The Prince of Storms

by Sweetmiss2121

Chapter 7: Truth.

Ponyville – Carousel Boutique -

“Now...let's see...” Rarity could be heard muttering from the back of her shop.

“Y-you know that I am not one for-for dresses that are too daring, r-right?” Fluttershy said embarrassed.

“One of your strong points is your flank, that we know is also where his eyes are more probable to drift towards...” the fashionista answered.

“He always denies that,” the other said blushing.

“But he does have a point though; you, Applejack and Dash do have very nice backsides...unfortunately,” Rarity replied bitterly.

“Are you...are you jealous?” the shy mare asked with wide eyes.

“Not everypony has a metabolism that stops the excesses from going directly there...oh! I am sure Dash and AJ will play it cool and answer that it's all about exercise or bucking trees, but I know the truth.” she answered while surfacing from behind the door long enough to throw an accusatory glare at Shy.

“...I do make some exercise too...and I have lots of animals to take care of so I am always busy,” the Pegasus answered with a very low whisper.

“And I tried to buck trees myself! Every Sunday I jog around Ponyville for hours, I spend a fortune at the SPA in special massages, and I check and double-check every single morsel of what I eat so to have it low in calories while balanced, fully nutritive and so low-content in fat to have it measured in negative numbers! THEN WHY MY FLANK LOOKS LIKE TWO PLANETS STUCK TOGETHER!? WHY?!” Rarity said with a furious roar while almost shoving her cutie-mark on Shy's face.

“I-I-I-I don't know!” the VERY SCARED mare answered shaking her head wildly.

Taking several long calming breaths the Unicorn slowly recovered her self-control before nodding to herself and returning to her search.

“Sorry about that, it's a sour point for me and it tends to make me lose, we were looking for a way to help you win a colt-friend, and we have to be subtle.” Rarity said with a much calmer and apologetic tone.


“Stallions do get scared if it's the girl to make the first step, or better, they get scared if they get too 'intense' makes them feel like a slab of meat more than a pony, just like a mare feels when the stallion tries too much to court her. Hence why we will not use provocative dresses or a too heavy make-up,” she explained.

“I-I am not one for makes me feel uncomfortable,” Fluttershy answered.

“Eh?...You mean that all your natural look? Everything? Not even a tiny bit of powder in there?” Rarity asked surprised while moving her hoof in a circle while pointing at the other mare.

“Uh-hu.” Shy answered with a tiny nod while looking down.

Pfeh! Some pony have all the luck.” the Unicorn muttered.


“It's, no make-up either...AH-HA! I got it! Wait here a minute!” Rarity said while studying Shy with narrowed eyes before inspiration struck her, making the mare dive for her storage with a knowing smirk.


What followed was a series of grumbling, unintelligible mutterings and flashes of magic calling towards Rarity scissors or pieces of cloth from all around the boutique followed by half-completed accessories that the mare had apparently found not of her taste and abandoned to start a new one.

“THERE! Perfect for what you need to do to catch your very own Prince,” Rarity said in triumph as she walked back to her friend.

“Really?” Fluttershy asked surprised.

“That's right, darling! Luckily for you, between my ability as an excellent listener AND my irresistible charme...okay, and the fact that I apparently remember him an old friend of his named 'Ino', I could gather some very interesting facts about our dear Maelstrom's past during his time here as my helper,” Rarity answered while positioning a small pin on the Pegasus' mane, the small flower standing-out from the pink of Shy' hair thanks to its very pale lavender colour.

“A pin?” she asked.

“A very special one...let's say we are kind of...cheating...more or less...if we have to be absolutely sincere.” the other answered while moving a tall mirror in front of both.

“How can somepony cheat with a pin? And why I can feel a very faint smell of flowers come from it?”

“Eh!...The human girl he used to date was called Hinata, that by his own admission has very pale, pupil-less lavender eyes and natural dark-blue mane, that and she used a lavender-scented shampoo; so I created that pin, it contains a very concentrated extract of lavender...between its color similar to the girl's eyes AND that will 'fill the blanks' and grab his attention long enough for you to court him,” Rarity answered with a proud smirk.

“WHAT?! You can't do that!” Fluttershy said scandalized.

“Why not?”

“It would be unfair! are asking me to use a trick, a-a lie to pull on his being forced to break-up with his former mare-friend for my benefit! The poor dear would just suffer from it, or even latch to me just because of that! I-I don't need this, I can talk to him on my own,” Fluttershy replied while gently taking away the hair-pin.

“You sure?” the other asked with narrowed eyes.

“Yes! Even if it will be hard...I-I am sure I can try to talk to him without cheating!”

“...Good! At least a lesson got stuck in your silly head!” Rarity said nodding proud.


“Hihihi! First lesson to deal with a stallion, be yourself! Never somepony else, it makes them feel cheated, betrayed. Now we can deal with the rest, most of all will be making sure you won't get too nervous while approaching him,” the Unicorn answered giggling.

“You are kind of meanie to be the Element of Generosity...” the shy Pegasus muttered.

“I am Brutally Generous, I'll help you whatever you like it or not, darling. So get ready!” Rarity said with a devious smirk.

“Help...” the other whimpered as the Unicorn literally pounced on her with the 'sacred' mission to play match-maker burning in her eyes.

At the same time – With Twilight -

“You sure you can't help me? You and him spend a lot of time together as friends, I am sure you DO know some more details that would help me,” Twilight said while studying a chart detailing body measurement like height, weight, wing span and horn length of an Alicorn scarily resembling a certain Prince, there was even a small diagram near it detailing the exact shade of rust-red of his fur.

“Twi...” Spike said sighing while momentarily stopping lifting weights in his miniature-sized gym.

“What?” she asked curious while lifting a pencil with her magic to adjust part of the chart listing his likes and dislikes she had composed by going from the least important thing up to the favourite one.

“You can't treat Love as something to study like can't be done.” the small dragon answered worried.

“What do you mean?” the young Unicorn asked dumbfounded.

“Love is...Love is doesn't have a fixed list of rules! One thing can work with somepony but make another hate's all about heart...” he answered slowly while turning off the music he was hearing working out.

“Since when you are into philosophy?” Twilight asked in surprise.

“Ever since I want to da...sigh! I want to grow-up, Twi. I need 'certain conditions' to grow in body, but in the meantime I can try and get 'older' in mind...Maelstrom is helping me with that. And that thing about Love was one of the first thing he told me.”

“And why you are so desperate to grow-up?”

“It's personal, but here we are talking about you...and Twi? Can I ask you how you managed to gain those info about him? Or do I have to fear the answer?”

“I-I observed' him while he helped me and the others...and took notes.” the Unicorn answered looking down at her hooves in great interest.

“ stalked him?” Spike asked with wide eyes.

“I prefer the term 'data gathering'. Stalking sounds kind of bad.” she answered with a weak chuckle.

“You do know that he is a ninja, right? That he was used to fight against ambushes AND at sensing people trying to sneak on him?”



“Horse-feathers.” Twilight muttered with a wince.

“Yep! Horse-feathers indeed! You may have even burned any chance you had with him by just doing that!” the dragon said shocked.

“But I do like him! I just want him to see me as somepony worth dating!” she answered with a tone bordering on the whining.

“Listen. Burn everything, and forget everything you wrote, because I know you memorized everything just in case something like this happened.”


