Commander Thorn in Equestria.

by SolidArc5542

A team of two

"Henceforth you shall be know as: Darth Vader."

Darth Sidious to his new apprentice.


Agent Sacero sighed as he rubbed his eyes. He was getting tired of these talks. When he decided to enter a nearby bar, he didn't expect it to be this bad. Drunk, everywhere he looked people were drunk. He had decided to hide his uniform, therefore he needed to 'dispose' of a certain taxi driver who unfortunately had a set of robes he needed. But, him still being an officer of the law, decided to stun the poor taxi driver. Sighing, Agent Sacero walked towards the Ithorian bartender.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asked, polishing a glass.

"I'll have the strongest drink you have." Agent Sacero replied as he looked around him, making sure no one was listing. "I also need some information."

"What kind of information?" The bartender asked as he served Sacero his drink. "You're not a cop, are you?" He asked suspiciously.

"No." Agent Sacero laughed as he took a sip from his drink. "I need to get rid of someone."

"Ahh, you're looking for a bounty hunter." The bartender said as he took quick glances around him. He leaned towards Sacero and spoke up. "Listen, there are numerous bounty hunters out there. But of you're really looking for one who gets the job done, I'd advice going to Tatooine."

"Tatooine? Why?" Sacero asked curiously.

"From what I've heard, that's where the best of the best are." The bartender replied as he looked at Sacero. "You're leaving, right?"

As a reply, Sacero handed him hundred credits. "This conversation, never happened." He said as he walked out of the bar.

The bartender grabbed the credits. "My lips, are sealed."


Agent Sacero sat in the cockpit of his Republic Attack Shuttle. He was leaving Coruscant to begin his new mission. A mission; The Chancellor assigned him to. Two Clones, two Clones that had to be terminated. How hard could it be? Well, not that hard. Agent Sacero was skilled in many ways. He could stand his own against without a blaster. And with a blaster, you'd better not be in his line of fire. Agent Sacero looked out of the front window of his cockpit. Four Venator Class Starcruisers hovered above him. A set of Headhunters flew passed him.

"Bounty hunters, I can't believe I'm actually hiring one." Agent Sacero muttered as he looked around the shuttle. "I have to say, out of all the ships, this has got to be my favorite. The interior, just everything looks amazing." He said as he put feet on the co-pilot seat.

Suddenly, he heard a door open. Turning around, he saw it was the door that led to the cockpit. The cockpit he was stationed in. But what stood in the doorframe, was what confused him the most. There stood a BX-series.Commando Droid. Carefully moving his hand towards his blaster pistol, Agent Sacero got up from his chair. "What are you'd doing in my ship?" He asked as he quickly grabbed his blaster, only for the Commando droid to leap towards him. The droid kicked away Sacero's blaster and in the progress, uppercutted Sacero, making him fall on the cockpit's metal floor.

Sacero quickly got up and leaped towards the Commando droid. But the droid jumped aside. Sacero, reacting quickly, grabbed hold of the co-pilots seat and spun around, kicking the Commando droid into the control panels. The droid threw a punch at the agent, but Sacero ducked and kicked the Commando droid's legs, making it fall over. He ran towards his blaster and aimed it at the Commando droid. The Commando droid, having no chance of escape, leaped towards Sacero again. Sacero pulled the trigger of his DC-15 blaster pistol several times, the plasma bolts making impact with the Commando droid's metal plating. The Commando droid twitched as sparks came out of its body.

"Stupid droids, how inferior you are to Humans." Sacero said as he spun his blaster, holstering it as he turned around. "I'll be getting rid of you once I--."

Agent Sacero was cut off by a hard object colliding with his head. Agent Sacero fell to the ground, unconscious.

"You Humans are all the same." Said another BX-series Commando droid. "Celebrating when you have not won. You are inferior, we droids are superior." The droid said as he placed Sacero in the co-pilot seat. "Setting course to Serenno." The droid said as it entered the coordinates. The shuttle disappeared into hyper space. Heading towards a sinister planet, that held a sinister man.


