//------------------------------// // Allen's New Power and Weapon! The Blade of Harmony! // Story: The Love of a Farm Pony 2 // by Fiction Quill //------------------------------// Princess Celestia walks into the room with a smile on her face. Everyone immediately bows as she enter's the room except for Twilight who walks up to Celestia and greets her with a hug. "Princess Celestia! it is good to see you again! Princess Celestia smiles and happily returns the hug. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student. It is good to see you too." Celestia smiles as she looks at you and Applejack "And its a pleasure to see all of you and of course you too Allen and Discord. I am very happy to see that you found love in this world Allen. I know you and Applejack with be very happy together." You and Applejack can't help but blushed and thanked Princess Celestia for her condolences. "But i am afraid time for celebration will have to wait. For a new evil has arisen and is a major threat to Equestria and even to you Allen." Everyone gasped in horror and you sit up confused. "But princess what does this have to do with me?" Celestia looks at you giving her explanation. "There are two reasons. One is because you are a human. This pony has a strong hatred for them. I believe he has came into contact with them before." before she finished her explanation however you interrupt her with a question. "I apologize for interrupting you princess but why was Applejack attacked too if he wanted me?" Celestia calmly gave you your answer. "It's probably because she is in love with a human and considers her to be a threat to him as well." You started to grow angry but calmed down and simply nodded to allow Celestia to finish her explanation. "The second reason has to do with your new abilities." Everyone looked at Celestia confused and Applejack couldn't help but ask. "New abilities?" Celestia nodded and continued her explanation. "You see like me and Luna, Allen has every trait of each Element of Harmony resting inside of him. Which is a very rare thing to have." Everypony's mouth dropped in shock but remained silent as Celestia continued. "But unlike me and Luna he understands and knows the magic of love. The love that can only be learned by having a very special somepony. So when Applejack was in danger he immediately felt the need to protect her. That's when the blade appeared." Everypony looked at her with shock and confusion as Twilight spoke up. "The blade? You mean that sword he was holding?" Celestia nodded. "Yes Twilight i have you do some studying on it before. Don't you remember the book i gave you that spoke about the blade and the legend behind it?" Twilight's eyes grew wide as her mouth dropped. "You mean it was THAT blade?!" Everyone remained confused as they looked at Celestia and Twilight but you looked at them both seriously. "Wait! What is this blade? Can you two please explain to me whats going on here?" Celsetia nodded and continued her explanation. "the blade that you wielded Allen was the legendary Blade of Harmony." Everyone gasped except for you looking even more confused. "OK? Just what is the Blade of Harmony?" Twilight began to elaborate. "The Blade of Harmony. A mystical ancient artifact that was created at the same time as the Elements of Harmony. It is said that only one who understands the magic of friendship and love can wield the blade but even that isn't enough. The blade can't be wielded by just anyone they have to be pure of heart and the blade has to choose them. The legend says that the Blade of Harmony will choose a warrior and it will be that warrior's destiny to stop a terrible evil from shrouding this world into eternal chaos and darkness. And i don't mean the kind of chaos discord uses or the kind of darkness nightmare moon tried to bring upon us. To put it simply our world would become just like yours." Everyone gasped with horror filled in their as and you couldn't hold back your anger any longer. "NO WAY! there is no way i am going to let this world going through the chaos and darkness my world went through! i love this world too much to see it suffer! Not only that but the love of my life lives here as well and i refuse to let anything happen to her or my friends! i will protect this world or die trying!" The moment your speech ended the Blade of Harmony materialized into your hands and Celestia couldn't help but smiled appreciatively at you before bowing to you to show you honor. "I am eternally grateful for your decision Allen. You truly are the only one worthy of wielding the Blade of Harmony." You hold up the blade examining it and you got a slightly upset look on your face. "I-I won't be able to kill anypony with it will i? Celestia giggled and shook her head. "Not to worry Allen you won't be able to harm Applejack or your friends. Only if a pony is in possession of dark magic will you be able to hurt them. Unless they are naturally good and they are being controlled by dark magic then it will only destroy any dark magic inside of them leaving them unharmed." You put your hand to your heart as you sigh in relief. Applejack looks up at you lovingly. "Allen were you afraid that you might end up hurting me?" You look down at her and nod. "Yes if the enemy decided to control you with dark magic to use you to eliminate me i don't think i would have been too afraid to use the blade against you. No i wouldn't have been able to use the blade against you if it would have ended up hurting you or worse." Tears fall freely from your eyes at the thought of Applejack dying. Applejack holds you lovingly and comfortingly as she strokes your hair with her hoof. "Honey i wouldn't be able to fight you even while under the control of dark magic. I am so much in love with you i wouldn't be able to hurt you." You smile at each other and kiss each other passionately as you hold each other tightly. Fluttershy and Discord both immediately remember what he had said before when he was talking to Applejack. But this time she grabbed him before he could teleport away. "Discord why didn't you tell me you were in love with me before?" Discord sighed knowing that he can't run from this anymore. "Well just look at me. I am a Draconequus and you are a pony. Yes there are other inter-racial relationships in Equestria but unlike me they aren't hideous." Before Fluttershy could say anything you intervened. "Discord you aren't ugly in fact to me you look unique. Awesome looking in my opinion." Discord could only sigh. "Of course you would say that because you understand me far better than anybody else does. Fluttershy does as well but nopony else here knows what it's like to be an outcast like me they always had friends and a family. Allen understands because he has told me things and since he loved Applejack i am sure he told her too." You remained silent as Discord continued a look of despair appeared on