“And talk to him, talk and get to know him like a normal pony would, do not try to use tricks to conquer him or treat him like something to study...he is not a specimen or a book to decipher.”

“And what if he doesn't like me like that? What if he doesn't like the real Twilight Sparkle?” she asked back with narrowed eyes.

“Until you try you won't know it, I find you a wonderful mare, I am sure he will be yours if you try hard enough!”

“You are biased, you like me too much!” Twilight answered smirking.

“I assure you that I can be very objective when I want to; now if you excuse me, I need to take a shower...and can I take the rest of the day free?” he said smugly before blushing shyly.

“Why? Going somewhere?”

“I have someone to meet,”

“Who?” the Unicorn inquired curiously.

“It's a very important somepony, but do not ask me more or I WILL tell Maelstrom about your 'Data Gathering' if he doesn't already know about that,” Spike answered.

EEEEEP! You wouldn't dare!” Twilight said horrified.

“Yes, I will! So? Can I go?” the small dragon asked with a superior smirk.

“The Prince taught you that, right? You never used black-mailing before!” she hissed angrily.

“I am the student of a Shinobi, for us no move is too dirty or wrong if we have a mission! And I have a very important one.” Spike answered.

Tch! So be it, but you will return here before dinner, you are still young enough for me to give orders to and ground and even spank if you disobey!” the Unicorn answered.

“Y-You wouldn't dare! I am a dragon! We don't get spanked! We are too awesome for that!” he said in horror.

“My house, my rules!”

“FINE! Have it your way...” he muttered while marching towards the bathroom, trying to think about his meeting with Rarity in her Boutique to help his mood, otherwise she won't let him help her with her costumers.

Once saw the small dragon leave Twilight destroyed everything she had on the Prince in a flash of Magic before looking at herself in the mirror with a sigh.

“A boorish book-worm...would he like all this?” she asked aloud while passing an hoof on her mane sighing.

“Let's try, if I don't try I will never know...I am going out, Spike! Remember to close the door when you leave!” the Unicorn said to herself before leaving her house, almost bumping into Applejack on her way to Sugarcube Corner.

It's me or there is something different about AJ?” she thought, noticing how the farm-mare seemed different than usual, almost 'polished' in her way of walking or holding herself, as if she was a mare on a mission.

“You okay, AJ?” she asked.

“Oh? Ah, sugarcube! Eeyup! Got my eyes on a stallion and decided to see if Ah could get his attention! So Ah asked Granny about some tips, and got maself some help in how to catch a boy's heart,” she answered smirking.

“That's good to hear! It was about time you got your eyes on somepony! I am happy for you,” Twilight said smiling.

“Eeh! That's way soon tha say! Ah still need to talk to him, but Bloom likes him too just like tha rest of the family, so that's a good start if Ah can say...I just-a need to see if he feels the same,” AJ answered chuckling.

“I am sure he will like you, you are a cool mare, even if not all girly-girly!” the Unicorn answered.

“Eh! Ah'll take that as a compliment when you say that I am not all up-tight as others like sorry but Ah need to go! Still got lotsa things to do so to have tomorrow free and chase ma stallion down and talk to him, see ya around?” AJ asked.

“Of course! I won't hold you then, and good luck with your stallion!” Twilight said nodding while watching the other trot rapidly away.

“...Oh! I didn't ask who he was...probably a farm-pony? One of the soldiers? Aaah! It doesn't matter, it's not my business.” she muttered with a shrug before moving towards her destination and ignoring Pinkie Pie speeding past her with a big bundle on her bag muttering something about Maelstrom to herself.

“Now that I think about it...Princess Celestia said she would have helped me by distracting Princess Luna so to let me talk to Maelstrom without his mother discovering me, I wonder how she is doing it...”

Meanwhile – With Celestia and Luna -

The two Alicorn sisters were at the moment locked in a fierce war of glares, all because Celestia had started her own part of 'The Plan' (with capital letters, mind you.) to have her dearest student Twilight win her nephew's heart and become, to the Sun Princess' humble opinion, the cutest couple ever seen...and dare she say it? She already had the shirts with “TWIMAEL FOREVER!” already prepared for herself to wear so to celebrate her victory...

If only her sister was not so darn stubborn!

“I don't understand why do you want to take over the lessons in Magic MY SON is taking with me...what are you planning?” Luna asked with narrowed eyes.

“Can't I spend some time with him? I am still trying to re-build the 'bridge' between me and him, and I too am not push-over when it comes to Magic, on the contrary, I might even say to have a thousand year advantage as I kept studying while you were...indisposed,” the other replied nonchalantly.

“And what about your other student...Miss Twilight? Are you forgetting about her? Or proposing an exchange?”

“I can't see why I can't have two students, why? They may even study together and help each other during the lessons!”

“Study...together?!” Luna said with a tone bordering on the shrilly.

Study together would mean leave her pure, innocent, dashing son alone, in a room with a girl, and since he was such a gentle soul he would chat amicably with her, but in turn that would leave him open for her to try and sink her dirty fangs on him! And kiss him! And...and...

Luna's mind theatre -

The dimly-lighted, and almost romantic-looking room, was filled by books while at the only table of the room was sitting Maelstrom and Twilight Sparkle with the mare inching always closer while shamelessly fluttering her eyelashes at him before STEALING a kiss!

Because a dirty mare like her can only do that to poor, studly, innocent stallions to gain their attention!

No! We can't!” the poor Alicorn would say in hurt.

Why not?the EVIL, dirty mare would answer before kissing him again.

Because that would upset my dearest mother! Such a wonderful, beautiful, smart, just, gorgeous, loyal, generous and powerful mare should not be shamed by me having Lust-filled thoughts!” Maelstrom would then answer with his Angelic Halo of Purity shining brightly in Love for his dearest mother.

She wouldn't know if neither me or you will say a thing...she may even be happy for this! the ugly, evil, dirty mare would answer leaning closer.

H-happy?” the Innocence made pony would stutter scandalized.

Yes, happy! Don't you want to give her tons of grand-children to spoil?” at this point the corrupting, ugly, evil, dirty mare would push 'The Embodiment of Studliness' (AKA Maelstrom) on the floor to straddle him.

But-but that was supposed to happen only when my Beautiful, Perfect, Incomparable Mother will deem it okay!

Which is to say 'When Hell freezes over and turns into a skiing resort'.

What she doesn't know...won't hurt her...” once said that, the perverted, corrupting, ugly, evil, dirty mare would then shamelessly have her back-stabbing, perverted, corrupting, ugly, evil, dirty way with her poor, innocent son and mate with him on the dirty floor, surely the most unromantic place ever for mating because only an ignorant, back-stabbing, perverted, corrupting, ugly, evil, dirty mare would do that!

Oh, Maelstrom!

Oh! Twilight!

Real world -

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!” Luna bellowed in a fit of ungodly fury.

“NEVER! You will never give that mare the opening to corrupt my baby!” she then said.

“What?! NO! I just want to spend some time with my nephew!” Celestia said immediately, trying to cover the fact that she was planning just that (minus the 'corrupting') to help her student.

“Some time...IIIH! I KNEW IT! You are trying to seduce my sweet Maelstrom yourself so to win back his affection!” Luna screamed in horror, her mind theatre replaying the former scene only with Celestia in Twilight's place.

