The Prince of Storms

by Sweetmiss2121

Chapter 6: Rivals Approaching

Skies above Ponyville - Morning -

It would somehow surprise everyone to see Rainbow Dash rest on a cloud with thoughtful expression instead of lazily watching the town below or even reading the latest Daring Doo book; but as of late the rainbow-maned mare had a prickling feeling gnawing the back of her head regarding her colt-friend.

Oh! she did trust him with her life and she was faithful to him, Element of Loyalty notwithstanding, but she couldn't help noticing how other mares were starting to look at him a little too much intensely for her own tastes, especially since after the Timberwolves Incident with the Apple Family he and few other Royal Guards decided to make rounds around Ponyville to make sure everypony was safe.

“Sure he is a Prince and good-looking, and a first-class Stallion...but do they have to harass him like that? He doesn't need cakes or presents, he has ME!” Dash muttered to herself.

She had seen Filthy Rich and those other...hussies...cling to him like glue like the dirty gold-diggers they were; and those other girls being all praises and...and compliments and coy eyes with him and his companions during rounds and...and...

“Hoy! What has that cloud done to you?” Gilda asked chuckling as she landed near Dash.

“Wha?” the other asked back while still biting savagely on the fluffy mass.

“What has you get so winded-up?” she asked again.


“Liar. What's wrong? Who do I have to turn into ribbons?” the griffin asked showing her sharp talons.

“I hate it...” Dash muttered.

“You hate what?”

“I hate having a colt-friend and lack the freedom to openly show it,” the mare answered.

“Listen...I think I got the 'why' you are doing this...AAAH! forget it! this doesn't make any sense! you horses have some strange 'non-written rules', but this takes the cake and asks for an encore,” Gilda said sighing.

“But is still something I would be expected to do if I and Maelstrom come out in the open as a couple...” Dash answered.

“Other girls have started noticing him?”

“Yes.” the rainbow-maned mare answered with a vitriol-dripping tone.

Sigh! Where is he now?”

“Home, in Canterlot's Castle. It's his free day and he said Luna had organized some kind of meeting for him to take part to,” Dash answered.

“What kind of meeting?” Gilda asked.

“Like hay I know! He too doesn't know what it is about, the only thing he knows is that it was something the Princess had been putting off as much as she could until she could no longer ignore the request and accept to have him meet this mysterious somepony,” Dash answered.

“Isn't Princess Luna very jealous of her son? Like REALLY REALLY jealous? Of the kind of it's barely restraining herself from secluding him somewhere so no-one will touch him other than her?” Gilda asked.


“Don't you know...”

“What?” Dash asked confused.

“You know what I mean...royal people DO tend to do that sometimes,” Gilda said with a nervous tone.

“Do what?”

“...'ged...-age,” the griffin muttered.


“...Arranged Marriage, you know? Meet girls whose fathers wish to present to the Princess in hope to have their daughters marry the Prince,” Gilda answered.

“...” Dash simply looked at her with empty eyes.

“Dash?” an heavy tick on the left eye was the only response of the mare.

“Are you okay?” Gilda asked worried.

KRATABOOM!” in an awe-inspiring show of speed Rainbow Dash went from Zero to Sonic Rain-boom in only few seconds as she sprinted towards Canterlot as fast as she could, leaving behind a bewildered Gilda with only half her feathers still covering her thanks to the rush of air.

“Okay...maybe I could have worded it a little better,” the griffin muttered with wide eyes.

Nonononononono!” Dash chanted in her mind as she tried to gain even more speed in her flying.

One Hour Later – Canterlot -

“Your training sure is peculiar,” Luna said as she and the Prince walked back in the Castle from the gardens.

“But from what I could see, you found it relaxing!” the blond stallion said grinning.

“Okay, maybe the meditation part I can recognize as very helpful to fight stress,” the Moon Princess admitted.

“You were snoring.” Maelstrom said.

“I did not! Such an unrefined sound would never come out from my royal mouth!” Luna answered scandalized, a fierce blush on her face.

“I even heard the windows rattle from all the way there,” he added.

“Oh, you! Those are not things a pony should say to his beloved mother! You should only tell me how wonderful I am!” the Moon Alicorn said pouting.

“Oh, really? Modest aren't we?” Maelstrom said leaning closer to kiss Luna's cheek making her smile.

“Okay, I forgive you. Ready for the meeting?” Luna asked.

“Do I have to? I don't like those people, I could see how they will be trying to kiss my flank even just through the few letters we exchanged!” he answered with a whine, both somehow missing the unnatural shaking of few branches of a near tree.

“I know what you mean, but I am starting to come-up short in excuses to postpone the thing. Look, I'll promise you that once this meeting is over we will be able to tell them 'No', but at least once you'll need to meet them, it's common courtesy, especially with how much accommodating they have been,” Luna offered sighing.

“Okay, okay. But I am doing this just because I don't want to bring shame to you,” Maelstrom answered with a painful nod.

