First Light of a Dreamer

by Digital Singer

The Song and The Sleep Back

Once Digi was done singing she stepped back and bowed slightly, lowering her head as she took a few steps back to escape the roaring crowd and into a room were she could think. "I hope everything was alright and went well.." She spoke softly as her mother, Fluttershy, entered the room.
"Digi, you did amazing out there." Her mother said as enthusiastically as her soft voice would get.
"You really think so?" She said, turning her bright red eyes to her mom. Despite her soft spoken mother, Digital's voice was a strong and very much an attention grabber, while, at the same time, it was still sweet and caring.
Fluttershy giggled lightly and she rubbed the top of her daughters head. "You always are, my dear." She said, softly kissing her daughters forehead.
"I guess I just let my stage fright get the best of me sometimes.." She sighed, staring at her bright pink mane in the mirror in front of her, her bright red eyes not looking at all happy.
Digital was only a young filly, and didn't want to give up her childhood for the lime light, but she felt it was the only way she'd be able to find her father. She blinked softly staring at herself and her mother gently taking her hair out in the mirror. Her hoof going over her nose as she went into deep thought. Every time she tried asking somepony if they knew who her father as, nopony would give her an answer, not even Apple Jack! She would simply say; "If yer mama hasn't told you yet, duncha think she hada reason not to?" Apple Jack was right, she was alright right. Her mom never tried keeping things from her with the intention of hurting her.
"Ow!" She flinched, being pulled back into the highly lit room. Her mother had pulled on a knot in her hair. "Mom! That hurt!" She whined softly, putting her hoof where she felt a slight throb. Grumbling, she laid her head on the desk and stared at the mirror, looking around the room through it. She huffed getting bored easily. "Are you almost done?" She whined again, staring up at her Pegasus on a mom. getting the last thing out of her hair; the tiara.
"Almost done sweetheart.." She said calmly, working quietly and as fragile with her daughters hair as she could. Finally, she slipped it out, causing Digi's mane to fall in her face over her horn.
"Oh brother.." She sighed, almost as dramatically as her foal sitter, Rarity. Now that was someone she missed dearly. Rarity had promised Fluttershy and at times, begged her to let her watch Digi. She loved dressing up the little aqua colored unicorn. Digi loved her aunt Rarity, the white unicorn would let the small filly draw her dresses or give her thoughts on her current one she was working on, for some reason, she seemed to be the only one who get the gorgeous Fashionista.
"There.." Fluttershy said, pulling away from her daughter, letting her take a look in the mirror. Her hair was just the way it should be, down and flowing, much like her mothers usually was. Digi shook her head slightly, to fix all the tangles and stood, her red eyes traveling to her mother.
"Can i go back out and talk to Pinkie? She said she wanted to talk to me when i was done singing." The small filly looked at her mother with a plea.
"Course." Fluttershy moved out of the way for the unicorn to pass her, and walk out the door.
Digi kept her head to the floor the whole way back into the auditorium, trying to avoid any encounters with the other ponies. As she closed in on the room, she spotted Pinkie and shouted to her, her voice echoing and going straight to the party pony. Pinkie stopped and got back to her front legs.
"There you are Digi! YOU DID SO GOOD!" She shouted with glee as Digi flinched from the sudden shout of her name .
"Please, Pinkie.." She said, almost as quietly as her mother did when she was scared.
"Oh right, sorry.." She spoke softer. "Fallow me." Pinkie said, pouncing into a private room she had reserved for herself, with Digi fallowing close behind. "So you wanted to find a way back?"
Digi looked puzzled, "Go back?" She blinked up at the pink earth pony.
Pinkie looked at her with a confused looked "Huh? Go back? Go back where? You want to go back to the auditorium? But we just got here!" She looked frustrated at the Unicorn for the first time in her life. "No, I have a surprise for you." She smiled brightly, "But you gotta lay down first."
Digi did as she was told, with a puzzled face no doubt. "Okay, I'm laying down, N-now what?" Her bright eyes traveling to the older pony.
"Close your eyes~" She sang happily as she turned to her with the same sweet smile on her face. "And count to three!"
"One... Two..." Before she could count to three, blackness surrounded the small filly and she was asleep.