“Oh goodness gracious! Now you are exaggerating!” the Sun Alicorn answered scandalized.

“WHAT!? Are you angry he is no falling all over himself to court you? YOU ARE HIS AUNT! MY SISTER! You can't harass him with that humongous flank of yours! Not only because that would be incest, but because you are also way too old!”

“WHAT?! I'll have you know that my flank, dear sister, is not humongous but perfectly proportionate and soft! Sonnets had been written about it and artists went mad trying to talk me into letting them reproduce it in marble or others to paint it on canvas!...and I am not into incest, I just want to reconnect with my nephew,” Celestia answered indignant and adding her last bit almost as an after-thought, but she was proud of her beauty (Fruit of thousands of years of traumatizing working-out and diets) and not even her sister will be free to belittle it!

“Stop telling lies! And stay away from him! I will protect him from you and any other mare that will try to take him away!” Luna bellowed in answer.

“You can't protect him forever...” Celestia muttered with narrowed eyes.

“AH-HA! Then thou admit thy sin and wish to feast on my son's virtue! MONGREL! CULVERT! FELON!” Luna said with a booming voice filled by anger, falling back into medieval 'Ye Olde Canterlot' dialect and insults from rage alone.

“NO! I didn't mean it like that!” the Sun Alicorn answered with wide eyes, unfortunately her angry blush went dramatically misunderstood by the other mare.

“CELESTIAAAAAAAA!” Luna roared pouncing on her sister while burning in pure Maternal Fury.

“KYAAAAAAAAAAAH!” a lone scream of panic shook the Royal Castle as a clearly blood-thirsty Moon Alicorn chased the Sun Princess through the whole palace throwing the poor guards in her way against walls or out of the windows as she refused to stop for nothing, walls and closed doors comprised.

Luckily Luna's son was safe in the Wonderbolts training camp! Far and far away from any corrupting mare and still single! The last thing the Moon Alicorn needed was him being victim of something pervert!

At the same time – Wonderbolts Training Camp – showers - (Adult content, You have no idea how hard is for me to write this, sorry for quality)

Spitfire was angrily marching towards the showers cabin to clean herself from the mud that was covering her from head to tail; all courtesy of Rainbow Dash and her prank, a rather ingenious time-delayed catapult loaded with the stuff and prepared so to spring when the rainbow-maned mare had an iron-clad alibi.

“I know it was her, that satisfied smirk was a dead give-away...that...that insufferable filly in a mare's body!” she muttered with a sneer.

For a week she had tried to win herself a colt-friend the “Good Way” by just being nice, supportive and playing on her strengths, when that failed she moved through a more dirty tactic, like openly challenging Dash to a 'friendly' flight around the camp, so to try and show her talent...the thing ended in a draw much to her surprise, so that too was a failure.

Then she had tried to have Soarin and Fleetfoot play diversion by presenting Dash to the others so to leave her alone with the Prince, but while that part worked as the happy squeals of the mare could be clearly heard, her prized stallion was still adamant in preferring Dash to Spitfire.

“At least I know he is faithful...if only to the wrong mare,” she muttered sighing, as soon as that plan too went discovered Dash had started to prank her back, and the Captain of the Wonderbolts could still not demonstrate that it was all the rainbow-maned Unicorn's doing as she suspected.

“And today he will leave! This whole plan was a complete failure! A waste of time, a-”

“Ooooh!” a suffuse moan in that moment caught her attention snapping her out of her thoughts.

“What the...” Spitfire muttered leaning silently to the high windows finding them obscured if not for a very small opening, as soon as she peeked inside though her eyes flew wide open and her jaw gently dropped in shock.

She was watching as her beloved target and the mare standing in her way were lying on the floor under the warm water filling the room with a thin mist; the Prince had discarded his coat and suit leaving his muscles perfectly visible even if his head was now resting, for some reason unknown to Spitfire, between Dash' back-legs giving her his back.

The problem though was what Dash herself was doing, which was bobbing her head back and forth as possessed while suckling in greed on his...second horn, coating it in saliva with sloppy kisses or slowly licking it from bottom to top.

Maelstrom too was not sparing her as he was doing the same to her with outrageous slurping noises and grunts as he was diving his tongue as deep as he could inside her and forcing Dash to briefly interrupt her licking in order to bite down her own moans.

“N-No way!” Spitfire whispered shocked, almost shrieking when Dash' eyes fell on her, but instead of looking scared at being discovered doing those things she locked eyes with the Wonderbolt Captain and smirked (quite the feat with how much the stallion's shaft was obscenely stretching her own lips) and once took the whole thing in her mouth and throat without breaking eye-contact she gave Spitfire a wink and...


Produced the loudest, dirtiest and wettest sucking sound Spitfire had ever heard while the rainbow-maned mare's cheeks caved-in by the strength of the suction as she slowly retracted her head from the stallion's rod.

“HOLY SHIIIIIIT!” the Prince howled as his hips bucked forward in several wild jerks.

“Ah!” the spying mare could only watch in awe as Dash's cheeks rapidly puffed-out and her eyes went wide.

“Oooh...Oooh...I think...I think you sucked-out one of my balls with that...” Maelstrom muttered with a weak chuckle while the remaining strands of his release fell on her face once she removed her mouth from his shaft.

But the mare was not answering, too taken by smugly showing to the flustered Wonderbolt the content of her over-flowing maw in all its thick pearly-white glory before making a show of gulping everything down in a single movement making her throat bulge for an instant.

“Now it's your turn, use that tongue trick on me...” Dash ordered while literally sitting on his face and still looking at Spitfire in the eyes.

“As you wish...” the Wonderbolt heard him say before focusing enough to light-up his horn until, to the mare shock, and quite arousal, he had then unfolded a tongue clearly double the normal length if not triple and way thicker than before.

Done that she saw him dive with bestial hunger on Dash snatch and penetrate her until his mouth closed around her lower opening, making her go cross-eyed and start trashing violently, tearing an high-pitched scream of ecstasy after another from the mare's throat in rapid succession.

“YES! THERE! THEEEEEERE!” Dash screamed while lightly bouncing on the Prince's face, her vacant expression and tongue falling limp from her lips speaking volumes of her pleasure, but nothing had prepared Spitfire for the thoroughly 'Broken' expression Dash soon took when Maelstrom switched and started spearing the girl's butt-hole with his tongue, making the mare shake wildly as if in a seizure as a new orgasm teared her mind to shreds.

I Lub ryuu...I Lub ryuuu!” the dazed mare kept repeating as her mouth closed once again on the throbbing shaft of the Alicorn, distorting her words even more than her lust-clouded mind already was. (Tran. "I Love you" )

Meh duhh!” he replied before giving a soft bite to the inner side to Dash' ass, making her howl in what must have been an earth-shattering orgasm soon followed by a new awe-inspiring explosion from the stallion's rod as she could no longer focus enough to suck on it, showering the rainbow-maned mare in a thick layer of white as she did the same to the Prince's face; both then collapsing on the tiled floor to catch their breath.

“This...this will need to suffice...for now...” Dash muttered weakly as she kissed tenderly the head of the still-hard member of her lover, shocking Spitfire with its staying still up and proud.

“Okay...okay, I can live with that...for now.” he answered grinning while taking huge gulps of air.

