//------------------------------// // Self-doubt // Story: The Love of a Farm Pony 2 // by Fiction Quill //------------------------------// Discord appeared next to Applejack and sat down beside her by the barn waiting for his new marefriend Fluttershy to show up. He noticed Applejack was upset and he tried to lighten the mood with a little prank. He gave out a hardy laugh but Applejack still just sat there with a upset look on her face. Knowing he couldn't use his antics he started up a conversation with the farm pony. "So Applejack where is Allen? I thought he would be here with you." Applejack pointed to you still laying in the same spot from the battle the previous night staring at the sky. "He hasn't moved an inch after the fight i feel so helpless Discord. I want to help him but there is nothing i can do. I tried to comfort him but nothing seems to work." "That bad huh?" "Yeah. You have lived for a thousand years Discord have you ever came across something like this before?" "Well sort of not very much though and back then i was evil remember? So i didn't really care what other pony's felt back then." "Oh right sorry." "Its fine. It's obvious though he is moping from his loss and it's probably because he feels weak. Too weak to protect you and i have to say he is right." Applejack gave him an angry look. "Discord!" "Sorry i know the truth hurts but its true none the less, but he can become strong enough to protect you but he can't while like this. He needs to get a grip and get over the fact he lost and i might know how to do it, but it won't be easy or very safe. We need to have a meeting about this with the princesses. Not just you and me but the others as well but Allen can't be included in this obviously." Applejack simply nodded. "OK but what's the plan?" "I will explain once we get an audience with the princesses." Applejack nodded as they left to gather everyone to talk to the princesses, while you continued to lay on the ground with a face filled with sorrow. "I am completely useless. I can't beat Dark Light. I am unable to protect Applejack. Why did the Blade of Harmony choose me?" Discord explained his plan to the princesses and the main 6 and everypony gasped with a look of shock in their eyes. Fluttershy was the first to speak up. "But Discord isn't that dangerous?" Discord simply nodded. "I am not going to lie. It will be extremely dangerous but if Allen is going to be the one to defeat Dark Light, then he needs to get out of this depressed state and start training. Celestia nodded. "I am afraid Discord is right and i am grateful that you would go to such lengths to help your friend. You have come a long way Discord." "You can thank Fluttershy and Allen for that if it wasn't for them i would still probably be encased in stone." Celestia gave a smile and nodded. "Alright everypony let us begin." You continued to look at the sky wondering if the blade made a mistake. Then sky is suddenly being covered by clouds. "Well looks like its going to rain." Then all of a sudden the clouds turn pink and started to rain chocolate milk. You sat up quickly in shock at the sight. "Wait a minute! Pink clouds? Chocolate rain? No this can't be. He couldn't have-" Your thoughts were interrupted by the screams of terror coming from Ponyville. You got up and ran as fast as you could to find out what was going on and the sight left you with a horrified expression on your face. You saw your friend Discord spreading his chaos around Equestria while he was laughing maniacally. "Chaos is a wonderful thing!" "Discord! What do you think you are doing?!" "What am i doing? Why i am spreading my glorious chaos and taking over Equestria." "Why would you do this? I thought we were friends! I thought you loved Fluttershy!" Discord laughed again maniacally. "Oh please it was all a trick to get you to lower your guards. I couldn't make a move while they still had the Elements of Harmony. But now that they are gone nobody can stop me!" You noticed Applejack and the others even Princess Celestia in a cage with locks around their hooves and necks with eveypony's horns and wings missing. Your rage boiled to the surface and summoned the Blade of Harmony. " The Elements of Harmony might be gone but i still have the Blade of Harmony!" The rainbow aura around the blade wasn't as big as it was before. Discord only laughed. "You think i am afraid of that? You couldn't even beat Dark Light. What chances do you have of defeating me? Why don't you join me Allen and we can rule Equestria together. We are like brothers after all. Applejack spoke up from the cage. "Don't accept his deal! Just get outta here! We will be fine. Please just go! You gripped the blade tight your rage completely gone being replace by determination. "No. I wont leave you or my friends or Princess Celestia. I will not abandon those who are precious to me!" The aura around the blade grew larger. "Please Discord stop this i don't want to do this and neither do you. You are my friend and i don't want to hurt you." The aura grew even larger then when it appeared for the very first time. A grin grew on Discord's face. "I don't think so come and stop me if you think you can!" "Then you leave me no choice. I am sorry to have to do this i really am. I never wanted it to come to this, but in order to save the love of my life and my friends i have to stop