A Lich Of Metal And Souls.

by ShadowsInTheDark

Fighting Faust, This Can End Badly.

***Asphyxious pov. The Den main forge.***

I felt a little sad that Len had to go home but at least we can call each other on our echo’s. But I was working on a little something for myself. All the armour and weapons from the Die Leucht griffons, at least my share of it. Was being melted down, it took longer just to melt down one sword. Let alone the armour, but with the gang working on it as well as myself we got it to work.

We used the first of the melted metals were carefully crafted into a sword, I added my own magic to the mix with a number of spells. I found out that my own blood had some blight in it if I willed it. The sword took three days to finish, and what I got at the end of it was a finely made cutlass. The slits in the side of the blade released ashes of embers, and if I pour my magic into it releases blue flames.

I took the training that Sister was putting me through more seriously. Even if she was acting more timid and shy around me. I also got to see Chrysalis eggs for the first time and they were so cool. They started glowing as soon as I stepped into the room like they knew I was there. I then spent some time hugging each of them.

Anyway back to the sword, we may of been finished making it but the magic needed more time to work. Because what I wanted the ashes to do was suppress magic when they come into contact with something and one. This blade needs some testing.

But from out of nowhere a portal opens and sends hundreds of chickens into the den, there was note to on one of the chickens. Hanging around its neck. It was from Rin saying she was sorry about what happened at the party. Took us two weeks to get them all. Hmmm, looks like I have something to test my blade on once we make a chicken coop. I think as I have the dogs round them up and make a room to keep them all in.

I think as I go back to working on my blade in my Lich form, but I had something else to worry about. “So Everblight is on the move you say?.” I asked Rex as he was sitting in the forge as Kat, Moon Dancer, and i were working.

“Thats right we also got word that the griffons are on the move going after a group of Cryx ponies. But if they keep going after them they will run right into the other army.” Said Rex as he crossed his arms.

Hmm this could be bad. I think as I work, what we need to do is warn the griffons about the other army. Wait, why have the Diamond Dogs not done that already?Why have we not warned them about the Everblight Legion?” I asked. Rex didn’t look happy about this.

“There a bit of bad blood between the Diamond dogs and griffons.” He said as he rubs the back of his head. I sighed as I keep working on the blade, I didn’t need to ask that they attacked the dogs thinking they were going to fight them or something.

Rex we need another clan meeting and this time we’re going to war.” I said as I pull the red hot blade out of the magic fire that was heating it up with.

***Die Leucht base site B. Lab 7. Gates pov.***

I was worried, that Plaguling that tried to take over that monster things body and died. Well turns out it somehow infected the Plaguling and started to attack the others. Now we have six cocoons in the habitat cell.

I hope the griffons in the labs don’t put me in there. Not only that but those things where here, the one called Leon didn’t look happy. As he leans on the wall but he's not the one I’m worried about. Its Dr Arkadius. Ever since he heard about this he couldn’t be happier. I even hear some griffons go missing when he show up.

“Look at them brother, they are so beautiful.” Said Dr Arkadius as he looked up at them through the bars. “You know I had my doubts about the parasite but this, Everblight took the parasite and bent it to his own will!” He was laughing madly now, it scared me worse then Leon does.

“I’m glad you're enjoying yourself. Brother but this is serious, we lost six Plaguling’s. They are annoying to replace.” Leon huffed at the doctor. Dr Arkadius just waves him off as if it was no big deal.

“Oh come now you can make more with those broodmother things you had made. I swear you should of made Sharp brain dead, the poor thing.” Said Arkadius. It almost sounded like he pitied whatever this birth mother was.

When I looked at Leon he looked off to the side… “Site A is still up and running yes?” The Doctor asked again. Leon grit his teeth as he looked off to one side then said this. “They… Site A was destroyed.”

“WHAT?!” Yelled Arkadius. I was panicking as I saw long spines grow out of the Doctors back, his arms and legs grew longer ending in claws. His teeth grew into fangs as he hissed at Leon. “How, When! what about site C!” He roared at Leon.

