Star Trek: Equestrian Assimilation

by firelordzx5


The story has been cancelled for multiple reasons including RL problems that involve around my job and my way of life in Venezuela (the struggle is real)

It's a shame because I have all this planned out, in fact.

After the battle I would have writen chapters that were comparable to Star Trek episodes with each of any captain OC in the spotlight. after that I would have made return of the Tal'Shiar using indoctrinated pony clones with a revived Haakev leading them it lead directed into a Tal'Shiar space battle.

Then the borg return in huge numbers only to be saved by a Tal'Shiar Scimitar that hides behind the Equestrian Moon.

Then a changeling arc that connect to the mirror universe's ponies plot then the reveal that the planet is actually a Dyson Sphere or Shield World created by the Iconians as experiment for non-humanoid lifeform.

The end would have the Moon to be a Dormant Planet Sized Iconian Gateway so the entire planet could be moved toward a more secure star system in it's programmed starchart

I'm sorry about this but I can't continue it