//------------------------------// // The Brothers Of Time // Story: Surprise! // by Dragonfire2lm //------------------------------// Author Notes: Why the buck do so many people dislike this story? Please readers do not just click the dislike button and not tell me why. When night had fallen five mares arrived at the large house directly across the road from Sugarcube Corner. "Surprise can you get that?" Pinkie asked, her mane, tail and personality back to normal as she balanced a tray of assorted drinks on her back towards the living room. Surprise opened the door with nagic to find all fiveof her Aunts at the door. "Come on in Guys, Mother is just setting up the table" she greeted as each pony walked in. After the usual meet and greet the group of mares headed to the lounge tofind Discord siting in an armchair with a book resting on his lap. "Greetings ladies!" Discord cheerfully said as they sat down. "Ready for the lesson?" "I suppose so..." Rarity mused. "Excellent " the draconequus replied and doned a pair of shades as he opened the book. "Oh oh! do the voices Dizzy!" Pinkie exclaimed, one hoof raised in the air as she jumped up and down. "Only for you Pinkamaena" "Pinkie" the pink mare corrected. "Whatever. Now then this, My Little ponies, is the tale of the two brothers of time" Discord stated. Discord's voice sounded much like an older version of himself as he began to read. In a land far beyond the reach of ponykind, where the light of day and night moved upon their own will, two brothers of the forset spent their days running across the grasslands and frolicking through the dense forest of their home. One day the pair came across an elder of their species, a ccreature of wisdom and might far beyond what they could imagine, and upon seeing how the old one charmed the plants and animals with mere words, beged him to teach them his secrets. it was soon discovered that the elder was of mystical race of creatures that were not born, but made. they were beast that had the might and majesty of time at their command. seeing how eager the brother's were, the elder took them on as his appretice's. as the training commenced a vast difference between the two students became clear, the eldest of the two, with fur the colour of the earth and eyes as gold as the sun, followed the ways of his teacher, understanding that the true power of time was changeing and needed guidence and a gentle hand to keep the chaotic power stable. The youngest, with fur a lighter brown than compared to his brother and with eyes as blue and cold as ice, saw time as a power source that needed strict and complete control, he soon begun to bend tme to his will, under the belief that everything needed to be in perfect order. The power he gained was tainted and corrupted by his selfish desires, and soon he found the strength to challenge his teacher to a duel to decide to the fate of time itself. Pure, raw, power clashed with the twisted and semaless flow of the corrupted temporal energy the youngest brother had harnessed. the fight lasted for many days and nights, the efects of the battle was felt far nd wide as the very laws of nature began to distort, to crumble, life itself was at stake. seeing the damage that being done , the wise old teacher allowed himself to be destroyed by the rage and madness of the younger brother, and used the last of his power to spirit the two brothers away from the centre of time to a place where the dispute could be ended without further damage to the universe. Sadly this only made the youngest of the two more determined to win and so the oldest brother took his master's name, Tempus, and chsed his brother across the stars to try to save the corrupted one's soul from the madnes that had consumed him. In a bid to end the pointles fighting tempus summoned forth the gods of the Multiverse to aid him in his plight, and with the aid of the gods and spirits of his home he sealed his younger brother deep within the temporal abyss, and warned all creatures in exsistence that if time were to be meddled with, the sela on his little brother could break and the cycle of bloodshed and betrayal would commence. To this day Tempus wtches over all of time, training those he believes worthy to watch over the worlds where time runs of its own accord, where his brother would be most likely to escape.{/i} Discord closed the book and looked at theponies sitting before him. "That, little ponies, was just one of the many tales documented by the Alicorn of magice, Arcane" "But that's not real, it's just a story" Twilight interjected. "Oh we're all just stories in the end Twilight Sparkle, and most stories do have a purpose, don't they Surprise?" he turned to ask his daughter. "I shouldn't travel in time any more right?" the foal replied. "Exactly" Discord answered Ok yes the fairytale is original, of my own creational, bit cliche, but eh. please comment.