//------------------------------// // Guilt Trip // Story: Surprise! // by Dragonfire2lm //------------------------------// On the outskirts of Ponyville, along the road between the small country town and the big city of Canterlot was a tall shrine made of white marble. Within this shrine two statues stood tall, one a pegasus made of sapphires, the other a unicorn made of rubies. It was outside this shrine that Twilight Sparkle and her friends met up for meetings, whether they be for somepony's special occasion or for a simple day out, they always met up at the shrine. It was Surprie's first time at the shrine, she stared at the sparkling statues in curiousity. She couldn't place it there was something familiar about them. "Auntie, why are these statues of normal ponies and not of the Princesses?" she asked. Twilight looked at the filly, then up at the statues and smiled sadly. "Well it's a long story, but these two ponies helped out all of equestria long before you were born, and to honour them your father created this shrine, to thank them" the purple mare explained. "Well of course he did, they saved his sorry behind, that's why!" this exclamation came from a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail. "Rainbow Dash! How many times do I hav' to tell yah to stop bein' disrespectful!" hollered an orange earth pony wearing a stetson. "Oh come on AJ! You know it ,I know it" Rainbow defended herself. Twilight face hoofed. "Every single time.." The two arguing mares looked sheepishly at Twilight. "Twilight! How good it is to see you! Oh and Surprise you just look adorable today" Gushed the third member of their group to arrive. "Um..thanks Auntie Rarity.." Surprise replied, embarrassed about the praise. "H-hello girls" "Hi Fluttershy, thanks for coming" Twilight greeted her shy friend. "Oh it was no trouble at all" the yellow pegasus replied. "Uh girls..isn't Pinkie normally here by now?" Rainbow asked. It was then they heard a pair of voices talking further up the road, along with the sound of cart wheels moving. "Dizzy are you sure you want to come? You can stay at home if you want" the concerned voice of one Pinkie Pie could be heard. "This is Surprise we're talking about...Just because I exhausted my magic looking for her all night doesn't mean I won't do what I can to help her" a second, weary voice replied. "That is sweet and everything, but you can hardly move.." Pinkie deadpanned. "Hence the reason you're pulling me in a cart..." As they approached, Surprise could see her parents; Pinkamena Diane Pie with her mane and tail straighter than a ruler pulling what could be described as Ponyville's Frakenstein's Monster. The creator of Chaos, Discord was lying down in a cart being pulled by the pink earth pony with an ice pack resting in between his horns. Both looked tired and had bags under their eyes. Surprise looked down at the ground in guilt. After greetings were said all round, the group got down to business. "So what did she do this time?" Discord asked. Twilight sighed. "She borrowed one of my new spells, and used to travel back in time.." "I knew it! It was you on mah farm that day" Applejack exclaimed. Pinkie glomped her daughter, fussing over her. "Are you ok? Nopony hurt you did they?" Her worry then turned into mild anger. "We were worried sick, Dizzy has been out all night looking for you, I was out all night looking for you! Why would you just run off like that?" "I just...isn't it hard being all happy all the time?...Ponies just think I'm a version of you that can do magic I just thought if I acted like you..I wouldn't be so left out" Surprise explained. "You travelled back in time for that?" Discord asked. "Umm..yeah..." The draconequus forced himself to sit up in the cart and looked at the young alicorn very seriously. "I think a history lesson is in order. Don't you agree Sparkle-butt?" "Would you stop calling me that!" Twilight yelled, resulting in the others to laugh at her frustration. "Um I mean yes" "Oh lighten up Twilight, we all nedded that one" Discord replied with a chuckle. "Everypony, meet you at our place tonight, I think this is a history lesson we could all use".