“What was that?!” Spitfire asked barging inside the shower room.

“WHAT?! You saw us?” the Prince asked horrified.

“It's called 'sixty-nine', buddy! We were eating-out each other,” Dash replied smugly.

“So you are know what that means...” the Wonderbolt said with a smug grin.

“Will you really step so low?” the rainbow-maned mare said with narrowed eyes.

“What do you want, Spitfire?” Maelstrom asked.

“Oh! That's” the other answered.


“Because you won against me and refused my advances. No-pony refuses me, it can't be done.”

“And you want to base a relationship on that?” Dash said with a raised eyebrow.

“What else then? We are similar, Dash! both of us love to excel, both want to be the absolute best and plainly refuse to be the worst; we both love to push ourselves to the max and can't accept a no for an answer...I am just sure I can do a better job at loving him,” Spitfire answered.

“Listen well then! He-” Dash was about to say before a rust-red wing moved in front of her face.

“I don't want you, Spitfire. I like Dash because in numerous ways we are alike, but she has not that attitude you are showing right now, you are ready to use what? Black-mailing to have me leave Dash? You are ready to destroy her reputation just to force me to leave her? What will you do, mount a scandal on that?” the Prince asked with narrowed eyes and a growl in his voice.

“I will if I have to, chose: Dash and the ruin of both your lives...or me?”

“...Disgusting, I was born a prince, I grew-up as a nobody and I can tell you that I would not trade a title for the girl I love, I can easily renounce to being a so-called 'noble' to stay with her, I know how to survive with the bare minimum.” he answered with a sneer.

“But what about Dash? Do you think she can do the same? Ruining every chance to be famous? To never be recognized as the “coolest flier ever”? To lose her job in Ponyville just for you? All to preserve her weak love for y-” Spitfire said.

“Yes, darn it!” the mare answered immediately.

“Wha...what did you say?”

“I said yes, I will stay with him, now and forever. Even if we'll need to run away and change names, I will do it in an instant and never regret it,” Dash answered with narrowed eyes.

“Dash...” Maelstrom muttered in mild surprise.

“Shocked you too, eh? I surprised myself as well...but I started thinking about it, and I found myself hating losing you more than losing some and my friends are just too important,” she answered nuzzling his neck with a little sigh.

“I love you...ya crazy mare,” he said chuckling.

“Love you too, ya knuckle-headed stallion,” she answered.

“ that's it, eh? You prefer staying together...” Spitfire said.

“Yep, do your worst, I'll protect her.” the Prince answered while covering Dash with his wings to empathize the answer.

“And so will I. I'll protect him, no matter what.” the Element of Loyalty added.

Sigh!...I envy you, Rainbow Dash...I really do, you got a colt-friend ready to drop everything just for you. I am still gonna say that it's a waste for him to stay with you, but I recognize a losing battle when I see one; just see to make him happy, because if you dare break his heart I'll break your wings and THEN swoop in to take him with me,” the Wonderbolt Captain said with a defeated sigh.

“So no black-mailing?” Dash asked surprised.

“To gain what? Burn any chance for me to conquer him in case you buck-up everything? Not a chance! I tried to see if you were really committed, now I'll just wait for the first sign of weakness to pounce,” Spitfire answered smirking.

“Kinda cruel as an answer...” Maelstrom answered.

“Women with strong Will are like this, we don't back down graciously...we wait in the shadows for the right moment to save the clueless male from the hooves of our rival,” the mare answered.

“As if!” Dash growled.

“Then watch out,” the other said.

You know? This must be how that Uchiha brat felt when Sakura and Ino were still young and fighting for him...” Kurama said interested.

That is not helping, furball.” the Prince thought in answer.

“Huhuhu! By the way, I still want to get paid for my silence on your dirty deed,” Spitfire said with a predatory glint in her eyes.

“What do you want?” Dash asked with narrowed eyes.

“Some eating-out...I am kind of curious about how that feels like, you seemed to enjoy it quite a lot,” she answered.


“What? Afraid that he will prefer my 'taste' over yours? Are we lacking self-esteem, Rainbow Dash?” Spitfire taunted grinning.

Pfhe! Last week he kept licking me for eight hours straight! I have nothing to fear!” the rainbow-maned mare said sneering.

Eight hours? That's a lot,”

“I was too out of it after the first three hours to properly count, but I won't certainly deny him his favourite 'drink' just because my brain turns to mush,” the other said smugly.

“I still pretend my silence to be paid...or you really are afraid?”

“So be it! But this is a one-time deal!” Dash answered.

“Oh, it's good may it be after all? It's just some licking, it's surely you the one with a very poor pleasure threshold.”

“Eh! Get ready to eat those words back...Maelstrom?”

“Uh? W-what?” the Prince said as he snapped back from his talking with Kurama.

“Is he okay?” Spitfire asked.

“That's not important...Follow me,” Dash answered dragging both back inside the shower room.

“What's happening?” he asked.

“I'll explain later, now please trust me and do as I say...”

One hour later – Wonderbolt Camp – with Soarin and Fleetfoot -

“Where do you think she is?” Fleetfoot asked.

“Spitfire? Probably cleaning herself after Dash' new prank,” Soarin answered shrugging.

“You think it was her?”

“Considering how competitive the two are, and how much our Captain had tried to stay alone with Prince Maelstrom...I guess Dash could be a good suspect, especially if that mare too tried to get closer to him with the excuse of his spending the week here,”

“So you think he and Dash are together?” Fleetfoor asked.

“Nah! He is Princess Luna's son...if he was in a relationship everypony would have known,” Soarin answered.

“Then what do you-”

“OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!” a deafening scream of ungodly pleasure echoed in the whole camp, scaring everyone present and making more than one cadet crash against each other with the distraction.

“That was Spitfire!” Fleetfoot said shocked.

“It came from the showers!” Soarin added as both hurried towards the source of the scream and missing completely the two trails of light, one rainbow-coloured and the other golden, as both hurriedly left the area to fly towards Canterlot at max speed.

With Dash -

“Gotta split, I'll return to the Castle!” the Maelstrom said worriedly.

“Did I scream like that the first time?” Dash asked with wide eyes.

“No, just a little stronger than that...see you tomorrow?” he answered.

“Better the day after, after this incident...better play it safe.” she answered.

“Okay!” he said.

“...Sigh! Why certain rules have to exist? It would be so much easier staying with him otherwise,” she muttered while watching him move towards Canterlot gaining speed in his flying.

Sooner than expected the Pegasus mare had landed in front of Carousel Boutique, noticing to her surprise the sign with 'Closed' on the door and a red-and-blue handkerchief tied to the handle.

“Ouch! That's Rarity's signal for 'I had an horrible date and I need comforting...and buckets of low-fat chocolate ice-cream.' maybe the others are already inside.” she said with a groan as she moved to knock on the door with the accorded 'code' to gain entrance.

Really, that mare was reading too many romance novels and spy stories for her own good...

“Come in, we are already going through the sixth box of tissues,” Twilight said opening the door.

“Eh! That must have been a bad one then,”

Once entered the boutique the loud sobbing was clearly heard, making both sighing mares join the others plus Spike in the back where the fashionista was sitting on a puff crying her eyes out while blubbering about her latest failure in dates, the fact that Spike was holding one of her hooves while massaging her back was met with a shrug from Twilight to answer Dash' surprised look.