“You will never make me ashamed to be your mother...unless you start dating girls, then I won't be held responsible of my reaction to that blasphemy!” the Princess answered fiercely.

“MOTHER!” the stallion said with a cry of despair, it was probably not the first time he heard those words.

“I am just remembering you and everypony that to get to you every mare foolish enough to court you will have to step over my unconscious body,” Luna said huffing.

“If this makes you happy.” he said sighing in defeat.

“Yes, it does make me feel good. Go rest a little, I'll ask Celestia to send a soldier to call us when the guests arrive, like that we will be rested and ready,” she answered.

“You already slept during the whole training, mother.”

“Really, Maelstrom! It was probably your imagination! I was relaxing, not snoring an uneducated beast.”

“If you say so...” the stallion said as the doors of the Castle closed behind them.

Not far away – on the top of one of the trees -

Dash was silently spying on the duo from between the leaves with narrowed eyes before sighing in relief as the two disappeared inside the Castle.

“I made it in time! The meeting still has to begin, I can still talk to him and be sure he won't fall for those...those dirty mares,” she muttered to herself.
Once made sure no-one was around Dash silently flew near the windows to check where was Maelstrom's room, carefully scanning each one until she found the ONLY ONE that could possibly be his, waiting then in trepidation for her target to enter before pouncing on him as soon as he opened the window to let some fresh air in.

From the stallion's point of view he went from opening the curtains to being pressed on his mattress with a weight on his chest and his mouth getting 'raped' by a foreign tongue twisting, twirling and tasting all around in complete despair.

What the...Dashie-chan?” the blond thought once his brain finally re-booted making him return the kiss and hug the mare.

“...Not that I mind, but what's happening?” he asked when finally the kiss ended and Dash just snuggled next to him with a tiny smile and closed eyes.

“I came here to save you.” she answered while still hugging him tightly.

“To save me? From what?” Maelstrom asked confused.

“From any marriage proposals Princess Luna will be hearing today! Come on, pack your stuff, we are eloping!” Dash answered.

“Marriage?...Bwhahahahaha! Oh, don't worry. It's nothing of the sort, there are no marriages involved.” the stallion answered after a short fit of laughter.


“Ooh, Rarity will LOVE to hear about this! Dear tom-coltish Rainbow Dash proposing something as romantic as a Romantic Escape between two lovers! Oooh!
That's priceless!” the blond Alicorn said in great amusement.

“Shut-up, you foal! I thought you loved me!” Dash said huffing in offence.

“And I do, I absolutely love you,” he answered while covering her neck in small kisses.

“That's this your room?” she answered.

“Yep...all gifts the others from the Elemental Nations sent me when my closest friends learned of my returning into being an horse,” Maelstrom answered as both climbed down from the bed.

The room was ample, huge truth be told, red carpeted floor and simple furniture, but walls and corners of the room were littered by the strangest 'souvenirs' Dash had ever seen.

Masks resembling animals were filling a wall in its entirety, each one with a bandanna similar to the one the stallion was using but sporting a different symbol on it.

“ANBU, the Special Operations' Corp of any major Shinobi Village, a pair of masks for each Village and a forehead-protector of the same Village under it; the plaque has written the name of the place both in the Language of Equestria and the one of the Elemental Countries” he explained. sato?” Dash said reading aloud.

Konohagakure no Sato, it means 'Village hidden in the Leaf' the place is surrounded by a luscious forest, from that the name.” he answered.

“Sand...Cloud...Rock...which one you used to live in?” she asked.

“Konoha, you can see part of it in the right half of the painting,” Maelstrom said.

The 'Painting' was a gargantuan image covering the whole wall in front of the bed from ceiling to few feet from the floor, it showed part of Canterlot and the Royal Castle then slowly 'fading' to show for the remaining half part of a Village (Konoha, Dash thought) with its houses and the entirety of a mountain with several faces on it; right in the middle stood Maelstrom with at his sides Princess Luna and a white-furred Stallion with a blond mane, behind them a blond creature with blond hair and similar clothes and whiskers-marks on his cheeks to Maelstrom with another blond one at his right standing behind the white stallion and a red-haired female one standing behind Princess Luna, on both Maelstrom and the blond creature's shoulder Dash could see the same small nine-tailed fox with blood-red eyes.

“Your father?” she asked.

“Yep, Fierce Storm; Pegasus Captain of the Night Guards...right behind us my Human-self and my human parents Minato and Kushina. The fox is a miniaturized version of Kurama, had we used a life-sized measure his portrait alone would have been as big as the Castle itself.” he answered sighing.

“Human parents?”

“I have spent years believing them to be my parents, I wanted to still remember them for the sacrifice they made to protect me the night Kurama went sealed inside me...oh! They asked for forgiveness because they knew I would have had a difficult time as a Biju Vessel, but they thought that since I would have grow-up without a family they wanted to give me a mean to defend myself,” Maelstrom explained.

“The Healing power,” Dash said.