your face as Applejack comforted you. "When Allen lived in his world he was considered ugly there and just like how i was treated like a freak here Allen was treated like a freak in his world that's why he can understand where i am coming from. But that's why i never said anything and because i know you could never love somepony as hideous as me." You couldn't help but think of how this situation was familiar to you in your world. You have went through the same scenario, but you hoped it would turn out different for Discord. Fluttershy looked at Discord and smiled. "How do you know for certain that i don't feel the same Discord?" Discord eyes shot open as he got nervous. "D-Do you feel the same Fluttershy?" Fluttershy flew up to Discord and kissed him lovingly on the lips which caused everyone even Discord to be in total shock by this. The only ones who weren't shocked was you, Applejack, and Celestia. Fluttershy breaks the kiss and giggles. "Does that answer your question?" Discord pulled her into another kiss and she kissed him back as they embraced each other. Celestia couldn't help but giggle. "Looks like even creatures such as Discord can find happiness and love. But i am afraid i am going to have to cut this happy moment short. I still need to explain who we are up against." You all nodded and turned your attention back towards Celesia. You make the blade vanish again. "Alright Celestia who are we up against." Twilight however speak before Celestia does. "Considering he uses dark magic it is probably King Sombra but i don't see how that's possible since we stopped him in the Crystal Empire." Celestia nods. "That is exactly why it isn't Sombra but someone much worse. He goes by them name of Dark Light." Everyone looks at Celestia confused even Discord was confused. "I am sorry Celestia but i lived as long as you have and i have never once heard that name before." Celestia looks at Discord and nods. "Well you did spend most of the thousand years sealed in stone." Discord rubs his beard. "Hmm good point. Continue." Celestia nods. "Dark light is an evil unicorn who studied and tampered with dark magic like King Sombra he is as old as me and Discord. Rainbow Dash cut her off. "Whoa whoa whoa. Hold up! You said he is a unicorn and he is as old as you and Discord? how in Equestria can he still be alive?! Celestia sat down knowing this was going to take a while to explain everything. "It's as i said Rainbow Dash. He uses dark magic and apparently he was able to create a spell to make himself immortal like me, Luna, and Discord." Everypony gasped. You sit there with a serious look on your face absorbing as much info as possible as Celestia continued. "We have tried to stop him before but only weakened him the only weapon that can be used to stop is the legendary Blade of Harmony. Allen it is your destiny to stop this threat. We can't and won't force you to do this task but Equestria will forever be in your debt should you truly accept this task." You sigh as your instincts tell you what she really means. "Celestia i don't expect you to be honest with me but i already know what it is you are asking of me. In the legend in order to do this i will have to sacrifice myself won't i?" Everyponies eyes are filled with horror as Celestia nods with a frown. Applejack was taking it harder than the rest. "No.. NO! Allen you can't agree to this! i want to save Equestria as much as everypony else but not at the cost of losing you!" Tears stream from her eyes as she clings to you. Celestia walks over to Applejack with a sympathetic look on her face. "Applejack i know it isn't fair of me or Equestria to ask the one you love to sacrifice himself so we can live in peace but there is no other way Apple-" She was cut off by Applejack yelling at her. "BUT WHY?! WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE MY ALLEN?! WHY CANT SOMEPONY ELSE DO IT?! ITS NOT FAIR!!! I WISH THAT STUPID SWORD NEVER CHOSE ALLEN!" She start crying profusely in your arms as you give a confident smirk. "Don't worry Applejack i will defeat him without sacrificing myself i promise." You make the gestures for the Pinkie Promise to show that you mean it and she smile as you and holds you tightly." Celestia looks at you unsure of your comment. "But how? How will you fight destiny and-" I put my hand to her mouth to stop her from talking. "I will find a way and if there is one thing i have learned nothing is set in stone the future isn't automatically written its what we make it." She gives a small smile and nods. Celestia was about to speak but everyone hears an evil laugh from the darkest corner of the room. Standing there was Dark light. "Please human there is now way you can ever hope to defeat me." He steps from the dark and his form shocked everypony in the room except you. "So you are an Anthro huh?" Twilight was the first to respond. "Whats an Anthro?" You answer Twilight's question without turning your gaze from Dark Light. "An Anthro is a humanlike creature with distinct characteristic and strengths and weaknesses of animals." Celestia looks at Dark light with a horrified expression. "How did you do it?" Dark Light could only laugh some more. "Why should explain anything to a weak princess who can't even defeat a unicorn with dark magic. So you are the wielder of the Blade of Harmony human?" You scowled at him before answering by summoning the blade into your hands. "Obviously now give up or i will have no choice but stop you myself!" Dark light shook his head and chuckled. "You think you can defeat me?! Boy i am a thousand years your senior you just got that blade you don't even know how to use it. But i have used mine for a at least 500 years!" Celestia face turned pale at his words. "Your blade?" Dark Light summoned his blade out of nowhere and held it up in the air. "Where this light there is also darkness! BEHOLD THE BLADE OF DISHARMONY!" Everyone shrieked in fear but you stood your ground. "So there is an evil counterpart to the Blade of Harmony. That doesn't mean you can win." Dark light continues to chuckle maniacally. "We shall see!" You and Dark Light crossed swords and fought for at least 10 minutes the end result was you laying on your back and your sword vanishing into thin air. "H-How could i be this weak?" Dark Light let out a loud evil laugh as he dismissed his blade. "I am not ready to end you just yet i still need you so we will continue this another day." He laughs maniacally as he teleports away while everyone came to check on you. Applejack being the first one there. "Its alright honey he is gone you are-" Applejack stopped talking when she saw tears streaming down your face. "Why?! Why am i so weak?! i should be stronger than this!" you repeatedly punch the ground in frustration. "Why am i so weak?! i need to be stronger than this! i can't beat him like this!" Applejack couldn't help but cry along with you." Oh Allen."