“It was-Sigh!- all perfect! I-I-I-Hic!-I was even wearing my special-occasion dress...and he didn't even show-up!” Rarity said with a despaired tone broken by sobs and hiccups.

“It's all okay, we are here.” Spike muttered while presenting her a new tissue and patting her back.

“Thank you...but the worst part was when I DID find him...” the mare said with a small grateful smile before melting back into fat tears.

“What happened?” AJ asked while tearing away with some effort the third box of ice-cream from the Unicorn's hooves before she could devour that as well.

“He...He...” the Unicorn tried said before erupting into a wailing of pure sorrow as she hugged the closest living being she could find to death, in this case Spike.

“H-H-Help! H-Help!” the small dragon groaned weakly as his ribs were giving-out subtle cracking sounds while his face had instantly turned blue, that was definitely an hug he was NOT enjoying.

“Sweetie? You don't have to tell us if you don't want to,” Pinkie said while literally using a crowbar to free Spike from the deadly embrace.

“HE WAS CLOPPING WITH ONE OF THE WAITRESSES IN THE BATHROOM! It was not mating, just...just two animals giving-in to Lust! DURING OUR DATE!” Rarity bellowed before returning to crush Spike ribs and spine in her hug, the small dragon only accepting in virtue of both Love and the force of Will to not die in such an idiotic way.

“Ouch! What an idiot...” Dash muttered with a wince.

“Not an idiot...I'll take a page from the Prince, and call him an asshole! good manners be damned, he was having his way in a bathroom with a stranger while his “marefriend” was waiting like an idiot at the table! he didn't even admit to be wrong when I questioned him, he said that he was tired of waiting!” Rarity answered with a loath-full expression.

“Tired of waiting? Wasn't that your second date? He was tired of waiting after a single month?” Twilight asked taken aback by the reason.

“Yeah...I was making him suffer apparently,” the other answered bitterly.

That resulted in a chorus of snorts to accompany the sneer on pretty much all of the Mare 6 faces, although Fluttershy's one was still the weaker one out of her all-too-nice personality.

“It's okay, I am used to it by now; what is another failure in dating after a dozen? I may even write a book: 'the complete guide to how to choose the wrong stallion', at least others won't suffer as I do...” the pale unicorn said sighing.

“There must be someone out there that will treat you well,” Spike offered.

“Dear Spikey-wakey...I would love to have the same amount of Hope you have, but I am starting to believe that there is not a single pony good enough for me...but thank you for your words.” she answered with a gentle smile, giggling at his blush once kissed his forehead.

“But enough talking about me! If I keep talking about that idiot I will end-up hunting him down to shove his horn where the sun doesn't shine...AJ? What's this thing about you courting a stallion?” she then said finally showing a more happy expression.

“Ugh! Ya heard about tha'? A mare can't keep a secret in here, eh?” the Farm-mare groaned in disbelief.

“Not when it is such a tasty little news as you getting your heart stolen by somepony! Who is he? Come oooon! Tells us!” Rarity said grabbing the sides of her puff to drag it closer to the earth pony.

“Ah...Ah don't think this' the place tha talk about it...” AJ answered nervous.

“Come on!” Pinkie said with an exaggerated whine.

“We can keep a secret...and make sure Rarity does keep her mouth shut!” Dash added grinning.


“Ah don't wanna...” the mare muttered weakly.

“SPILL! SPILL! SPILL! SPILL! SPILL!” the other girls plus Spike chanted as one with wide smiles.

“SHUCKS! Okay-okay!...It's Maelstrom I'm talking 'bout.” AJ admitted.

“SPILL! SPI-WHAT!?” the others yelled.

“The Prince...Ah like him, 'kay?” the farm mare repeated with an huff.

“But I like him!” Pinkie answered indignant.

“You too?!” Twilight said shocked.

“...Me too...sorry if I like the same pony as you all.” Fluttershy admitted with her weakest voice yet.

Meanwhile this 'horrific' series of revelations was taking place Dash was trying her best at keeping quiet and trying to blend in with the background and not be noticed, trying to also understand how this happened, until she asked.

“How this happened?”

“He keeps helping me at the Acres, he never whines and is an hard worker...Bloom too likes him as a big brother, I don't know how to explain this...Ah just like him,” AJ answered.

“...Gentle, good-hearted...”

“He doesn't judge me for my love of books or Magic...”

“He loves to cook, laugh and play pranks,”

Sigh! I swear, just because I got to know him well enough, otherwise I would think that he purposely seduced you all. Explaining to him that you four like him will probably shock him pretty badly though, I don't envy the pour soul tasked with that.” Rarity said with a sigh of dismay.

“What about you?” Dash asked, momentarily stopping biting her tongue to not admit a thing about her relationship.

“I enjoy his company, he is nice pony to chat with and way too good at listening to be real, and Sweetie too seems to like her 'Big Brother Mael'...he can help with my dresses thanks to his techniques as he can take the appearances of other ponies so I can deal with various body types and fur colours...but other than that? Meh, I would love to have him as a Big Brother myself, even just to not always be the Big Sister, but also because he has a nice attitude...but nothing romantic, he is just not what I am looking for in a man,” she answered shrugging with no-one noticing Spike sighing in relief.

“A pity he is already in a relationship,” Dash said bitterly to herself, shocked to hear the others gasp.

“He already has somepony? Who?” AJ asked with wide eyes.

“I am afraid I don't know for certain...” Dash answered immediately while berating herself for her slip of the tongue.

“THE SPA TWINS!” Pinkie said shocked.

“Who?” Twilight asked.

“Those two mares that own the Spa Resort, he and Luna always go there, he told me himself...probably he is seeing one? Or even both!” the pink mare answered.

“What about Vinyl Scratch? He is a great fan of her music...maybe he managed to court her,” Rarity, ever the Gossip Queen, added with narrowed eyes.

“Nnnhg!” the rainbow-maned girl of the group groaned as she could feel her anger rising at each new name added to the possible list, and between the stress of the girl's admittance, the name of some suitors AND the whole hiding the relationship was causing her patience to get eroded to nothing.

“What about one of the Night Guards? Maybe Luna herself presented one of them to him,” Spike said shrugging.
That did it, with a roar worthy of an Ursa Major Dash got to her feet and stomped down with enough strength to crack one of the tiles, silencing the whole room in an instant.

“No he is mine! MINE! MINE! MINE! He is not seeing Twins, or guards, or Musicians! HE IS MINE AND MINE ALONE! I am his mare-friend and not you or any of those dirty hussies will have him as long as I breath! NEVER!” she yelled in blind rage, panting hard as soon as she stopped screaming before collapsing back on her seat.

“WHAT?!” Once again the whole group of mares and dragon yelled the same question at the same time, this time though focusing their eyes on the still angry Pegasus.

“I have been seeing Maelstrom for some time now, I didn't want to say anything to not cause issues with anypony that might like him or drawing attention to myself for dating the Prince; so I asked him to keep the thing hidden and he gently agreed, even if by his own admission he doesn't care about gossip...only that we love each other...that's why I like him, he just doesn't care about what people say and focus only on me...” Dash explained with a small, fond smile.

“Darn it...well, at least one of us is happy...Ah can still see if Ah can find somepony else, congratulations.” AJ muttered with an empty smile that didn't reach her eyes.

