A Lich Of Metal And Souls.

by ShadowsInTheDark

I'm Home, Let Drink And Where Am I Going!?

***Asphyxious pov. Den lab.***

Once Rin sentight, me home once I got back I went off to have a bath by myself to think. I can’t recall what happened after I used the drain spell. Sister told me she sent the other displaced home and that Faust would be living with us seeing as Sister said. Faust is now apart of the family being my older Sister, god that going to be confusing later… Maybe I should give Sister a real name.

I think to myself as I relax into the water. I kept thinking about Everblight and what happened. I was then summoned by another Displaced and met someone who knows who I was before being displaced…

Once I got back home I was not really feeling up to working. Pupa and Chrysalis were the first to pick up that something was wrong, then Sister came up and wanted to help. I told them what happened, we had a cry I felt better after that. I also keep the plush of Samantha in my room, it wasn’t much but it made me feel like she was still here with us.

Meanwhile I was working in my lab on some things when Rex walked in. “Asphyxious we got a massage for you.” I looked at him as he handed me the paper. I take it and have a read to see who it from and what they want. My tail moved from side to side as I began to read. I was confused.

“This is from the Legion Of Everblight?” I asked looking back at Rex. I kept reading apparently they wanted to make some kind of peace tretey. I didn’t see this one coming that for sure. That when I heard a voice.

“Alr. BACHELOR PARTY!” I blinked at this as I hear Dox voice.

I saw Faust walk in and look at me after the voice was heard. “Was that one of your displaced friends?” She asked as I get up and leave the Lab.

“Yes it was and it sounds like a really good one. I’m going to see if Pupa and Chrysalis want to come along. Sister in one of her eating moods.” I say after the last time I try to take a gem she was going to eat from her. Sister pointed a gun at my face saying if I didn’t hand it over she was going to remove body parts.

“That dragoness is scarey, say do you want to come to?” I ask as I make my way to the forge. Faust thinks about this tapping her chin with a clawed finger before smiling at me. “Oh way not it could be fun.” She said with a smile.

One I stop at the forge I had Faust tell Pupa and Chrysalis about the party. Meanwhile I was looking at the new warcaster armor Kat been working on. “Kat I have to say this is one of your best works yet.” I tell the Diamond dog with a smile.

The rotty diamond dog laughs as she helps put the power core on my back. “Well Diamond dogs aren’t that good at magic. So it helps that we can make something that can help us use it.” Anyway the portal opens and I saw Pupa and Chrysalis walk in as I look at my warjacks.

“Go on ahead I’ll be there soon.” I say as Faust nods at this. Once she go in I felt Seether push my arm and look up at it. It gave a gentle hum I couldn’t help but smile at him. “Thank you.” I say as I run into the portal.

I walked out of the portal and went straight to my room. I felt tired and my head stall hurt a little. But on the upside I had a good time. I remove my armor and crawl into bed with a sigh, I just wanted to be alone for a little while. That when I felt a seasoned body get into the bed and hug me.

I look over my shoulder to find the Pink dragoness was cuddling me. I was going to ask why but I didn’t mind. Before I could lay back down I saw Chrysalis take off her dress and get into bed with me and Sister. I didn’t feel worried or fear in fact I wanted them near me right now. I wrapped my arms around Chrysalis and my tail around Sister as I closed my eye to sleep.

Yes sleep is what I need. I thought to myself as I fall asleep.

***Asphyxious pov. Den pub. One week later.***

I was playing around with some tokens that was from some dragon displaced or at least they sounded like dragons. I was thinking hard not only that but Faust told me about a lab under the control of Dr Arkadius.

I was thinking of attacking it but at the same time I wanted better control over these dragon powers so what to do? I sighed as I left the den and decided to got to the surface I haven’t seen the sky here in a long time.

Once outside I looked around we was pretty far from canterlot but that didn’t mean there was no life in the mountains. I could see trees and some farms, that was kind of interesting. I wonder if they know my diamond dogs dun was under their hooves? I sat down under a tree and looked at the tokens again.

“Maybe I should only call one of them for now.” I say out loud as I think. I should really hunt down those Cryx ponies and soon. I can’t keep putting it off like this, after all I’m sure we can find them. I then heard a voice calling out to me, it sounded like Golden Shield? I get up from under a tree and saw her running over with something in her hand.

“For you… Meeting… At Canterlot.” She gasped as she hands me the paper. I look at it and give it a read. Looks like I’m going to Canterlot and Faust is there to by the sounds of it. I really don’t want to go but what can you do when you’re the king?

“Thank you I’ll be down in a bit and Golden why don’t you take the day off. You look like you need it.” I said as I make my way back to the den with the mare following me.

“Sorry sir but I have too much to do around the den, Rex asked me to get the reports on the cavern under the den and to send some scouts to find out more about what down there.” Said Golden as she walks by my side. I sigh at this as we walked to the cave that would take us back to the den.

“Not without me his not, we don’t know if anything is still living down there. For all we know there could be Orgoth down there.” I say as we met up at the first outpost. I was happy that we got this set up. I was greeted by my guards I also get to see my first Diamond Dog and Pony warcasters.

They was playing a card game with some of the other dogs. I smiled at this as I and Golden walked past. That when I saw the warjacks that was being worked on by some ponies I’ve never seen before.

“Who are they?” I asked Golden as we made our way deeper into the den. She explained that some ponies heard about my den and wanted to see for themselves. Also some wanted to work for me. First I’ve heard about this, guess I’ll have to keep an eye on them.

Just as we was about to enter the den I saw a flash of light and I, Sister and Chrysalis were standing in what looked like a meeting room. With a large number of pony nobles. What the hell!? “Discord I asked for you to send a message to the Diamond Dog King not to bring him here and why is Queen Chrysalis here as well.”

Yeap that sounded like old sunbutt to me, I turn around and saw Luna and Celestia sitting looking at Discord in annoyance. Guess I’ll have to explain that Chrysalis is apart of my hoard.

Before I can say anything Discord disappears just as the doors to the meeting room open. I then saw Faust… Oh crap. She just smiles as she ran over and tackled me to the floor in a hug.

“Oh brother it been so long how I missed you! Not only that how are you feeling after turning into a dragon?” Faust asked before pulling me into a hug and giving me a face full of bust. I swear if I get out of this alive I am never leaving the den ever!

“Mother…” I was relist from the half dragon alicorn as she stands up and looks at both royle sisters. I rub my face and look at them seeing the teary look in there eyes. Oh boy here come the waterworks. I saw both alicorn sisters run down and hug their mother in joy seeing Faust again. I could help but smile until I saw the guard going up to Chrysalis with spears! “Stay away from my Hoard!”

I roared at them and get in front of Chrysalis as I turn into my Lich form. “Any of you touch one hair on her head and I’ll kill all of you.” I hissed at them. Feeling the flames inside my body burning. That when I felt two hands on my arms, I looked down and saw Sister and Chrysalis giving me the look. Oh boy I did something bad didn’t I? I quickly calm down and look at them.

“Asphyxious calm down it was just a misunderstanding, now tell me why did that Dragon Alicorn call you brother?” Asked Chrysalis with a smile. I then looked to Sister who was grinning evilly. Crap, how was I going to explain this?