“And the Stamina and the huge boost in chakra that also came with the sealing, they asked Mother to forgive them time and time again in her dreams, until she finally snapped and threatened to forever forbidden them entrance in our dreams if they didn't stop, she told them that they were forgiven the moment they 'escaped death' to help me control, subdue and eventually befriend Kurama, and so this painting was done,” the blond stallion said.

“This big?” she asked smirking.

“When mother told me she would have had a painting be done about me and both my 'families' I accepted eagerly, I thought that a small one to keep above the bed would have been nice...but you know Luna, she...”

“She blew it out of proportion?” Dash asked laughing.

“Like everything that has to do with me,” he said sighing in defeat.

“Your friends took well your being an Alicorn?”

“Princess Koyuki of Spring Village between giggles and squeals begged me to take part to a movie about Magical Girls with me as her the way, if you are interested I can ask if you and the other Element Bearers can take part too, if you want that is.”

“An actress? Why not!” Dash said grinning.

“The others too had been understanding...some in a more strange way than others...”

Flash-back – Suna Village – Kazekage Tower – Gaara's office -

“KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the high-pitched squeal of girlish delight shocked the whole construction cracking more than few window and deafening the people inside.


“Eeehm...I am...happy to see that you are okay, Naruto.” Gaara said uncertain.

“Thank you, Gaara,” Maelstrom, in his Alicorn appearance, said while he went petted and hugged mercilessly.

“OOOOOH! Your fur is sooo soft! And those angelic wings are so warm and pretty!”

“Should I start calling you Maelstrom?” the Kazekage asked while valiantly trying to ignore the gushing and giggling echoing in his office.

“It's okay if you still call me Naruto, it's still part of who I am.” the stallion answered.

“Your mane! It naturally smells of berries! KYAAAAAH!”

“STOP IT, KANKUROU! It's disturbing!” Temari yelled in annoyance.

“Uh? But he is so cuuute!” the painted boy said with a whine.

“We understand, but he is still our friend,” Gaara said.

“And you are hoarding him!” Temari added as she tore the blond Alicorn from Kankurou's hands to pet him herself and snuggle to it.

“HOY! I was petting him!”

“HEEEEEELP!” Maelstrom yelled in fear.

“Oh good Lord...” Gaara said groaning.

End of the flashback -

“Yeah...they understood...I wished they weren't as vocal or as 'physical'...but I am happy they do not hate my being an horse,” the blond stallion said shrugging.

“Physical?” Dash asked curious.

“The former Raikage, his name is 'A'...oh, god his squeals when he saw me...and the way he wanted to pet me...” the stallion said shivering.

“It's okay, at least they were not scared or disgusted,” she answered nuzzling him a little.

“They decided to keep my being an Alicorn a secret, but at least now I know that they have not abandoned me,”

“I am happy to hear that. So those pictures, weapons and scrolls are all gifts from friends?” Dash asked pointing at the last wall covered in pictures adorning a small library and at the other strange objects around the room.

“Yep! The giant fan is a copy of the one Temari uses everyday and the Puppet is the old one Kankurou used during the Chuunin Exams; the remaining ones are weapons from Tenten, the weights are a gift from Rock Lee and Gai, the small gourd is a present from Gaara; the pictures are from pretty much everyone from small villages like Wave to big ones like Iwa and Kumo...the scrolls are simple Jutsu the various Kages gave me in case this place was not as 'peaceful' as it seemed...”


“Hoy! Those are people that lived their whole lives with the constant fear of a World War, you can't blame them for thinking that I may have needed extra help to stay safe in an unknown world,” the stallion said blushing.

“I can see the reason, but still...we are not savages.” Dash answered.

“I know, and I kept telling them that in my letters, but by now I have a collection and I can't exactly give everything back,” Maelstrom answered.

“And those books?” Dash asked while pointing at a stack of hidden books behind some of the scrolls she had took out.

“Oh...those...well...I...Sigh! Give a look, that's a joke from my old teacher Kakashi, or at least I hope this to be a joke.” the blond stallion said translating one of the books in a flaring of his horn.

Make-out paradise?...oh, my!” Dash said reading, just few seconds and her face had become red enough to produce light on its own.

“Yep, that's Icha-Icha: the second best-selling book in all the Elemental Countries; the Author was a teacher of mine and his number one fan another. Please don't judge me from that, I am not a pervert.” he answered sighing.

“It''s kind of graphical, t-t-that's for sure...” Dash said rapidly closing the book and hiding it back behind the scrolls.

“Still unsure where to put them, Luna knows the language they are written in and WILL blow-up should she find them.”

“Other than those...I have to admit that this It's a cool room, not that I expected any less from the boyfriend of a mare as awesome as myself of course,” Dash said smirking.

“I do my best, thank you.” he said hugging her.

“So? If you are not here to meet a bunch of dirty mares trying to seduce you, who the hay do you need to meet?” she finally asked.

“I had the bright idea to argue with a pegasus two weeks ago...”


“And in the middle of the arguing I ended-up challenging her to a flight contest, while flying around Ponyville one did a trick and the other had to copy that, all at top-speed.” Maelstrom answered.