“Okey-dokey...I guess I'll look elsewhere for a coltfriend,” Pinkie Pie added unconvinced.

“Sorry, I'll stay away then.” Fluttershy said with a small nod.

“...The Law of Refusal...that's what you are afraid of.” Twilight said with narrowed eyes making Dash gasp.

“H-How do you know?!” the mare asked with wide eyes.

“I remember you that I was Top of the Class when in school and then got tutored by Celestia herself.” the purple Unicorn answered.

“What's that Law, Twi?” AJ asked curious.

"The 'Law of Refusal' is an old law that never got removed from the books that states that a mare openly presenting her colt-friend to the population can be "challenged" by other mares in case they deem her "unworthy" of the stallion, noble families used to evade the issue by having Marriage Contracts signed as soon as heirs were born so to not have rival families intrude in the alliance the others wished to gain from the marriage,” she answered.

“But...that's completely barbaric!” Rarity said horrified.

“It's an old law born during Discord's rule, it all happened because the Chaos entity, before being petrified, turned most of the population and newborns into mares as a last “prank” and so unbalancing the ratio male-female for years to come, forcing the newly crowned Luna and Celestia to somehow help repopulating with strong off-spring in the hopes to have more males in the future...” Twilight said.

“It doesn't make much sense, Twi.” Spike said uncertain.

“We are talking about something happening in the old times, thousands of years ago and even before Maelstrom's own birth; at the time they believed that "Studs" had more possibility to produce males than "Normal" stallions, so the Law was created in the hope to have more males being born.”

“And how does that law works?” Fluttershy asked.

“...If the mare that is in the relationship win the challenge she can freely stay with her beloved until the next challenge, but if she loses she has to concede to the challenger the permission to "use" the stallion until pregnancy comes, like that there would be enough mating to cover the lack of males...” Dash answered with a strained sigh.

“Not everypony knows about do YOU know that the Law exists?” Twilight asked.

“I was born from one of those challenges, my 'mother' won and got to sleep with the stallion she fancied before he got married...I was the 'accident' that resulted from that. My 'father' explained it to me along giving me his excuses about the whole reason behind the fact that I was born...I prefer keeping distance from the three of them, but I do exchange some polite letters with the stallion, since we are both victims in this we try to console each-other,” She answered.

“What about your mother?”

“I prefer to stay as far-away from her as possible, but she admitted she wasn't expecting me to be born, they had apparently an accord for a single night whatever pregnancy came or not...and the contraceptive herbs failed, so here I am...after that I just washed my hooves of her and moved here,” Dash answered.

“And that other mare?”

“Never interacted with her, probably she thinks I am a reminder of her husband cheating since the Law is basically an invitation to cheating...I don't actually care about her,”

“So you are afraid to have Maelstrom fall for another mare that would challenge you because it would let him open to be courted by others with him unable to refuse.” Twilight said.

“An useless fear, he doesn't seem to be the pony that gets swayed by another mare while in a relationship...that is, if somepony else other than Twilight and you know about the Law, and I don't think that it is of public knowledge.” Rarity said with an uncaring wave of her hoof.

“It only takes ONE girl to try it, then the various Gossip Mongers of Equestria will make sure to spread the word, then it will be open season on him...and unless I marry him nor me or him will be able to refuse the challenges, and I don't want to 'trap him' just for the sake of keeping him all to myself,” Dash answered sighing.

“The Law doesn't states a thing about fellow 'mates' interfering, if one gets Challenged, the others can jump in as it would be a challenge to the 'Group' instead of the single mare,” Twilight said with a calculative expression.

“Group? What group?” Dash asked.

“I don't know the others, but I am not backing down for him, but I won't either ruin my friendship with you or I am proposing an alliance, in exchange of an occasion to date him and stay with him I'll help you in each Challenge...and you'll do the same for me when someone will dispute MY staying with him,” the Unicorn answered.

“AND YOU WANT ME TO SHARE HIM?!” Dash roared as she moved at an inch of Twilight's face.

“...Yes.” the other answered after taking a short breath to steel her nerves.


“I like him and just want to know him better,”

“Then you should have woke-up sooner, he is with me now.” the rainbow-maned Pegasus answered.

“You have to admit that her idea does have some merits,” Rarity said calmly.

“LIKE WHAT!? Letting the first passing-by steal him from me? Even for just a night? He can't refuse and Luna herself will blame ME for it because I was not strong enough to win the Challenge!”

“Then accept Twilight's suggestion, she is just asking for the permission to date him in exchange of her help against any mare that may try to step in your way...that if Princess Luna herself won't turn them into minced meat as soon as they utter the words 'I challenge you, Dash, for...' while looking at her son,” the fashionista answered unconcerned.

“...And what if he falls for her? I am not girly, I am not that shy cute or even uber smart...I am just me...” Dash said weakly.

“And he likes that 'just me' just fine...but I fear telling him would be a terrible idea,” Rarity answered.


“He is very faithful and Loyal, so much that I am surprised HE is not the Element of Loyalty, telling him that you agreed to have him 'date' another girl would break his trust in you, that is if he doesn't do something foolish because he knows about that Law of Refusal thing.”

“That he would do, he likes to do foolish things!” Pinkie said giggling.

“I am not trying to steal him away from you...but I do like him, I just want to know how it feels to go on dates, and he shouldn't be as bad as the ones Rarity had already met...please?” Twilight asked.

“Why? Can't I have a colt-friend for myself without people interfering? Why do I have to watch my back just because he is a prince?” the girl asked with a sob.

“Please, we can defend him together...if he is not interested then I will step-back, but if I don't try I won't know if there can be something...”

“And you wish to see him feel something for you as well?”


“Listen...let's tell him that we know about you two being together, BUT! We will then tell him that AJ, Shy, Pinkie and Twi need some 'practice' in how dates work, like that he will (hopefully) treat them as he would as if going out with them, and the girls will have their occasion to shine and know him better,” Rarity offered.

“And if he discovers to have feelings for them as well? Wouldn't that hurt him?” Dash asked with narrowed eyes.

“In that case we will then inform him about the Law and explain to him what we are doing...then it's either him getting pretty mad at us or accept the thing as an inevitable thing to protect you and him and your relationship,”

“I don't like this...”

“Dashie...please? He knows that I love to play but can see beyond that, he doesn't believe that I am crazy or something like the other ponies, please?” Pinkie asked.

“He never question my shyness or my preference for staying with animals...”

“You others too?” Dash said shocked.

“Come on...I am not one of those up-tidy missuses from big cities...Ah prefer to get dirty and work hard and he likes to spend time with me all the same...please?” AJ added.

“I don't want to...” Dash muttered before the other four hugged her.

“Please?” Twilight asked again.

“...he will leave me if he talks with another mare!”

“No he won't, you think he never got offered the chance to see one of the daughters of a minor noble family? I even heard from Celestia that an offer came even from all the way to Saddle Arabia...and he refused. You have nothing to worry from outsiders,” Twilight answered.

“And from you?”

“IF something do happen, we will deal with it friends,” she answered.

“Ah promise to explain that Ah don't mind as long as you are still with him and me, sugarcube,” AJ added.

“Yup! And if its me, I'll make sure to have a three-way party for the three of us! No-pony is left behind!” Pinkie said.

