Undercover Coven

by Penn Hooven

Party with a warning

The rest of the day was spent taking notes, passing notes, dodging dodge balls, taking more notes, and groaning at the amount of homework the three were given.

“Really!” Applebloom vented as they made their way back to the Rarity's studio apartment. “You'd think we had nu'thin' to do but sit around and twiddle our thumbs all day long with the amount they gave us.”

“Heh,” Scootaloo looked at her small hands. “These things are still wiered to me. I think I could twiddle them all day and not be bored.”

“Please don't.” Sweetie Belle replied. “I'd much rather you put them to more useful things.”

Both Scootaloo and Applebloom smiled wickedly.

“I've got an urge.” Scootaloo giggled.

“Me'h too.” Applebloom licked her lips. “An' I've been brewin' some special potions too.”

“Now girls.” Sweetie Belle chided gently. “We all have the lust, but we can't just kill any random person.”

“Ooohhh, who said anything about killing?” Scootaloo started to laugh, pulling out the small knife she had brought with her from Equestria. Intricate designs and strange letters were carved into the short blade, which seem to seethe with an evilness that purred at the thought of blood.

“Yeah.” Applebloom drooled. “Blood. That's all I need. Just the sight of it will-”

Sweetie Belle snapped her fingers, bringing them both back to reality. “Sisters! Control yourselves!” She took a deep breath. “Yes, while playing in a fountain of blood, tasting it on my tongue,” She shivered. “Smelling it in my hair,” A dreamy look passed over her face. “Feeling it like satin on my skin.” She shook herself. “We mustn't give in every time we feel our blood lust.”

“Y'a think that where we went wrong back home?” Applebloom asked, now feeling ashamed.

Scootaloo looked away, face reddening. “Home? What home?”

“Point is,” Sweetie Belle pressed on. “If we must have blood, we must do it discreetly. We can't have others find out.”

“Yeah.” Scootaloo nodded. “That would be bad.”

Applebloom signed. “Guess we better head on home and see if Spike 'n Rarity are home yet.”

Sweetie Belle cracked a grin. “For now, let's keep cover. Until we find some way to resolve our current dilemma, we can always play with our thralls~”

They all giggled as they headed home, thinking of unspeakable horrors that awaited them at home.

But those thoughts were cut short when a large sack was thrown over each of them, sweeping them off their feet and whisking them off to Celestia only knows where.

The fearless trio was reduced to pitiful, screaming prepubescents as they each confronted a different fear of what their reality would hold.

Five minutes later, which felt more like an hour to the terrified friends, they were plopped down and the sacks were opened, revealing the last face either of them thought, or even wanted, to see.

“Hi'ya~” The bubbly girl giggled, taking in a deep breath to sing. “My name is Pinkie Piiiiie, and I'm here to saaaaay, I hope you'll smile and stay for your party tooodaaaayyy!”

Confetti exploded, as if the Superbowl just started, spot lights flashing and flaring all around the girls as Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo cautiously climbed out of their oddly, potato smelling prisons.

They were back at school, in the gymnasium, with dozens of students enjoying themselves to their heart's content. There were games like, corn toss, bobbing for apples, pin the tail on the pony, musical chairs and, for some odd reason, speed chess which, for some odder reason, was rather popular.

There were sweets and snacks, like eleven flavors of cake, ranging from strawberry, blue berry, chocolate, carrot, lemon, pineapple, and, oddly, tamale. Popcorn, candy corn, grilled corn, backed corn, broiled corn, and boiled corn were all served with butter, salt, pepper, chilli powder, white cheddar powerd and cinnamon. There were pies of all kinds and cookies and at least eight different types of soda.

The girls gulped, looking at all the erratic, yet organized, chaotic fun that was booming to life. Standing up, they looked around, wonder and awe written on their faces.

“Wow,” Sweetie Belle breathed.

“All this?” Applebloom started to ask.

“For...for us?” Scootaloo finished, tears standing in her eyes.

Pinkie Pie just grinned. “You bet'cha! This is a place where we don't judge! Just be who you want to be, and have fun!” She then woohoo'ed and started a Congo line as a DJ, looking an awful lot like Vinyl Scratch from back home, started up a hot salsa mix.

The girls just stood there, watching all the festivities.

“We found it.” Scootaloo said in disbelief. She then turned to her sisters, grinning wildly. “Just like you said, Sweetie Belle! We'd find a place where no one would judge us!”

“Yeah!” Applebloom sang. “Oh, oh! I wanna candy apple! Oh my stars! Is that caramel corn~?”

Sweetie Belle, however, felt a jolt that jarred her from the excitement around her. With a slow glance around herself, she saw one person who was not enjoying herself with the elaborate party. She was a bit taller than the girls, but that was to be expected. She wore a black leather jacket, purple skirt and had bright yellow and red wavy hair.

Sweetie Belle couldn't quite explain why, but she knew that girl knew who they were, and what they've done, yet wasn't afraid. On the contrary, she was staring spitefully at them.

“Yeah.” Sweetie Belle replied to Scootaloo, who was now hugging her, as if they'd just won the Equestrian games. “This is great. Hey, you girls take a look around. We'll meet at the door at the end of the part, eh?”

Her sisters agreed and hastily left to raid the food table while checking out as many games as they could. Sweetie Belle watched them for a moment, then weaved her way through the crowd to where the figure stood. Without a word, the girl turned to leave the gymnasium, with Sweetie Belle in tow, wonder what was going to happen.

“I know who and what you and your friends are.” The girl seethed once they were out of the building.

Sweetie Belle felt her gut drop. “I don't know what you're talking about.”

“Okay then.” The girl replied. “Let's get the formalities out of the way. I'm Sunset Shimmer. You're Sweetie Belle and your friends are Applebloom and Scootaloo.” That was true, but the whole school knew that. “You're also witches from Equestria.”

Sweetie Belle's mouth went dry. She knew in pony form she was stronger than an Alicorn, but she had no way of knowing how strong her magic was as a human.

“You know this, how?”

Sunset Shimmer held up an old looking book. “Twilight wrote me. She told me what you three did to her and the other princesses, but let me tell you little Missy.” She grabbed Sweetie Belle's shirt by the color, pulling her up on her tip toes to glare nose to nose with her. “You've walked into my stable now. You better enjoy your party, because come tomorrow, I will feel no remorse or pity in squashing your pathetic coven under my heel.”

She pushed Sweetie Belle away, forcing her down on her butt, where she just looked up with fear, reaching for the sliver of Alicorn horn, pointing it like a wand, focusing her might into it, but nothing happened.

Sunset laughed, a hardy laugh of a know it all being proved right. She stepped on the little girls chest, forcing her on her back.

“Welcome to the human world. Enjoy your stay, because when I send you three back, it will be with bloody noses and broken magic.”

Still laughing, Sunset Shimmer walked off, not looking back at the now crying Sweetie Belle, as she screamed strangled curses at her, while pointing the horn to no avail. Sunset let her smile fade, as she thought about where that horn came from, and just hoped that she'd be able to figure out the right kind of magic to fix things, somehow.