“Site A was destroyed by Avarice, as for Site B it still here. Site C is fine I got word they're just finishing the last of it.” Leon said calmly. Dr Arkadius slowly changed back into his normal form as he started to vent. “I told you we should've moved her off world but no. You said ‘They will never find her’ You said ‘There's no need to, they will be FINE’ This is why I can’t stand working with you and the others!”

Dr Arkadius shouted as he start to pace. “You all never think you just give orders and expect everything to go your way. This is why I hate working with you, you don’t understand that we have all the time in the world to complete our missions.” Dr Arkadius said as he went back to the looking inside of the habitat cell.

“I want all the Plagulings moved to site C along with all of the data we have so far.” Arkadius said as he just stare into the cell. “Seeing as your soldiers can’t get the job done.” He commented under his breath.

A knife flew past and dug itself into the bar next to Dr Arkadius. He looked at the knife then slowly back at Leon. “My soldiers are PERFECT.” He said sounding like he was just about to leave at any minute, I hope.

Arkadius just slowly looks back at the cocoons and sighs. “Leon let me ask you something, what do you think we are, how were these bodies we have made? I want to know.” He said softly that when I noticed Dr Arkadius smile.

“I have a request, I want you to go and fight Asphyxious in Everblights army.” I saw Leon give the doctor a look. Leon slowly walks up next to him and looks into the cell to and what's that sound? sounds like eggs cracking?

“Oh my, now that is interesting.” Said Dr Arkadius. I take a peek and see the cocoons are hatching and what fly out scare me half to death. They buzzed angrily and hissed around in the cell, there were five of them inside one cocoon! Then the other cocoons start hatching as well, just what were these things?

“Blight Wasps, Everblight is such an interesting dragon.” Said Dr Arkadius gleefully. Leon just turn around and leaves but not before saying this. “Fine, I’ll fight him and see what he can do.”

“Do try and not kill him.” Calls out Arkadius as he watches the things he calls Blight Wasps flying around in the cell. “I want to see where his evolution will take him.” He says as I saw one of the Blight Wasp hiss at me.

***Asphyxious pov. 9 days later.***

I stand in the rain taking the scent, sounds and feeling of the water in as it falls from the sky. I made sure Sunpain as I call her knows what's about to happen. I open my eye and could see the army of griffons slowly making their way in the rain. The one thing I found strange was they had Warjacks with them.

Where did they get them? and how many of them do they have. I saw Gilda walking up to me, it was a surprise she wanted to come with. I guess she is ready to face facts. I’m going to miss her, we have been slowly becoming friends. It was fun, but hey, maybe I can visit her homeland later.

“So… Asphyxious, what's the plan?” Asked Gilda. I could hear the worry in her voice. I look on as much as I don’t like it. We will have to let the griffon empire attack first. I move to the other side of the hill past some dead trees. That's when I saw a group no more than 20 strong, sending a army after them just screams over kill.

Meaning they know about Everblight and its legion. Someone leading them but who… Whoever they are, they were bringing Stormwall’s, three of them. And I only had one with some, special addon’s of my own. It was a nightmare getting it out of the den. But at least the Kraken got out okay, armed with a small gatling gun and a let's call it a magic railgun for now… I haven’t even tested it yet… This can end badly.

I think as I walk around the encampment of diamond dogs. In fact the other clans were the ones who informed me about Everblight legion in the first place. Not only that I met some steam punk diamond dogs who had a robot arm or leg or both. I was shocked by who gave them that info, Why would Dr Arkadius do that?

That was just one of the many questions I have. Gilda was still following me as I walk over to the warjacks. “Asphyxious what's the plan. You haven’t said anything once we saw the empire on the move.” Said Gilda as she walks next to me.

I didn’t want to talk about it, the plan was to let the griffons attack first. Many will die and it made me feel sick. That's when I felt Gilda grab me and fling me into a empty tent and pin me to the floor. “Ax what's going on, tell me!” She yelled at me.