“...he never gets tired...he would be too much for a single girl...” Shy muttered.


“I-I-I mean...I would never separate you two if he chose me...” the blushing shy pony said immediately.

“Promise?” Dash asked.

“Promise,” the other four said as one.

No-one noticed a small dragon stealthily leaving the room to write a letter to a certain Alicorn.

Canterlot – Castel – Gardens – one hour later -

Maelstrom was looking with narrowed eyes the strange statue that should have been holding the chaotic entity known as Discord that was starting to show several deep cracks on its whole surface.

“This is no good, Mother Luna and Celestia still can't find a way to reinforce the seal nor understand why this is happening...can it be that my Sage Training is causing this? The flow of Natural Energy may be interfering with the spell...” he muttered.

His musing got interrupted by the Puff! Sound of a Toad reverse-summoning herself near him bringing Spike in the gardens.

“It's a nice method of transportation at least,” the small dragon said.

“You asked for a meeting and used the delivery spell Celestia usually uses to send messages to Twilight, but why you asked for a summon of mine to be dropped where you were and then recalled back here? I could have come there myself,” the Prince asked curious.

“The less you are around Ponyville at the moment the better,” Spike admitted sighing.

“Uh? What's happening?” he asked.

What followed was a full re-telling of the girls' meeting, the admission on Dash' side and the whole Law of Refusal explanation along Twilight and Rarity's plan regarding Maelstrom and the girls.

The Law of Refusal? Why Dash fears it if it's been erased from the books as soon as Luna returned into being a Princess?” the Alicorn asked with wide eyes.

“It's no longer valid?!” Spike yelled in disbelief.

“You really think that Princess Luna, my mother and probably the most over-protective mother in the history of the whole Universe would leave something like that standing if it could even just barely affect me? Sure she covered it with the notion of it being a barbaric law that should have stopped existing years ago, but everyone, everypony, knows that I was the main reason because she was adamant in dismantling it,” Maelstrom answered.

“Oh...damn...” Spike muttered.

“I am rubbing off on you,” the other said with a faint chuckle.

“We dragons can get away with it...can I still ask you to give the others a chance?”


“Dash is not happy of course...but Twilight is so damn focused in dating you; she never showed that much interest in anything that was not a book or something related to it...but then the others came in, and she started enjoying life so much, then there is you and her first crush on a pony instead of a lesson...can I ask you to go on with their plan? Only just to show to Twi that there are other things to life...and if you and her discover that there can be something between you and her, then I am even long as you treat her well of course,” Spike answered.

“And what about Dash? Are you asking me to break-up with her? Because it's not happening!” the other said growling.

“NO! I just...I just want Twilight to be happy, try and know her as you would with a mare-friend, I am not saying you should love her, but to see if there can be something between you and her...and Dash,”

“I'll talk to Dash myself, if she doesn't want then I won't...I can't lose her,” Maelstrom answered as he opened his wings wide.

“Hop on my back, we are flying to Ponyville to meet my Rainbow Princess, she'll have the last word in this,” he then said.

“Okay, it would be bad for the others otherwise,” Spike admitted as both flew away at Mach speed.
Behind them, a soft chuckle echoed faintly from inside the cracked statue followed by a lively eye peeking from one of the cracks in the rock.

“Interesting...very, very interesting, HUHUHUHU! This promise to be lots of fun!” the voice admitted as new cracks appeared on the prison of the Chaotic Dragonequus.

Just a little bit more, and the party will staaaart!

I added two extra-long Omake as well, so to excuse myself for the lack of one last chapter, still hope you like my story, I am not very good admittedly, sorry.

Omake 1 – Spike's troubled Libido 1 - (Omake Not influencing the Main Plot)

Ooh! Spike was having so much fun! The girls had all stumbled on the herb called 'Poison Joke' and were now suffering from their tailored 'curse' because of it, and he was starting to run short in nickname to use!

“You okay, Miss Flopple?” he asked with mirthful eyes.

“You know you will be in trouble once this is over, right?” Twilight Sparkle, or Twilight Flopple as the young dragon had renamed her, answered with a glare.

“That is why I am going to enjoy this as much as I can before the inevitable pay-back will come.” he answered grinning.

Twilight Flopple.
Apple Teeny (normally Applejack)
Spitty Pie (Pinkie Pie)
Flutterguy (Fluttershy)

EVEN RARITY could not be spared! it was just too funny seeing her mane, coat, and tail become frizzled, very long, and mop-like; making him welcome it as an open invitation in christening her 'Hairity'.

But Spike's absolute favourite was Rainbow Crash (Instead of Dash) as the mare with the now inverted wings kept crashing everywhere until in a despaired manoeuvre she managed to fly upward high in the sky...and crash on Maelstrom as he was returning from Canterlot to join the guards' rounds around Ponyville making both her and the Prince crash-land in the middle of the poisonous herb! to call him? I'll have to use the Knight in his name since Maelstrom leaves very little choice...Iiih! I can't wait!” Spike thought giddily, eagerly waiting for the Alicorn to wake-up from his landing head-first on the ground.

“Hoy, hoy, hoy! I am sorry Mael! Didn't see ya up there!” Dash said groaning.

Sigh! this is the Poison Joke Miss Zecora was talking about...and you all managed to drag me into this...thank you very much.” Maelstrom answered with a suffered sigh, the problem was that the voice was actually feminine and ringing like angelic bells in Spike's ears stopping him dead in his Nick-names listing.

“Guh!?” the young dragon muttered with his eyes gaining the size of dinner plates while every drop of blood simply teleported south leaving very little for his poor brain.

“What? Something on my face?” the Prince-ss asked with a raised eyebrow.

“You are a girl...” Dash said unsure.

“Oh!...Hihihi! This brings back sooo many memories! when I was young I created a Jutsu able to turn me into a sexy girl for prank purposes called Oiroke no Jutsu, seducing technique...I guess this is a way for the plant to acknowledge my being a prankster at Is my Naruko form still good?” the transformed Alicorn said with her usual laugh turning into a very delicate giggling before tossing her long, fluent mane behind her in a dramatic fashion and somehow making a faint scent of vanilla slam on the others' noses, enticing a massive blushing on everyone's face safe for Rarity that instead roared in denial.

“THIS IS UNFAIR! I get turned into a ball of fur and you got transformed like THAT?! I won't accept this! Something here smells of favouritism!” the fashionista shrieked in blind rage.

“You make for one disturbingly hot mare...and even if I am as straight as an arrow...Wow.” Dash admitted.

“You think? Isn't my flank too big? And what about my legs?” Maelstrom asked grinning while taking few “risky” poses.

“I know a lot of mares that would kill to have legs like that, sugarcube...” AJ the world smallest mare said with a low whistle.

“Like what you see, Spikey?” Twilight asked with a vindictive smile.

“Homina, Homina, Homina...” he muttered while unblinkingly tracing every inch of the new Alicorn girl's long, creamy and deliciously shaped legs, shining cerulean eyes and then down her silk-like golden mane to the happily swinging tail and oh-so-toned and sexy flan...

It was then that with his eyes rolling on the back of his head and the softest of the Thud! Sounds Spike collapsed from sensory overload, last thing he heard was Maelstrom (or Maelly, as he had re-named her) say in a very satisfied voice.

