Heartstrings and Bronze Gears

by Optimistic Pessimist


Prince Blueblood sat there waiting for the return of the Princess. He was worried that he had already missed it, seeing as how he was so busy with his Royal Duties. He looked out the window and sighed in relief. Unless there was a special occasion, the Princess would usually come back to Canterlot to lower the sun.

The sound of blaring horns caught his attention. "Ah! There's the Princess!"

Prince Blueblood sat and waited when, just as he predicted, the Princess came in. "Hello, Blueblood? How has my favorite nephew been?" Blueblood chuckled. "I'm your only nephew. But, I'm fine, the same old Royal Duties." The Princess smiled as she turned to leave. "Well, I have to leave. I'm a little late for the sunset, and I always loved the sunset." Prince Blueblood sighed as she left.

"Your highness?" The Prince turned back to the door. He raised an eyebrow at the guard. "And you are...?" The guard didn't make any expression. "The same guard from yesterday, your highness." The Prince laughed. "I'm sorry! It's just that you guards all look exactly the same! It's like you're all twins or something!" The guard didn't respond and waited for the Prince to calm down.

"I'm sorry, it's just... " The Prince cleared his throat. "Now, addressing the task I gave you?" The guard shook his head.

"I was unable to find a suitable mare for you."

The Prince tensed. "You were...unable... to find a suitable mare?" He got off the bed. "Well, why not?"

The guard retained his steel face despite obvious frustration on the royalty's' face. "The mares there were too, well..." The Prince scowled. "Well what?" The Guard looked to the floor and sighed. He looked back up. "The mares there were too willing. The only mares I've seen were in relationships for money, not for love."

The Prince was confused. "What was the Princess doing there?" The guard looked down the hallway. "I'm not entirely sure. She simply said to wait outside the owners room." The Prince looked down to the floor and sighed. "Well, at least you have a good eye." The Prince could have sworn he saw a smile flutter across the guards' face.

"Now, onto the next visit. Do you know where Celestia's going next?" The guard nodded. "She's visiting her student in Ponyville. The home of the Elements of Harmony." The Prince nodded. He'd heard of the place before, but he had never been there. "Tell me, what are the ponies like there?"

"They're a well mannered bunch. Kind, caring, and respectful. The population is small, so everypony knows each other by name. Although, the strangest things happen there."

The Prince smiled. "Yes, that ought to be a desirable place. And when are you all going?" The guard looked back down the hall. "The trip is assigned for next week. The Princess is doing a casual get together with the Elements of Harmony. We will probably have plenty opportunity to search."

"Excellent! Make sure you find me a mare!" The guard nodded and flew back down the hall.