//------------------------------// // Pinkie peanut butter and heaps of trouble // Story: Twilight Sparkle Princess of confectioner's sugar // by mokaevans //------------------------------// When Twilight awoke all she wanted to do was curl up with the new book on potions Zecora had given her. it was fascinating and She had even included a translation guide so Twilight would understand the cryptic descriptions within. She hadn't even heard of some of these before! So you could say all Twilight wanted was a nice quiet day to herself. Unfortunately pinkie had something different in mind. As Twilight began to read she saw something pink in the window, but when she looked again it was gone, so she went back to her book. Then as she was reading about the materials needed for a truth potion, which could be useful against Discord, she heard a loud and cheerful "HEY!" Startled, Twilight dropped the book and fell off the side of the bed her legs still tangled in her covers. Disgruntled Twilight looked at the window to see Pinkie appear in it for a couple of seconds and then disappear. "Hey_Twilight_What_are ya_ Doin?" Twilight rolled her eyes it was clear Pinkie was using her trampoline to bounce up to her window. Why the pink mare couldn't use the door she didn't know. Walking to the window she began to talk to Pinkie, which wasn't easy considering she could only get a couple of word out of her mouth before the mare would be out of eyesight. "I'm reading a book on potions Zecora gave me." "WOW_that sounds_cool!" "It really is quite fascinating, in fact i believe it may have helped me figure out how to add two counteracting ingredients to the same potion!" "Twilight_can I_ ask you_ a question?" Figuring the question probably pertained to the book she was reading she agreed. She nearly jumped out of her skin as the pink pony appeared behind her. "Sorry Twilight but i couldn't wait to ask you, if you'd make peanut butter clay with me!" Twilight Blinked. "How did you think of an idea like that?!" "well this morning i woke up from a really good dream where everything in Ponyville was edible! Applejack's barn was made of licorice , Fluttershy's cottage was gingerbread, Rarity's dress shop turned into a Giant cake with creamy frosting, but it didn't have any whipped cream i think the cake would be better with whipped cream don't you-" "Pinkie!" "Oh yeah I was telling you why I thought we should make peanut butter clay! so then I went downstairs and I thought what if we could eat the things we make? I started to think about making the building edible like in the dream, but then i thought what if everypony ate all the buildings! There wouldn't be a Ponyville, and then every pony would go out of business-" "Pinkie!" "So then i thought what if we made something we could play with and eat! Then i saw the jar of peanut butter, and i thought 'who loves to have fun? I knew it had to be you! so can we please make peanut butter clay!" Twilight sighed "i'm sorry Pinkie but i really want to read my book today..." Suddenly Pinkie's eyes grew even larger than normal with a vulnerable absolutely pleading look in their depths, her lips pulled into a pout with one lip hanging out. Suddenly Twilight felt guilty even though she knew she had nothing to be guilty about, what manner of magic was pinkie using? "I guess I could study it later." She sighed in resignation. She gave a muffled scream as pinkie hugged her tightly. " Yay! The puppy dog eyes of doom work! I mean ,Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! It'll be so much fun-" "Pinkie_can't_breathe_" Twilight gasped out "Oopsie!" she dropped Twilight on the floor, then grabbed her by the hoof and started running at top Pinkie speed. They made it to the cakes in about 10 seconds. "Here we are Twilight oh we're gonna have so much fun!" Twilight moaned as the world spun around her. "Yeah- fun..." " Twilight we need two cups of creamy, creamy, peanut butter." Twilight zoned out as Pinkie talked about the ingredients they would need to make peanut butter clay. She was having a hard time focusing on the world around her as her head swam from the speed. "_And confectioner's sugar! Would you like to get that Twilight?" Twilight shook her head trying to clear it. "Sure." She found the sugar was on a shelf slightly too high for her to reach with her hooves so she grabbed the bag down with her teeth, unknowingly ripping a small hole into it. Pinkie stirred the peanut butter, honey, and confectioner's sugar into the bowl. As she poured the sugar in, a trickle began to seep out of the other end of the bag. she set the sugar down as she began to knead the dough at super pinkie speed causing some of the dough to land on the table. Twilight sighed wondering how long she would have to play with Pinkie before she could get back to her book. She loved her friends really she did but sometimes she just wanted some time to herself. "It's ready! come on twilight lets make some stuff!" She would just make one thing and go home. Twilight rolled the clay with her hoof trying to think of something to make when she noticed pinkie molding her clay into different shapes every five seconds. "Zecora! Applejack! spike! Fluttershy!" Twlight was even more surprised when pinkie began making things she didn't recognize. "Sliver quill! Dr, wolf! Mad munchkin! Firebrand! Twilight and Sunset kissing!" "What was that last one?" "You and sunset kissing?" Twilight blinked. "Why would you make that?!" "The Author ships them!" "Stop telling everyone my secrets!" a voice said. "Wait never mind ignore me!" Twilight was so surprised she slipped on the table cloth causing it to slide and spill the collected sugar all over her. "AHHHH!" "Twilight you look like a ghost!" Pinkie laughed. "Pinkie I have to go home do you know how hard it is to get things off your wings! i'm going to be shaking sugar out all day!" Twilight left in a huff and Pinkie stopped laughing. "Twilight i think you being the princess of sugar is a good thing!" Upon seeing Twilight wasn't coming back, Pinkie shrugged and went back to her clay." Firebrand and Sliver quill Kissing! Meanwhile: A very handsome Hippogriff's eyes grew disturbed. "i sense someone is shipping me!