“Yep! Still got it! Too sexy for either the Elemental Countries or Equestria, both as a boy or a girl! Go me!” followed by the sound of the girl spanking herself smugly.

Later that night Spike would wake-up panting after his dreams, not as 'innocent' as one would think, switched from the usual one about he and Rarity dating to a new one of Rarity and Maelly going at it in a scene of obscenely-hot lesbian mating with lots of gyrating, moaning and his own tongue going to places that should not be explored with that appendage.

“Why I had to walk in on Maelstrom and Dash doing those things?!” he said whining before trying to tell himself that Maelly was just the Prince's prank identity and so not real, no matter how soft her skin seemed or how nice it looked to watch her flank with Rarity sensually biting down on it and...

Sigh! Bathroom...” the small dragon said sighing while taking a box of tissues and a bottle of lubricant from under his bed before marching towards the bathroom with an expression of pure self-loathing.

“Only once, then I will put in my head that he is a male and the mare face is an illusion...” he said to himself.

A week later he will just do his best to evade the Prince as instead of going away, the image of Maelly got stuck in his brain and so whenever he tried to 'Appreciate' ( Cough-Wanking about-cough) Rarity's body too other than her mind, the traitorous libido would forcefully add the Naruko form of Maelstrom to turn the fantasy into a three-way thing making the young dragon start questioning his own sexuality as a result.

Omake 2 – Spike's troubled Libido 2 – (Omake Not influencing the Main Plot)

The marriage of Shining and Cadence was finally beginning after the resolution of the small issue of Chrysalis and her changeling army as the still-groaning pile of beaten metamorphic ponies plus Queen was still getting carted away by soldiers, forcing Twilight to fish inside her purse an empty vial of clear liquid she had her friend/assistant Spike drink without him knowing.

Ever since the 'Poison Joke Incident' the small dragon had took staying away from Maelstrom as if he had the plague, leaving the area as soon as the Prince arrived or squeaking every time his name went pronounced even in passing, this not considering the many times she heard him wake-up in the dead of the night grumbling and cursing about something he also deemed the Alicorn culprit of.

Whenever asked about it he would just dodge the issue and change subject, until the Unicorn had had enough and decided to dip her hoof and get the answer she needed before the thing destroyed her small friend; that's why she had fished through Celestia's personal collection for a book about potions, looking for the most ancient and, as per an unwritten rule, the one with the most powerful ones.

'Moste Potente Potions Ver 2.0' by a mysterious married couple whose names had been lost through the ages and now only known by the two set of initials 'H. J. P' and 'H. J. P.' separated by a golden lightning bolt, whoever those ponies were Twilight would have to recognize they were good if only half of what the specifics of the so-called 'Veritaserum' potion were indeed true.

Slipping it into Spike's drink had been easy, what she had not calculated was the Changeling attack happening immediately after nor Maelstrom Knight silencing the room during the dinner after the wedding to ask if someone had something to say to everypony and the couple, making the still glassy-eyed Spike stand-up.

“Is the potion still in effect? And I thought that it would make him answer only MY questions...Oh, my!...maybe I miscalculated the quantity and gave him enough for a pony instead of a dragon with his body-mass? this is not good...” Twilight muttered with a wince as she saw Spike clear his throat.

“Yes, I have something to say,” the small dragon droned.

“Yes what is it?” the Prince asked uncertain.

“I need to say this...I am sorry, Maelstrom and Rarity...But I masturbate every night while thinking about her and your Mare form Naruko...or Maelly as I call her...” Spike answered making a dead silence fall in the room.

“Oh, God...” a very green-faced Alicorn Prince muttered shivering.

“WHAT DO YOU DO?!” Rarity shrieked.

“I masturbate every night thinking about you and a female version of Maelstrom licking each other's marehood while I myself bite your flanks, like I saw Maelstrom and Dash do that day under one of AJ's trees,” the dragon answered.

“YOU DIRTY WHORE!” Luna and AJ screamed as one with foaming mouth as they tried to pounce on Dash and stopping only in virtue of Celestia using her Magic to paralyse them.

“And this...happens every night?” A shocked Rarity couldn't help but ask.

“Every night, I used to come four times before going back to sleep, but now that Maelly too joined I reach five and sometimes six if I am inspired like when I manage to spy on you during your yoga sessions, Rarity.” he answered.

“And that while thinking about no one else but me and Maelstrom?” she asked.

“No, I think about Twilight too from time to time...I never thought I was one for incest since I see her as a surrogate mother...Twi? Why I come the most when thinking about you and Rarity licking each other while Maelly licks me? Does it mean something?” the dragon asked curious.

“...Guh!” was the only horrified answer.

“T-That's all you had to say?” Shining asked, he too green on his face and a step close at joining Maelstrom at puking behind one of the bushes only with Cadence instead of Dash near him trying to console the distraught stallion.

“Just that I am sorry Rarity, but I love that dress, I have just wanked a couple of times five minutes ago in the bathroom as I could not stop looking at you and your back legs. now I need to go...” Spike answered before falling face-first on his plate to snore from the mixture of the potion being untested on dragons causing somnolence and the liquor he had been secretly drinking to stop new images of Maelly from surfacing.

The end result was a puking Prince, a shocked Fashionista, an horrified groom and Twilight herself apparently fainting while still standing and a snoring small dragon unaware of what he said and that won't remember a thing about what happened once awake.

The Next day -

“Waaah! I sleep sooo well! So? How was the wedding? I can't remember a thing so it must have been something epic!” Spike asked as soon as he moved to have breakfast with Twilight.

“ had been eye-opening...” the Unicorn answered in a dead voice and with dark bangs under her eyes, discovering that the dragon you normally saw as a surrogate son use to masturbate while thinking about you was not as 'flattering' as people may think.

“Why? What happened?”

“You really want to know what you admitted?”

“Admitted? What did I say? Something bad?” Spike asked curious.


Thirty seconds later -

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” a long, high-pitched and horrified scream was heard in ALL Equestria as Spike learned what he had openly admitted in front of everyone, Maelstrom and Rarity especially.

In the meantime said duo of Alicorn stallion and Unicorn mare were gratefully meeting with a counsellor about the scarring discovery, the Prince especially in need for it since apparently he had talked about it with his friends back in Konoha and discovered (to his horror) that EVERYONE had at least once used Naruko to masturbate, but not only Kiba or Kankurou...but Sai, Chouji, ROCK FUCKING LEE! Sakura, Ino, Tenten, Hinata and Sasuke as well as Gai, Kurenai, Temari and Anko even...even Shino, Gaara, Kakashi and Tsunade of all people admitted to their utter shame that once or twice the pony-tailed blond human girl had been the catalyst of few of their self-induced orgasms as well...poor Luna was besides herself to try and stop he baby stallion from drinking himself to death, not that Rarity was not keeping him company through the various bottles of cider.

As for Spike, after that he secluded himself into the Library, determined in simply out-live the ones knowing about his dirty secret in the hope that the normal long life-span of a dragon could help him survive the shame, that and adopt an old adage reciting 'CONSTANT VIGILANCE!' and check food and drinks for other secret-spitting potions Twilight may decided to test on him.

Unfortunately for him he also continued having dirty dreams about Maelly and Rarity, and sometimes Twilight, all for his despair and lowering of sight as apparently THAT particular rumour was true at least for dragons.

End of the omakes.