The Earth-Pony Revolution (An Equestrian History Story)

by Quartez

The Cherponyl Disaster

Chapter Sixteen: "The Cherponyl Disaster"

"There has been an incident, it has been contained.

Your assistance is not required, remain on your side of the Frozen North wall.

Any ingress into our territory will be considered an act of war."

Celestia put down the letter from Golden Eyes and turned to Electron Shell for the truth:

"The explosion came from Cherponyl, where the Weather Factory is. Those who saw it reported a giant rainbow cloud expanding from the area. My guess is that the death-trap finally exploded."

Then Celestia turned to General Speed-Racer:

"Your opinion?"

"We need to move, now. Their army is going to be tied up pretending this whole thing never happened. We need to end this before war breaks out"

"I agree" added Electron Shell, "This is about preventing suffering. If that Weather Factory exploded (and we have every reason to assume that it has) then the fallout is going to destroy the East's ecosystem. Hundreds will probably be dead already and without a Weather Factory, their farms are doomed. We need to put an end to Golden Eyes' Empire."

Things were going bad even by the standards of Ponyodok camp.

The prisoners awoke late, to find the guards had apparently fled, leaving them all locked up.

And that wasn't all, the whole camp was covered in ice now; Apple Scruff didn't know if the cold had gotten yet worse or if the guards had some machine to keep the cold out which had failed in their absence.

In either case, they had to get out of the cells.

Silver Tongue had been examining the situation and finally spoke: "Metal contracts when it gets cold, so we should be able to buck it out of it's frame"

Apple Scruff was just about to do that when Silver Tongue stopped him;

"wait" he muttered. He began inserting the wooden slats into the gaps between the bars and the door so that the bars were half levered out of the doorway.

"That should make things a little easier" he said, and the two set to work.

They bucked the at the door for twelve minutes, their hooves aching, until at last, it burst free.

"Come on" said Silver Tongue at once, "let's help the other prisoners."

Celestia landed in the Frozen North.

Speed Racer, Electron Shell, Mellow Yellow, Lustre and Jelly Tart exited the carriage.

This area of the wall was almost never patrolled, and, as a result random ponies had a habit covering it in graffiti. Most prominently were the words:


A sign perched over the wall said simply: "YOU ARE LEAVING THE EQUESTRIAN SECTOR."

Celestia stared at the wall for a moment, breaching this wall could mean war.

"We have to do it" encouraged Speed-Racer "there are probably a million ponies on the other side of that wall trying to escape!"

With the prisoners freed, Apple Scruff, Silver Tongue and the others entered the courtyard.

What now?

Where could they possibly go?

Behind that wall were miles of snow and that was assuming they could break it down in the first place.

At that moment, just as things seemed most hopeless, there was a loud, booming voice from the other side of the wall:


There was an explosion.

The whole wall fell.

From the Crystal Mountains to The Macintosh Hills, the wall came down.

Apple Scruff and the other prisoners looked at the other side.

Princess Celestia stood there, smoke pouring off her horn.