//------------------------------// // Mysterious Power Awakened! // Story: The Love of a Farm Pony 2 // by Fiction Quill //------------------------------// Applejack was laying under the gazebo crying her eyes out and starting to wonder if she had made a mistake in being with you. When she looked up she saw Discord the spirit of chaos and disharmony standing above her. Although he was once evil he is now reformed thanks to Fluttershy opening up to him, showing him kindness, and being his very first friend. Discord normally loved to tease pony's still because he was a mischievous spirit just a little prank or two but he had a serious and sympathetic look on his face. He sat down next to Applejack trying to cheer her up. "Look Applejack i know you and others don't like me besides Fluttershy, but i am doing my best to being good so i am going to take your situation seriously and before you say anything yes i know what happened." Applejack looked upset at him. "You were eavesdropping again?" Discord shook his head. "No not this time i was actually on my way to Sugarcube Corner because i knew Fluttershy was there and i heard Allen was all better so i was going to see him too. He is also my friend like Fluttershy is, but then when i was almost at Sugarcube Corner i heard your conversation with Twilight. I never intended to listen to your conversation but you girls were pretty much yelling so it was hard not to hear. So you and Allen are together huh? Applejack wiped the tears from her eyes. "Uh-huh and let me guess you are going to agree with twilight right? Discord shook his head again. "Actually no i don't agree with her. Sure there is that chance you might not be able to have kids but there might be a chance you can and even if you can't do you really think its worth leaving someone you are TRULY in love with just because of that one little reason?" Applejack sat there and pondered for a minute. "No it's not. I love Allen more than anything even more than apples i can't bear to live my life without him." Discord smiled. "Then you have your answer." Applejack looked at him confusingly. "But tell me how do you know about these things? I know you lived over a thousand years but still it puzzles me how you know about these things." Discord sighed. "Can you keep a secret Applejack?" Applejack smiled and nodded "Of course Discord. After all you just helped me its only fair i do the same." Discord nodded ready to tell her his secret. "You see i am also in love" Applejack's eyes shot open. "Y-You are in love?! With who?!" Discord sighed. "It shouldn't be hard to figure out after all she was the first one to accept me." Applejack's shot open again but this time her jaw dropped "Y-You're in love with Fluttershy?" Discord nodded. " Yes as i said she was the first one to accept me but i can never tell her." Applejack looked at him confused. "Why can't you?" Discord pointed to his whole body with his claw. "Well just look at me. i am a Draconequus. I am completely abnormal and i am not exactly prince charming you know i am very hideous." Applejack looked at him sympathetically. "Discord i am going to give you the same advice Granny Smith gave me. She might have feelings for you or she might not. The only way you will know for sure is by telling her how you feel." Discord sighed again as tears began to fall from his eyes. "Applejack you don't understand! i can't do it! I just can't do it! I can't tell Fluttershy that i am in love with her! Then Discord and Applejack heard a soft voice behind them. "Y-You're in love with me Discord? Discord quickly turned around to see you, Fluttershy, and the rest of your friends stand behind him and Applejack. But what the Draconequus noticed most was the expression on Fluttershy's face. She was in shock she didn't know what to say or think. Before she could respond Discord screamed at the top of his lungs and vanished. "Discord!! Wait!!" Fluttershy tried to stop him but he was already gone. Fluttershy ran off looking for Discord and calling his name. Others could only stand there flabbergasted, but you had a smile on your face until your heard Applejack call your name. "A-Allen?" The instant you saw Applejack you burst into tears and fell to your knee's. Applejack runs over to you and hold you tightly as she kisses you with all the love she has. You are shocked at first but then you return the kiss with as much love. Once the kiss breaks she looks into your eyes lovingly but you still can't help but be depressed. "Allen i know why your upset but i am not going to leave you ever." You look at her shocked for a moment but you go back to being depressed. "Applejack why stay with me? It's as Twilight said i probably won't be able to give you one of the things your heart desires. A Child. How can you stay with me when i can't make a family with you." you burst into tears once more. "i want a kid too but i know i won't be able to have one because i am a human. I don't have any magic inside of me so my seed is useless i won't be able to get you pregnant Applejack. I have come to accept this because i don't have any option, but you do Applejack." Applejack gives you another loving and passionate kiss longer than the last kiss and when the kiss breaks she looks