Count Dooku stood on top of his balcony, looking over the distant forest of Serenno. His master's orders had only been given; two days ago. He knew that if he didn't act quickly, the two Clones would surely but a hold to their plans. Dooku had to be careful, he could not sent an entire invasion force to every planet, only for two Clones. He had considered hiring bounty hunters, but he knew how that would turn out. Even when going into The Box, the bounty hunters he had hired to capture Chancellor Palpatine were all failures. Even the mighty Cad Bane could not complete the mission. Sure, Obi Wan was there as well, going undercover as a bounty hunter himself. But still, his plan should have worked.

"My lord."

Dooku turned around, greeted by General Kalani. "Yes general?" Dooku asked the Super Tactical Droid.

"A Republic ship is entering orbit, shall I send in the fighters to intercept?" Kalani asked.

Dooku shook his head as he walked passed the droid. "No that will not be necessary." He replied, looking back at the droid. "I will retrieve the 'cargo', the ship was carrying. When I am finished, destroy it." And with that said, the Sith Lord walked out of his private 'office'.

"Yes, my lord." Kalani said as he brought his metalic, clawlike fingers up to his head. "This is General Kalani, prepare a demolition droid."

"Roger roger." Could be heard from the other side of the commlink.

Dooku walked down towards the entrance of his palace. Thinking to himself what his master would want him to do with this Republic Agent. He had no idea who he was or what he looked like, only that he was given a lot of credits by The Chancellor himself. Well, whatever he had been given, Dooku could always double it. Finally reaching the entrance, Dooku stepped outside and watched as the shuttle landed meters away from him. Walking towards the shuttle as the front hatch of the ship opened, Dooku watched as a Commando droid carried out a unconscious man.

"I thought there were two of you?" Dooku asked the droid.

"T-forty nine was killed." The droid replied in its usual, low, neural tone. "The mission however, was a success, my lord."

"Excellent work." Dooku said as he inspected his new prisoner. "Take him to my office, take my guards with you and guard him. When he wakes up, contact me immediately."

"Roger, roger."The Commando droid replied as it carried Sacero towards the palace. Count Dooku walked towards the shuttle d stepped inside. He entered the cockpit and saw the destroyed Commando droid. "Merely a single loss." Dooku said as he turned around and left the cockpit, but not without noticing a small briefcase. Picking it up, he left the cockpit and saw a demolition droid t run towards him.

"My lord, I have arrived, as you ordered." The B1 demolition droid said as it looked over Count Dooku. "I'm guessing that needs to be blown up."

"Yes, have it done immediately." Dooku said as he walked back into his palace.

"Roger, roger." The droid replied as it looked at the shuttle. It rubbed its head as it looked at the single grenade that it brought with him. "I need a lot more."

Dooku walked through his palace, walking passed various statues of former Sith's. He'd always find The Sith's past intriguing, ever since he turned to The Dark Side. His master taught him everything he knew, at least, that's what his master told him. Finally reaching his meditation chamber, he entered the chamber. He positioned himself on the ground and crossed his legs. Closing his eyes, he opened his mind and let The Force flow through him.

"Lord Tyrannus." The voice of his master echoed through his mind.

"Yes master?" Dooku asked

"Have you done as I asked?" Lord Sidious asked.

"Yes master, the agent has been captured as you have ordered." Dooku replied.

"Very good, soon my young apprentice, the Jedi will be no more. Once more the Sith shall rule the galaxy." Lord Sidious said. "Now my apprentice, make sure the agent is on our side."

"He will be, master. Whether he disagrees or not, he will join us." Dooku replied.

"Good, good. And what if he doesn't?" Lord Sidious asked.

"Then he will be dealt with." Dooku replied.

"Yes, that is.. Acceptable. I must go now, my apprentice. The Dark Side will guide you." And with that, the connection between master and apprentice was broken, for a while at least. Dooku was about to return to mediation, but his commlink bleeped.

"Yes?" Dooku asked.

"Sir, the agent has awakened." The Commando droid said over the commlink.

"Very good, keep him restrained, I will be there shortly." Dooku replied as he got u up from the floor. He was going to have a little talk with a certain agent.