//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Void Hopper // by hollowsbest //------------------------------// My name is, was May Berlyne Riverstone Richards. What can I say? My parents had a thing for big and long names, one of my little sisters was named Elizabeth Charles Rosebank Richards. Yeah, my family had weird and long names. I used to live in England, can't remember the exact location sadly. Still have the accent though, bonus! My family was kind-of large, two little sisters; Lizzy and Emms. My year older-than brother and several years younger-than brother; Harry and Michael. My two parents; Michelle and Roxanne. My parents sometimes call me an amazon woman seeing as I'm fairly tall, six foot something; I dyed my hair pink like a female anime protagonist an age ago, my eyes are purple; thanks to a disorder that colours them purple, and thanks to the disorder I don't have periods! I can still procreate fine though. My skin is usually pretty pale, I burn easily and I like wearing shades of yellow and brown on my clothing; I have a necklace my Dad gave me for my birthday, it's special and I never take it off. We used to travel around, we once visited America for a comic-con for Harry for Agents of SHIELD. It was pretty awesome, we also picked up some Kill la Kill memorabilia for me. Anyway, I'm getting off track here. The day I vanished was Michael's fifth birthday, we were having fun teasing and geeking out over his presents; when I started feeling dizzy. "Lyne, you don't look good," Emmerlyn said, glancing at me. "I don't feel good," I muttered, rubbing my temples. "What's wrong dear?" Michelle asked, I called Michele Mum and Roxanne Dad. It would take too long to explain why. "I've got this throbbing headache, and it feels like I'm going to pass out," I replied. "Go lie down honey, it'll be fine," Roxanne put in. "But it's Michael's birthday, I can't miss it!" "It'll be fine Lyne." Michelle said, steering me away from the birthday boy and towards my room. "Mum," I whined. "Don't 'mum' me, lie down. How late were you up last night?" "I went to bed around four-ish." "You should know better." "I know." I hung my head, trying to ignore the throbbing. "Bed, now." Michelle said. I grumbled a bit but did as I was told, I crawled under the covers and Michelle left the room; closing the door as she left. "Stuck in my room on my brother's birthday, how can this get any worse?" I wondered, I hissed in pain as my back started to throb; I rolled onto my stomach, but it didn't ease the pain. I closed my eyes tight and curled into a ball, slowly falling into the realms of sleep; the throbbing didn't stop, it seemed to get worse the farther I fell into dreamland. After what seemed years but was just mere moments, my eyes opened due to the brightness of my surroundings; Michelle had closed my curtain and so my room had been dark, had she opened them again? I eased open one eye and then the other, before I snapped them open wide and sat up quickly. I groaned as the throbbing came back full force, I tried to ignore it as I looked around at my surroundings; I was in a field with quite bright green grass and dotted with brightly coloured flowers. There were a few trees around and a path leading off into the distance. This was definitely not my room.