“And you won?” Dash said eagerly.

“Barely, she was REALLY good: I had the advantage of being an Alicorn on my side and yet it was for all about a second that I won,” the blond pointed out.

“But you won all the same! That's what matters,”

“Dash...” he said with a worried tone.

“I know, I is not everything, we talked about it. But I still like to gloat from time to time,” Dash answered walking towards the window.

“As long as you do not grow an huge ego...”

Super-Ninja,” she answered grinning.

“...Touché.” he said looking down.

“So? Who was that loser?”

“Uh? The name?...Shitfire? Something like that...” Maelstrom said uncertain making Dash choke on her spit before literally teleporting at a millimeter of the blond's face.

“S-S-S-SPITFIRE?” Dash muttered with a trembling tone.


“And she is coming here?!” she asked with a shrilly voice.

“With other two ponies named Soarin and Fleetfoot. Why?” he asked dumbfounded.

“OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! You MUST introduce me to them!” Dash squealed before pointing at Maelstrom with an hoof.

“Do I have to?” he asked whimpering.

“IT'S MY DREAM TO JOIN THE WONDERBOLTS! Please help me showing them how good I am!”

“You were serious then?”

“YES! You really managed to impress Spitfire? How?!” the mare asked.

“Apparently the Wonderbolts and the Royal Guards use to exchange rookies between them so when I showed a good level for a flier and a 'daring spirit' in trying some crazy stunts they became interested in seeing if I would mind trying-out to join them...” the stallion muttered nervous.

“And they are coming here? Today?” Dash asked anxious.


SQUEEEEEEEEE! I need to get ready then!” she said with a wide smile.

“You can use my bathroom if you want...” Maelstrom said shrugging.

“Thank you!” she said happily.

“...But I will join you in there, and during the meeting with those three stuck-up mares...”


“You'll need to stay hidden, and trust me, they ARE a bunch of over-glorified brats, I have already met that kind of people.” he answered.

“WAIT! What do you mean with joining me in the bathroom?” Dash asked with a red face.

“I'll wash your back and you'll wash mine...and more,” he said with a lecherous grin.

“P-Pervert...” the mare muttered blushing.

“But we both enjoy that, especially when I use that trick Anko taught me,” he answered.

“...True, I DO like that tongue jutsu-thing,” she answered shivering in delight.

“Then why wasting time? Come on!” the blond said pushing her inside the ample bathroom of the room.

“Okay, okay!” Dash said laughing.

One hour later – gardens -

Dash was once again hiding in the trees, although against her will, while watching a bored Maelstrom and an annoyed Luna wait for the arrival of the Wonderbolt captain and the rest of the group, both were evidently thinking about all the things they could have been doing instead of waiting for the three Wonderbolts, thing that somehow confused Dash that instead knew she could just spend hours just watching those awesome ponies go through their exercises.

“They are late,” Luna said with narrowed eyes.

“Wanna bet they will make some 'spectacular' entrance?” Maelstrom added annoyed.

“Are you trying to use your own mother for some easy money, my son?” the Princess answered mockingly.

“Tsunade-baachan is not around, it was worth a try.” he answered shrugging.

“Oh! Remember her that she still has to pay me for that bet we had when you meet her next week,” Luna said.

“Get in line, you are not the only one she owes money to...” the stallion answered before a deafening BANG! Resounded around them signaling the arrival of three pegasi flying in formation towards them.

Carefully ignoring the barely-concealed squeal of Dash, Maelstrom narrowed his eyes to focus on the three approaching guests; on the front in fact stood Spitfire, cutting through the sky with a flare of her light-striped orange mane mimicking a wild fire, behind her the only male of the three (Soarin) and the shy-looking Fleetfoot...

Naruto was still finding hilarious how the names of each one of the ponies he knew somehow reflected their job or personality, sometimes even sounding ridiculous...although, he was named after a whirlpool and a dish' toppling, so he himself did not exactly have any room to judge.

“I have a Wind Affinity in my chakra and have a talent in directing winds as an Alicorn...where does a whirlpool fits in that?”

“Because in old literature a Maelstrom is used to denote powerful, chaotic and inescapable destructive were a very hyperactive colt, so it fitted you quite well, especially when you learned how to walk, but you also were very noble as any fairy-tale Knight.” Luna answered with a fond smile.

“Ah-ha! Very funny.” the blond stallion answered pouting, making Dash giggle a little at his expression.

“Sorry the wait, your Highness...Meally.” Spitfire said with a grin as she walked near the stallion.

MEALLY?!” Rainbow Dash roared mentally.

“Meally?” Luna muttered with narrowed eyes.

“Oh! I am sorry, Princess Luna. The Prince insisted me to be less formal, so I thought about using a nickname,” the Wonderbolt Captain answered bowing.

“I see...” she muttered.

“We were trying to see if Maelstrom would have been interested into joining us for a while, a little trial of a week, nothing more,” Soarin said walking forward.

