The Earth-Pony Revolution (An Equestrian History Story)

by Quartez

Winter, Wrapped Up

Chapter Nineteen: "Winter, Wrapped Up"

Things quickly went back to normal in the village.

"The Union of Brony Brotherhood Republics" was gone.

Some wanted the village to be plain old "Ukrein" again and some wanted an entirely different name; but all agreed they wanted to be part of Equestria again.

Cherponyl and Stalliongrad were gone, the explosion at the weather factory had resulted in days of out of control weather in the area.

By the time the pegasi had gotten it under control, the cities were gone and the whole area was a dead-zone.

Apple Scruff had forgotten what it felt like to be un-bothered by his war-wound; it hadn't been this warm for a long time.

He trotted around with Electron Shell watching the village be reconstructed:

"I thought you were gone forever" sighed Apple Scruff.

"I thought the same about you."

Both of them had been given medals at a special service in Canterlot, but neither of them felt like wearing them.

They were tired of hearing about wars and armies and they were glad to have peace again.

"I never stopped thinking about you" she added;

"I tried to stop thinking about you, but I couldn't."

"I still can't believe that the building's gone" she sighed "we could have learned so much."

"Does anypony know what the source of their power was?"

"We can only guess, something to do with that portal. And the work of King Sombra. I suppose in the end all that darkness just consumed them."

Silver Tongue came over, his beard and mane trimmed back to normal levels:

"it's like waking up after a Nightmare that went on for too long" he said.

They looked around, never forgetting just how lucky they were to be free.

"Do you really think it's over?" he asked.

The three found themselves looking to the North and then up at the sky:

"Maybe for a long time" said Apple Scruff "But I think Golden Eyes and Iron Fist left some marks on Equestria that won't be healed for a long time."

The three friends sat there and enjoyed the sunshine, for the first time in a long time, harmony had returned to Equestria.