad, I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"S-So am I Scootaloo. But I'd do it a thousand times again if it meant having you, my little roly poly butterfly."

"Hey! I'm not roly poly!"

"Are you sure? I think you are!"

Scootaloo growled and turned around in her mother's lap and without hesitation began attempting to tickle her. Celestia let out a laugh and quickly turned herself over and pinned her daughter beneath her. Scootaloo stared at her with startled eyes. With a feral grin, Celestia lifted the girl's shirt slightly and began unleashing a torrent of raspberries on her stomach.

"St-top!" demaned Scootaloo as she laughed and struggled to get away.

"That's what you get for trying to tickle me you little monster!"


"Okay, but only because you were so polite."

The moment Scootaloo was released she straightened herself out and then climbed on to her mother's back, wrapping her hands around her neck and giving her mother a kiss on the cheek. Celestia laid her hands on Scootaloo's and titlted her head upwards to give her child a bright smile. For a brief moment, Celestia forgot her worries and past and relished the moment with her daughter. But eventually reality came crashing back and reminded her both of her troubles and that it was bed time, at least for Scootaloo.

"Well my little butterfly, it's time for bed."

"Ah come on mom! I'm not a baby anymore, it's only 9:30!"

"Yes, but you have school in the morning." stated Celestia firmly, moving to pull back the covers for her daughter. Begrudginly Scootaloo relented and crawled into bed, to lazy to change into her pajamas, giving her mom the weird eye as she tucked her in.

"You can leave you know, it's kinda creepy and I'm not a baby."

"True, but you're my baby and I miss being able to tuck you into bed."

"Are you going to ready me a story too?" asked Scootaloo, sarcastically.

"Well I could probably read you Green Eggs and Ham."

Scootaloo glared at her mother, not appreciating the humor one bit. Celestia merely laughed and patted her daughter on the head before heading towards the door and switching off the light.

"Goodnight Sweetheart."

"...'Night Mom."

Celestia closed the door behind her and as soon as she did, a wave of guilt and tiredness came over her. She had fully intended to inform her young daughter about her...father's parole hearing and possible release but she just couldn't bring herself too. Recanting her past was bad enough but the last thing she wanted was to make her daughter feel threatened or unsafe. Besides, nothing was definitive, there was only a slight chance he would get out. Why tell her now when she could tell her when it wasn't a problem? Still, the threat loomed over Celestia and once again she had a restless night of tossing and turning as she dreamed of memories of past events and the fear of what the future would hold.