My Nightmare, My Friend

by Dark_Soliloquy

New Friend, New Nightmares

"That's why I created you, Nightmare. You're not like the others. You understand. You listen, unlike Celestia." Luna seemed to be talking to her own reflection in the mirror. But, on the other side of the mirror was somepony else. Somepony who did not look like a friend.

"Of course, Luna. I'm your friend. I'm here to help." The smoky mare's image seemed slighty warped through the glass of the mirror.

"What should I do, Nightmare? I want to get noticed. My night and I, we don't get as much admiration as Celestia. I don't have to be as adored as her, but... I want to at least be noticed."

The Nightmare nodded. "And you will. We'll think of something, Luna." Her eyes were a soft blue, her coat a beautiful violet. But, every once in awhile, the Nightmare would get angry. And when she did, her coat would darken, and her eyes would change to a piercing turquoise with thin pupils. Luna hated when Nightmare was angry, not because her appearance, but because Luna would feel that anger too. A dark, stewing hate. But also a deep sadness. When the Nightmare was content, Luna was content.

Although... Luna was never fully content. She was always thinking of her sister, her night, her subjects. She was always slightly worried, sad, or jealous.

"I got it!" Luna interrupted her own thoughts. "We an ask Celestia if our night can last longer... Even if for just an hour or so."

"I don't-" The Nightmare started, but Luna was already racing towards the throne room. She sighed. "Silly child," Nightmare then stepped out of the mirror and walked over to Luna's desk. Smoke curled off her body, and her presence decreased the temperature drastically. On the desk lay a framed photo of Luna and Celestia as fillies. "Tsk tsk. The poor dears won't know what hit them."

"Oh Luna... I am so sorry..." The Nightmare cooed sympathetically. Luna's little chat with Celestia did not go as planned.

"It's ok," Luna shrugged, pretending like she didn't care. It wasn't working. "I'm fine."

"No, you're not. Celestia had no right-"

"Celestia has every right!" Luna shouted. "She's the ruler of all Equestria. She's my older sister, and I'm just a brat who happens to be the sister of the greatest mare of all time. Celestia has every right to do whatever she wants! She could decree war against the goat kingdom and nopony would question it!" Tears began to fall along Luna's cheek. Everything she did went wrong, every effort she made went unnoticed. "Of course I'm fine. I'm totally fine."

"Didn't Celestia say years ago you would rule as equals?" The Nightmare raised an eyebrow.

"Well... Wait. She did! You're right! But we are not equals, though Celestia promised. We will... We will make her pay."

"Yes, Luna. We will. She doesn't deserve all the glory she gets. Soon, I... I mean, we, will show her your power."

Celestia was busy on a particularly sunny day. She had lots of work to do, for that afternoon would be the Summer Solstice Celebration and her birthday. But that made her pause. Celestia never remembered having a Winter Solstice Celebration, which was Luna's birthday. How odd! Did the kingdom ever celebrate Luna's birthday? Celestia remembered herself celebrating Luna's birthday. But the kingdom never did, while for Celestia's birthday they held a rather large festival. Perhaps she should ask Luna if she wanted to have a big celebration also. That would definitely cheer Luna up, she'd been feeling rather downcast lately. Celestia trotted into the throne room, pleased about her decision.

"Not another step." Luna called, walking in front of Celestia's throne. "Sister... I want to speak to you." She said gravely.

"As do I," Celestia nodded. "I have realized you have not gotten as much... attention as me."

"You have?" Luna's serious tone turned to surprise. "I mean, you've realized?"

"Yes, though it has taken me far too long to do so. Say," Celestia looked at her sister with a smile. "How about... Instead of having the celebration for me in the afternoon, we have it at night? After all, I do think it's a new moon tonight."

Luna's eyes shone with excitement. So Celestia did realize! And she was doing something about it! "I'd love to have it at night! Why, I have to make some more constellations... Should be clear skies tonight..." She trotted off murmuring to herself. When she reached her bedroom door, Luna flung it open with a loud whoosh.

Nightmare appeared in the mirror. "Why so... happy, child?" She said 'happy' as if it were something scraped off the bottom of her horsehoe.

"Celestia said her celebration could be held at nighttime! Our subjects will be sure to notice us now!" Luna practically squealed.

"Ah, but you see, it's still Celestia's celebration. She still gets most of the attention." Nightmare stepped out of the mirror, causing Luna's jaw to drop.

"You... can come out of the mirror???"

"Of course, child. I have more powers than you can imagine."

"Luna!" Celestia called. "Luna, it's time to raise the moon! I can't wait to see the constellations you've planned!"

"Oh! Sorry Nightmare, I have to go!" Luna raced off to her sister.

"No, no, no, no! She must hate her sister..." The Nightmare grumbled. "And," She laughed. "She will." The Nightmare raced off after Luna.

"Luna?" Celestia was still calling for her sister. "Luna? The celebration is about to begin." She called through the whole castle. "Luna?" Celestia reached the throne room and saw her sister staring out the window. "Luna! There you are."

Luna turned, her expression not looking like Luna at all.

"Luna...?" Celestia took a step back.

"Do you think I would stand idly by while they all... Basked in your precious light???" Luna shouted at Celestia's face. With her hoof she pointed towards the window she was staring at. The moon was supposed to already be up in the sky, but instead the sun was shining brightly, not even setting. "I would think," Luna laughed. "That it would be nighttime by now. But alas, some selfish ponies never change."

"Luna, that... That wasn't me! I didn't raise the sun! Believe me!"

"Then who was it? A palace guard?" Luna spat. She was angry, but also terribly confused. Did her sister really do this? She wanted to believe Celestia, she really did. But an anger inside her was boiling up, causing her to yell without thinking.

"Luna, please, I didn't do this. Don't you trust me?"

"I-" She wanted to say she did, but something... something was stopping her.

Oh no you don't. You will hate your sister. You will destroy her.

"Nightmare...?" Luna whispered. Before she could shout, darkness encased her. Then she laughed, she laughed and laughed and laughed till it hurt.

"Luna...!" Celestia cried in fear.

"Celestia-" Luna croaked, but The Nightmare was choking her, not letting her speak. "Help...!"

Celestia reached out towards her sister, but she was blasted back.

Luna, now Nightmare Moon, spoke. "I've waited too long, Celestia!"

Nightmare, Luna thought. I... I thought you were my friend.

I am. As I said, Nightmare Moon laughed again. I'm here to help!