Pony Poems 3

by Toffee Bean

ch 13

Everfree forest

Where all fears come true,
where there is no hope,
where there is no dream,
nothing but darkness,
and nightmares,
nightmares all around,
there is no hope,
there is no joy,
there is no happiness,
there only fear,
fear for all,
fear of all,
there is no dream,
there is no hope,
there nothing but death,
death all around,
where there is no hiding,
where there is no hope,
only darkness,
only nightmares,
only death,
there is no chance,
there is no escape,
there is no way out,
for it's the everfree forest,
the forest of death,
the forest of fear,
the forest of darkness,
there is no escape,
there is no hope,
there is no joy,
for it's the everfree forest.