//------------------------------// // The Transfer is Prologue: 1 // Story: The Exchange Student // by Ponyess //------------------------------// I had applied to transfer from my current location at Vanhoover University to Canterlot High. I wanted to see more of the country and the high-school in question did have good accreditation. I had just recently been informed, notified on the detail that I had been accepted, my transfer had been approved. Once the transfer had been approved, I hastily packed my few belongings. Why have more than I needed? I am busy with my studies. Of course I had told my friends, even if they already knew that I had planned to make the transfer. The train-ride had been smooth. I guess it had been expected. I had planned it, and booked the ticket for the ride in advance. I had picked a time when I expected the train less than packed. Actually, I had taken the night train. Thus sleeping all the way. When I arrived at the station, I had pulled my suit case off of the train and walked the short distance to my new home. Unpacking what little I had brought with me did not take all that long. Not that I made undue haste, I just had too little with me for the job to take more than maybe an hour. That is with the tea break included, of course. Making my bed, hanging up the few garments I have in the wardrobe and filling up the kitchen. Plates, glasses and forks; aside from a very short list of food. There is a small supply of books and music, including what little I brought with me from my previous school. It is a home, a chance to rest my head on a pillow. Nothing fancy, right. This isn’t so much a fresh start, as a new page in my book, a stepping-stone on a journey to the dream of my life. I need to see the world and see new people and experience new places. One may expect a High-school an appreciated change of pace, compared with the University where I had spent my previous year. Apparently, I was wrong. Although I soon realised I am to meet all the new people and making a few good friends here. I just did not know the half of it, but I am to learn. It is why I came, why I transferred in the first place. The first girl I met is Pinkie Pie, and I was by no means prepared. She isn’t the kind of person you can prepare for. Not that she is all that loud, but she is all over the place. Kind and friendly, funny and entertaining. Ready to punch you in the gut with yet another joke or pun, just for the fun of it, in order to see you smile and hear you laugh; all in good fun. she is what you can consider an acquired taste, you need to get used to her, before you can fully appreciate her. When she does promise something, anything; she makes this strange pantomime. You know she will live up to it. Just as she expects you to live up to your promises, once you made them. Then again, why bother making a promise, if you did not intend to actually live up to the word? Reading through the list of open posts, and who was who; she was right there on the top of the list, the Party committee. Apparently, she is organising all the parties and festivities around. Just not only the once on campus, she throws parties all over the place, left and right. Bummer, that’s a shock, but how does she find the time to study, with such a busy schedule? The shock is that she has time for her friends too. It isn’t a matter of making time, or doing things together. Furthermore, she has a hoard of friends, as in basically the entire school, students, teachers and staff alike. If this isn’t the parties, then what? Oh, but for the shock, there is a new party coming up this week. Naturally, the students are not acting as if there is anything special about it. Maybe she had prepared them, or are they used to constantly partying for no reason at all? Of course, to the pink girl known as Pinkie Pie, there are numerous reasons for a party; the first being smiles and laughter, as in seeing all her friends happily smile and hear them laugh. Maybe this is growing on me as I stay here. the only fear is that once I get used to it, I will have problems getting used to not having the parties. As I read about the next upcoming party, I found out that a certain Vinyl Scratch was to manage the music. Not that I personally knew her, or could claim that I actually knew about her, per se. She was just listed on an important post on the party. She still made me curious, as if telling me that I had to go. I do enjoy music, both on the few parties I had attended to, and on a more personal note. I sometimes listen to music while I read and study. It helps me getting into that mood, just as I can use the rhythm and cadence in order to tie up what I am reading, thus putting the import into the subject or topic. Of course Applejack and Big Mac was to deliver the Cider, which was the chosen beverage for the party. From what I had gathered, Pinkie Pie loves her Cider, and the Apples are the go-to, when you like to have Cider. On another note, a Trixie Lulamoon would be performing one of her magic acts on the stage. I have no idea as to who she is or what the magic act was to be. I was just hoping it would be entertaining and fun to see. With all the effort put into this show, it was sure to be worth the time and effort to go. Maybe I could even make a few new friends. I certainly could use a friend or two right now, being new here at the school and all. --- --- ---