“We don't want to force him, but Spitfire was adamant into giving him the occasion...she insisted quite a lot,” Fleetfoot added.

“He has good wings and a mean streak when it comes to winning, he has a future as a flier,” the mare answered nodding while circling Maelstrom, only Dash noticing how her eyes lingered a little longer on his back legs and flank and the strange 'light' shining in her eyes as she did so.

“She means that he likes to dare when doing stunts and risk a lot,” Soarin translated with a small smile.

“I am aware of his need to go through dangerous situations, as a War veteran he still has the need to do something 'exciting' to satisfy his adrenaline-dependency; I am still trying to snap him out of it, but until now I have been unsuccessful,” Luna replied sighing.

“An Adrenaline Junkie? I like it!” Fleetfoot said smiling wide.

“Cool-down! You are still talking to his mother,” Soarin said with a glare.

While the Princess and the two were still discussing the details of the offer, as per Spitfire's own orders, the mare had used the distraction to take the Prince aside under one of the trees, oblivious that Dash herself had moved to hide in that same plant to listen.

“I don't like to lose,” Spitfire said with a knowing smirk.

“Why am I not surprised?” Maelstrom said snorting.

“I heard that you had to fight against Princess Luna right after your return, is that right?” she asked.

“Yes? What of it?”

“And that you and some others fought a pack of Timberwolves...” she continued saying.

“Okay...what does this have to do with flying?” he asked confused.

“It has nothing to do with flying, but I do like daring stallions, especially the strong ones sure of themselves...and one of them out-flew one of my best days...” the mare muttered dangerously.


Pay attention, she is planning something, I can feel it. Her intentions are not as 'clean' as what I normally feel coming from those other horses.” Kurama said with narrowed eyes.

“What do you want from me, Spitfire?” Maelstrom asked cautious.

“I hate losing, I despised the mere idea ever since I was a cadet at the Academy, ever since I joined the Wonderbolts for the first time.” she answered moving closer.

“It was a close call, and I am an Alicorn,” the blond stallion answered.

“And you are not used to fly,” she added.

“How do you know that?”

“I have a lot of experience. For some reason you are afraid to push yourself to the max, to truly fly as fast as you could...why?” Spitfire asked leaning even closer.

He does that for me! He is helping me getting faster and is actually considerate enough to not rub on my face that he would be faster than me, HIS MAREFRIEND!” Dash thought in rage as her eyes kept trying to drill an hole in the mare's head.

Part of her was cheering at the idea of having the occasion to know her idols, but now that she was watching the Captain of the Wonderbolts shamelessly flirting (because in the rainbow-maned mare's head that was flirting) with her stallion, a new part of her brain had come out and was at the moment considering the idea of going there and pluck every single feather from Spitfire's wings.

“I do that to help a friend, while she gets better at flying I too learn a trick or two,” Maelstrom answered while taking a step back.

“A friend? Is she somepony important?” Spitfire asked.

“Very much so,”

“Do you love her?” the mare asked.


“Because it's clear that she doesn't love you back,” she interrupted him.

WHAT?!” Dash at this point had to bite-down on a tree branch to stop her outraged scream from breaking the sound barrier and be heard in all Equestria.

“What?!” the stallion said angrily.

“You need a mare that would push you forward, that will encourage you to give more and more, a girl that will help you being the best...” she whispered as she entered the Prince's personal space to whisper in his ear.

“H-Hoy! That's too close!” he yelped as his back went pressed against the tree.

“Princess Luna said that you always try to get into trouble to satisfy your need of excitement...I assure you, I can 'satisfy' every need you may ever have, and match that monstrous Stamina of yours with my, admittedly, unlimited drive to excel,” Spitfire whispered as she tried lick his ear.

“Well, I am not interested.” Maelstrom said with narrowed eyes as he shoved her away.

“Eh? Why!?” the mare asked back with her voice being a mixture of anger and shock.

Nopony refused her! She may like to play nice girl, but she knew how other stallions looked at her, ever since her days as a cadet! Not a single day passing without somepony asking her out or showering her in gifts! And once becoming the Captain of the Wonderbolts the list of suitors could only triple after each show! and now HE was REFUSING HER!? All for some mysterious mare? A nopony? No, this joke won't continue.

“Can she do this then?!” Spitfire said slamming her mouth on his gaining a strangled gasp from Dash.

“Stay the fuck away from me!” Maelstrom all but roared pushing her away.

“Did you like? I bet you have...I have finally found somepony able to keep-up with me, able to give me a fair challenge and even help me furthering my abilities! Do you know how many stallions would beat each-other senseless to gain my attention?! I can give you more than any mare will ever be able to, and I won't accept a 'No' for an answer, not when I have what I want right in front of me,” she said in anger.

“Who the hay do you think you are!?” Dash said as she finally could not hold back any longer, coming down from the tree to get face-to-face with Spitfire, glaring furiously at the mare.

“So I guess you are the mysterious mare he was talking about,” Spitfire said smirking.

“Yes, and I thought you were a nicer mare,” Dash answered bitterly.