you! now time for an old and cliche line" The Blade of Harmony started to charge up with a blinding light and you swung your sword through the air launching rainbow beam from the blade. "TASTE THE RAINBOW DISCORD!!" Discord's eyes grew wide at the blast hit him dead on. Discord screamed when the blast made contact. "NO!!!" When the blast was subsided Discord's chaos has vanished and so did Discord. All that remain was a statue of himself. You dropped to your knee's tears flowing freely from your eyes. "I am sorry my friend please forgive me." "I forgive you" You heard a familiar voice and looked behind you to see Discord standing there with a smile on his face. You looked in front of you to see the statue of Discord was still there before you looked back behind you again. "But how? I saw my blast hit you. shouldn't you have turned to stone? Whats going on here?" "Allow me to explain" Princess Celestia walked up to you and Discord with a smile on her face. "Discord and Applejack noticed you were quite upset from your recent defeat against Dark Light. So Discord came up with this plan to act like he was taking over Equestria again and we played as his prisoners. He temporarily took our horns and wings away so it would look more convincing that he imprisoned us. He then had my permission to spread his chaos throughout Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres, and Canterlot to make it seem like he was taking over Equestria hoping you would come and investigate and you did more than that. You stood up to Discord without fear with the kind of determination that you didn't have when you faced Dark Light. Which i think was the problem when you faced Dark light. You allowed your rage to take hold and fought with anger, fear, and hatred. You didn't invoke the power of the elements inside you which lead to your defeat. You frowned as you stared at the ground. She was right. All you wanted to do was destroy Dark Light. You were constantly enraged by the fact he tried to hurt Applejack and used it as a weapon instead of the power of the elements resting within you. Applejack walked up to you and wrapped her hooves around you. "See Allen you aren't weak at all. You were just using the wrong power to try and beat Dark Light. If we are going to stop him you need to use the power of the elements within you. Just remember honey as long as i am by your side nothing bad will happen. I trust you and believe in you. I know you can and will protect me. I know because i feel safe and comfortable around you." She places her lips against yours giving you a loving kiss and you happily return the kiss. "You are right Applejack and i am sorry for worrying everypony. I promise to never doubt my strength again. But one thing that puzzles me i still don't know how you were unaffected by the blade Discord." "Well that's because i am not evil anymore and what i was doing was through Celestia's orders and permission to get you back to normal that's why it didn't affect me. And as for the statue i made it and placed it there before the blast subsided so when it did it looked like i was turned back to stone" You glared at Discord. "You know i actually thought you turned evil again and i had to be the one to seal you away again. But thank you for helping me get my confidence back. I could still use some training though. Of course the only area i can train in is magic. "But you don't have magic inside you." Twilight said. Celestia shook her head before smiling. "Actually Twilight since he is the bearer of the Blade of Harmony he indeed does have magic inside of him otherwise he wouldn't be able to use the blade or its magical properties." Applejack started to cry tears of joy. "Does this mean what i think it means." Twilight nods and giggles. "Yes Applejack that means it is possible for you to have a foal with Allen." Applejack leaps into your arms happier than ever. "Oh honey! isn't that wonderful? You blush heavily as you hold Applejack. "Yes but i think it's still a little too early to be talking about this right now." Everyone starts to laugh as you and Applejack blush heavily. Twilight approached you and Applejack. "Well since you have magic inside of you and you do have some of the Element of Magic inside of you i will be the one to teach you how to control and use magic properly. You have obviously been using these abilities out of instinct or emotion but i will teach you how to use your magic at will but of course you will only be able to use it by channeling it into the Blade of Harmony." "That's fine Twilight that't all i need it for. I need to be prepare for anything when i face Dark Light." Twilight nods. You go back to Sweet Apple Acres with Applejack. When you get there you and Applejack eat dinner before going to bed early you both had a long day and right now all you to wanted to do was cuddle after a stressful day. Big Mac and the CMC did all of the chores for you and Applejack and they agreed to continue to do them while you trained under Twilight while Applejack was your moral support. You felt like you could accomplish anything with Applejack at your side you knew you had a lot of work ahead of you but you had plenty of time to learn. It would be a long time before Dark Light made his move. You stopped worrying about it for now and fell into blissful slumber cuddling with the love of your life.