at you with loving yet pleading eyes as if she is asking you not to leave her. "Allen i don't care if we can't have a kid together i can't live my life without you." This time she bursts into tears and she clings on to you as tight as she can almost as if she think as soon as she lets go you will disappear forever. "Allen a life without you is no life at all. When you had that fever i was scared. So very scared. I thought i was going to lose you forever. It took me everything i had just to keep it together. The thought of the one i love dying on me was something i couldn't handle. So please Allen please don't go. Please don't leave me all alone. I love you more than anything even more than apples. I cant-" She was interrupted my the most passionate and loving kiss you have ever given her pulling her into your arms holding her tighter than you ever have before. You felt as if you let her go you would lose her forever. You and Applejack held the kiss for 10 minutes until you both had to pull back for air. Her tears of pain are replaced by tears of joy knowing she got her answer from just that one kiss. You held onto her and never let go. You stare at the sky and finally break the silence. "Come on, girls lets look for Fluttershy and Discord and if i know Discord like i think i do I just might know exactly where he is." Fluttershy is still looking for Discord and calling his name. "Discord!! Please come out i need to talk to you please!" Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash caught up to Fluttershy and started to help her find Discord at random places while You and Applejack when to a specific location to find Discord. The castle of the two sisters in the everfree forest. When you get to the everfree forest, Applejack clings to you tightly with fear in her eyes. "Allen this place is really dangerous after dark are you sure we shouldn't wait until morning?" You shake your head but you pull her closer to you to giving her a better sense of comfort. "Discord is my friend Applejack. Just like him i know what it's like to be all alone. I can't abandon him. Besides i will protect you no matter what Applejack as long as you are with me no harm will come to you." You give her a passionate kiss and look into her eyes reassuring her that she is safe with you. Little did they know they were being followed by a mysterious dark shadow. He chuckles maniacally as he watches you and Applejack from afar. "I wouldn't be so sure about that human." He then Illuminated his horn casting some sort of dark magic on near by Timberwolves. He then sent them after you and Applejack but you two have yet to see them coming. You both starting smelling something awful you couldn't tell what it was, but Applejack's eyes shot opening filled with fear as wrapped her hooves tightly around you. She knew what it was and she quickly turned to you. "Allen run!" You could see the fear in her eyes and you did as she told you and started to run. However the Timberwolves quickly caught up and surrounded you both. You held Applejack tightly in your left arm as you put your right arm up to guard the both of you. Rarity and the others found out what was going on and ran in to try to save you, even Twilight had caught up with them. But the Timberwolves pounced at you and Applejack before your friends could make it. "APPLEJACK!! ALLEN!!" They all yelled in unison. Tears started to flow freely from their eyes fearing the worst. But then a light shined from in between the Timberwolves causing them to jump back before they could finish their attack. You and Applejack emerged from the light with Applejack staring at you with shock and amazement along with the others. You stood there glaring at the Timberwolves while still holding Applejack in your left arm and what appears to be a golden katana with a rainbow aura surrounding the blade held in your right hand. You pointed the blade at the Timberwolves glaring at them furiously. "I swear on my life if you so much as lay one paw on this mare i will destroy you!" You had no idea where the sword came from but you were ready for a fight with the Timberwolves if they attacked. One of the Timberwolves pounced at you once again but you swung your blade and cleaved it in two with one slash causing the Timberwolf to shatter into pieces. Applejack and the others still held their expressions of shock and amazement. The rest of the Timberwolves ran in fear to their new master that had been controlling them. As soon as the Timberwolves leave the sword disappears into thin air and you fall to the ground unconscious causing Applejack and the others to check on you Applejack fearing the worst. A few hours later you woke up in your room with everyone standing around you even Discord, but Applejack was laying on top of you crying her eyes out until she saw that you had woken up. She hugged you tightly crying tears of joy happy that you are alright. "Oh thank Celestia you are OK! I thought i lost you for good this time!" You smile as you stroke Applejack's mane reassuring her that you are Alright. "So whats going on? Can somepony please explain what just happened to me?" "I think i can explain." A mysterious yet familiar voice spoke behind the door before she walked though it.