“I am nice, but I am also very through in gaining what I want, your friend is the first stallion I personally found to be what I always wanted in a colt-friend: strong, sure of himself, not afraid to do everything it takes to reach his goal and just so darn brave! Why would I step back and let somepony else get him? Eh?!” Spitfire replied.

“Because I choose her,” the blond stallion answered moving between the two.

Hn! Nothing that I can't fix, I'll just need the week you'll spend with me and the rest of the Wonderbolts to show you who between me and...her, is the best one,” Spitfire answered as she walked away towards her two companions.

“You okay?” Maelstrom asked as he turned to look at Dash.

“She kissed you,” she muttered.

To her surprise he leaned closer to kiss her making her turn cherry-red on her face.

“And now I kissed you, she forced herself on me, you saw that.” he said while leaning his forehead on hers.

“I don't like her,” the mare said huffing.

“But she is a Wonderbolt,” he answered smirking.

“And she tried to steal my stallion,” Dash replied.

“Tried and failed. I am yours, remember it, I love only one girl, you.” Maelstrom answered chuckling.

“I know...but apparently I don't like watching other mares be all lovey-dovey with you,”

“Why you fear them? They are nothing compared to you, Dashie-chan.” the stallion said smirking.


“Really, really!” he answered nodding.

“I'll still keep my eyes open, just in case,” Dash said sighing, feeling as Spitfire could really be one of the few really able to be a threat to her relationship with the Prince, even if only because she and the Wonderbotls' Captain were similar in a lot of things.

“Why don't you come with me then? Like that you won't fear me to cheat on you,” he proposed smirking.

“I am not afraid of you cheating on me, but for that mare to try something,” Dash answered.

“But I'll still come to keep an eye on her, just to be sure.” she then added.

“Good, it will be a lot of fun then if you come!” he said grinning.

“I better go, your mother is looking for you,” Dash said.

“Don't worry, you won't lose me. She may be all famous, but she can't compare to you: a sweet, awesome girl not afraid get her hooves dirty and work hard to achieve her dreams and not a mean bone in her.” Maelstrom said while giving her a last kiss.

“And you won't lose me either. But I'll soon have to show you how much I appreciate those words, so get ready.” she answered smiling teasingly as her tail gently brushed under his nose while she walked away.

Hoy! Earth to horse! You there?” Kurama asked smirking while snapping his fingers to attract the stallion's attention.

“Uh?” he muttered in answer as his eyes were glued to the tantalizingly swaying tail and at the short flash of the 'Treasure' hidden under it she had given him the moment she raised her tail to tickle him.

Eh! Feels nice to be appreciated physically as well, I am still not ready for It, but I still like to see him get all riled-up from a light teasing...not that I would mind him snapping and pouncing...horsefeathers, I am turning into a pervert!...I'll blame those books his teacher gave him, yes, for some reason blaming those and the Author of Icha-Icha feels right...damn human pervert,” Dash thought as she took height with few powerful flaps of her wings.

Last thing she saw before flying away towards Ponyville was Maelstrom trot towards Luna while still glassy eyed before recovering and nodding to the Princess, she saw the Moon Alicorn talk to him and the stallion drop his head before nodding once again, clearly accepting the offering of the Wonderbolts for the trial of a week.

But while she was returning home, the rainbow-maned mare couldn't help but feel unease, her decision about keeping her relationship with the Prince a secret was showing the same ugly sides she had feared would surface, she was certain that Maelstrom won't accept other girl's proposals and be faithful to her, but that didn't mean those mares will just stop trying...

She was happy though to know that should she need, her friends would be with her to help protect her colt-friend, the Element Bearers would stand together in that!

“AJ would surely buck-in the teeth of whoever would try to seduce Maelstrom.” she said.

Meanwhile – with AJ -

“Granny Smith?” the farm pony asked with a small voice.

“Yes, dear?” the old mare said with a gentle smile.

“I...I...shucks!” the girl muttered with a groan.

“Language!...what happened?”

“Maybe...Maybe I...” she muttered.

“Applejack, come on, Granny won't judge ya,” the old mare said.

“Maybe I like him,” AJ finally admitted sighing.

“That dashing Prince?” Granny Smith asked amused.

“Bloom likes him and I...”

“And you like him too, but not as a friend.” she added.


“So what's the problem?”

“He will never like me back.” AJ said sighing.

“If ya don't try, ya will never know tha'. We Apples are strong, just like tha trees, but we are sweet as tha apples too; talk to him.” Granny Smith offered.

“I'll try...” AJ muttered nodding.

Sigh! You are growing so fast. Come on, this old mare will help ya to buck some sense into tha boy and make him accept ya!” the old mare said proudly.

“Thank you, Granny Smith.” Applejack said with a small smile, barely noticing the small streak of rainbow flying high right out of the window.

With Dash -

“Oh, yeah! AJ will definitely defend me if I ask her, that or I'll point Rarity towards the poor idiots trying to take him away and watch the fireworks!” Dash said smirking.

Carousel Boutique – in the meantime -

Rarity was looking at the poor Pegasus sitting with her at the counter of the unicorn's boutique after turning the sign on the door on the 'CLOSED' side.

“So you like the Prince,” Rarity said with narrowed eyes.

“Uh-hu...” Fluttershy admitted while looking down at her cup of tea.

Sigh! You will never catch his interest if you are afraid even to just talk about him,” the young mare said with an exasperated sigh.

“Catch his interest?” Fluttershy repeated blushing.

“Listen, darling. You are cute, even 'pretty' and I am sure that a lot of stallions would find your being so damn shy adorable...” Rarity said with her most gentle tone.

“But I...”

“But you like just him and nopony else, and don't know how to actually approach him, but why you are here to ask me for help?”

“You are, you are good at this...” Fluttershy muttered.

“Good at dating?” Rarity asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Y-Yes...and speak openly to other poines...and...and...”


“...and courting stallions,” the other admitted with a VERY low whisper.

“...Fluttershy? Are you, by chance, calling me a 'Scarlet mare' or something similar?” Rarity hissed.

“Oh Goodness, no! I just, I have never been in a relationship! So I thought that you had more are pretty, so maybe you already dated somepony,” Fluttershy said in horror while shaking her head wildly.

Hn! Thank you for the compliment, I do take care of my look; and yes, I do have a date or two on my back, all turned-out to be disasters, but at least I have some suggestions about what NOT to do. Sure, we'll have to have those tips 'tailored' on you and the Prince (especially him since he grew-up in a different “Setting” than Equestria), but he seems to be a nice pony, in hindsight, he is a good choice...even if a little rough on the edges,” Rarity answered.

“He is a nice stallion if you get to know him, and he has a nice side with an huge gentle heart.” Fluttershy answered immediately.

“I know, silly. The fact that you are so ready to defend him shows your determination, so...ready to plan? We'll get you your Dream Colt-friend in just a week!”

“A C-C-Coltfriend...” Fluttershy muttered with a red face while hiding her face with her own mane.

Sigh! This is gonna be a LOOOOOONG day...” Rarity muttered with a sigh of dismay while looking at the sky outside hoping for divine help, totally ignoring Dash' trail as it moved towards her apartment.

With Dash -

“UUUUH! Pinkie must have take out some muffins! I can smell them all the way here! Maybe I'll get some.” Dash said with a wide smile as she immediately descended towards the Cake family's shop.

Rapidly entering as a rainbow-coloured bullet, the mare seized the opportunity to snatch a couple before exiting the place leaving behind only the still-twirling coins on the counter, all just happened in less than a second.

“What happened?” Miss Cake asked dumbfounded.

“Dashie just entered, bought six muffins and left the shop, all without stopping her flying...” Pinkie Pie answered sighing.

“Okay, is there anything you wish to tell me?” the older mare asked.

“Nothing,” the Element of Laughter answered distractingly while adding some icing on a near cake.

“ there a problem with your colt-friend?” Miss Cake asked with a knowing smile.

“I have not a colt-friend.” Pinkie answered.

“Then why you used the icing to draw an heart with your initials and the Prince's inside it on that cake?” Mister Cake asked back smirking.

“...It was supposed to be a smiling face...” the pink pony muttered confused.

“Well, you were smiling while doing that, and it was not the usual smile you always wear, but a fond one,” Miss Cake said teasingly.

“I don't know what you are talking about...” Pinkie said defiantly while trying to look inconspicuous in erasing the heart on the cake.

“AH-HA! PINKIE LOVES THE PRINCE! I KNEW IT!” Mister Cake said with a sing-song voice.

“That's not true!” Pinkie answered shocked.

“Pinkie and Maelstrom under a tree! K-I-S-S...” the stallion kept singing while jumping around her.

“Meanie!” the pink pony said with an embarrassed face.

“Darling please stop...seriously do you stallions never grow-up?” Miss Cake said sighing.

“I don't like him...” Pinkie muttered.

“I am not judging,” the other mare answered gently.

“...Maybe a little?” the Element of Laughter admitted with a low whisper.

“It's a start, want some help in 'capturing' him?” Miss Cake said smiling.

“I am sure I can do that by myself...if I ever grow interested, thing that I certainly am not at the moment,” Pinkie Pie answered.

“So you are not interested in him?”

“Of course not!” she answered with a childish pout.

“If you say so...” Miss Cake said with a knowing smirk.

“...of course a little help or suggestion...just in theory of course,” the young mare muttered.

“YAY! I knew I was right! Come on! Let's plan the perfect trap to catch your colt-friend!”

“Even if I am not interested,” Pinkie added blushing.

“Of course.”

“Maybe I should warn that poor boy...” Mister Cake muttered before his wife's trusty and favourite frying pan landed on the back of his head.

“Do not interfere.” She hissed with narrowed eyes.

“Okay, dear. I won't...” Mister Cake answered sighing.

Later that night -

Ignoring the new shiver climbing up his back, Maelstrom tried to forget the feeling of impending Doom that had started plaguing him in the last few weeks, shaking his head wildly he climbed on his bed he opened one of the books Luna asked him to read.

“Eh! I am becoming a studious guy...what happened to me?” he said chuckling.

You want to impress your mommy, like the good kid you are, Ah!” Kurama said smirking.

“That is not true...” he answered moaning.

But while this was happening, Celestia was looking her own student pace in front of her with a worried expression.

“I am starting to get worried, Twilight...why you asked to meet me so urgently?” the Princess asked once she finally grew tired of watching her student dig an hole in her room's floor by walking without stop.

“It''s...I am so sorry to disturb you, your Highness, but I don't know what to do...” Twilight said with a despaired sigh.

Sssh! It's okay, I am here to help you, my faithful student.” Celestia said gently.

“I wanted to ask my parents, but my mother would have treated this with the wrong approach, and both my father and brother would have just hunt-down him to beat him to a pulp...” the unicorn said.

Him? You mean...somepony finally managed to catch your heart? Really?” Celestai said in surprise before blooming into an huge smile.

“Hu-uh...” Twilight nodded with a red face.

“Ooh! I am so proud of you! It seems like yesterday that you started being my student, always worried about excelling and nothing else! You finally found something else those old books can't give you,” the Sun Princess gushed proud.

“I was surprised myself...but from what I could read...I do show signs of being infatuated,” the Unicorn answered with a shy nod.

“ have read a 'manual' about how to recognize Love...somehow I am more surprised about such a book existing than you actually reading it.” Celestia said with a defeated sigh, she just knew some things were just impossible to change.

“I don't know what to do though...I know is not something I should ask you, your highness...but can you help me find a solution? At this moment you are the only one that I can ask!”

“It is a strange request, but I'll see what I can do...who is this mysterious pony?” the Princess asked.

“Oh...well, he is very determined and has a no-nonsense attitude when the situation calls for it, he is not exactly book-smart, but he can think and rationalize things on-the-fly in an instant.” Twilight answered.

“A good match, you are more about a theoretical approach, while he is more of a 'tactile learner' and learns by doing things may actually balance each-other out. Good choice.” Celestia said nodding.

“Thank you, your Highness, he is...he is kind of cool so his boasting, mostly as a way to joke, can even be justified. He is helping me developing a new spell and whenever I need an assistant to test the results he immediately offer his help...he always says that he founds Magic awesome so he doesn't mind helping me...even Spike likes him, even if he is a bad influence for him.” Twilight said frowning momentarily.

“A bad influence? For Spikoran?”

“He talked Spike into joining him in his morning exercises and into gaining a membership to the gym, that and teaching him how to be 'cool', but no matter how many times I ask they don't want to tell me the reason for it,”

“That is not a bad influence, on the contrary, I think he is trying to do to him what I am trying to do to you ever since you moved to Ponyville...have you enjoy life a tiny bit more,” Celestia answered chuckling.

“I do enjoy life...” Twilight muttered pouting.

“But enough beating around the bush, who is he? Do I know him?” Celestia asked.

“...Yes, you do know him very well, your Highness.” Twilight answered uncertain.

“Why that face? And why you asked me to not tell Luna about this meeting of ours?” the Princess asked.

“She may...she may get angry...” Twilight answered sighing.

“Get angry? Why?...Oh!...I think...I think I got the identity of your mystery pony...” Celestia said, and as soon as she understood who her student was talking about her already pale complexion turned even paler as colours seemed to get drained from her body.

“Exactly...what should I do? I think I would really like to try and see if between me and the Prince could work...but I am afraid Princess Luna won't like that...” Twilight said weakly.

“I am not against it, especially if you and him would be happy from it...but my sister may have something against this, not because of you, but on the whole principle of the thing.” Celestia muttered.

“A-Any suggestion?” the unicorn asked hopeful.

“I-I think I can actually give you a little help, even just to survive the thing when the news will become public knowledge...I admit that my relationship with my nephew is still kind of strained, but I should be able to give you an hoof, even if just a little.” the Princess answered.

“Thank you, your Highness...I-I don't know what I would have done without your help,” Twilight answered with a tiny smile.

“I'll accompany you home, just to be sure you'll be safe.” Celestia answered as both disappeared from the room in a flash of Magic.

She just hoped she won't lose a student because of Luna's worryingly possessive nature once she will discover Twilight's courting of Maelstrom AND her own influence in the whole thing...

But those two would look so damn CUTE together! Celestia knew she would actually enjoy playing match-maker for at least once in her long life.

Meanwhile – throne room – with Luna -

The Moon Alicorn was just in that moment finishing her last touches to the whole paper-work regarding the active roaster of the Night Guards when her wings shot wide open and her back turned as rigid as a plank.

“I can feel it. There is a disturbance in the Natural Order of things...some hussy is planning something against my innocent baby, I can already see a great shadow approach.” she muttered snarling, watching with narrowed eyes outside the window as to dare the responsible to make a wrong move so to gain her royal punishment.