I can’t keep this from her, Gilda has a right to know. “The plan… Is to let the empire griffons get attacked first. Then we are going to cut off the path behind Everblight Legion. I don’t like it but it the only plan that I can come up with.” I said calmly looking up at her. I felt hurt at the way she was looking at me right now.

There was pain, anger, and I think she felt betrayed. I could see it on her face. “We have to warn them! if we don’t do something they will die!” I sighed at this and think. I go over the plan again, the lay of the land what I saw the griffons armed with. But Everblight could have who knows what.

Everblight going to send all the heavy warbeasts at us, along with anything that could get the jump on us. Feeling water hit my face i open my eye. Gilda was crying as she looked down at me. “You have to do something…” I slowly reach out and just hug her.

“Gilda… If we attack first a lot of Diamond Dogs would die. The other clans would turn on me for the losses. If we do nothing a lot of Griffons are going to die, I don’t like it. But this is the only plan I have that can work. A lot of beings are going to die here, I won’t lie to you and say everyone is getting out of this alive.” I said as I rub her back slowly.

“But this is a war, there is no glory, no happy ending. Just sorrow, pain and death. But I’m going to make sure that doesn't happen.” I pull away and make sure she was looking at me as I say this. “We’re going to win, the empire griffons are going to win, and we’re going to kick Everblight Legion ass.” I saw her smile a little at that.

I smile to and help her back up as we go outside. We go to the meeting with the other clan leaders. I look at them as they all watch my move. I lean on the table as they're all standing around the table looking at me. “Okay, I have something to say…”

I wait as both armies engage each other. I had Gilda and Rex by my side with my dogs. I knew this was hard for her, so I put my hand on her shoulder to let her know about our talk. She nods at this as I make my link with my Warjacks and Colossals. The Kraken and Stormwall custom, as I call it, move closer. I could feel the ground under my feet rumble with each of these steps.

Seether and Cankerworm move to my side. I pat their heads as I stand up and look to the other clans in the dead woods we’re hiding in. We waited a good ten minutes so both armies were committed to the fight. I take a breath and howl into the air. The other diamond dogs do this as well as we charge out of the woods.

Cannon fire was heard as the Stormwall fired its two shoulder cannons. It even stepped over me as it headed into the back of Everblight army. The sound of its shoulder gatling guns going off as well as it slammed its large fist into a flying Seraph that was trying to attack it. The four winged eyeless dragon was sent crashing into the ground dead.

The kraken was going right into the infantry blasting and swinging it tentacle claws at any sorry soul who got in its way. Killing everything in its path. The its back cannons fired a blast of energy taking out a large number of blighted deer. Felt sorry for them really, until I saw blighted minotaurs who were acting as a replacement for the ogrun.

All shall die, for master Asphyxious!

I heard the Kraken say in my head. Well so much for getting rid of that. I think as I send Seether off to kill a blighted minotaur. As I was lost in the chaos of the battle, I felt something stab into my shoulder right and swing the cutlass at my attacker.

I blink at seeing a human standing there. “Who the fuck are you!” I yell at him as I growled feeling the sting of the cut in my shoulder but pay it no mind. As far as I care if it hurts that good, it means I’m alive.

“That strange most monsters I cut fall down in pain after one stab.” He said cooly. The guy sounded like a ass to me. I look him over at the combat gear he has on. That when it clicked and I spoke. “Leon s Kennedy.” I smiled at this as I start to drag the tip of my blade on the ground. The dirt was muddy and wet, easy for one to lose their footing.

“What, or should I say who are you Kenny?” I asked. Giving the Kraken a mental order to take aim at where I was with the thin cannon on it back. Only if it didn’t have everything trying to attack it.

“You already know my name what yours?” He asked keeping the strange knife ready in one hand. I recognized it like the many swords and hammers from the Die Leucht griffons. So this guy was the one in charge. At that thought I smiled.

“I don’t have one.” I say simply with a smile. I hear a roar to my left and saw a blighted minotaur running at me with his spear. I run at him then duck under the spear and slash my cutlass in the side of its body. I turn around as the blighted minotaur stands there for a bit before turning around and roars at me. I then rest the blade of my sword on the side of the minotaurs neck.

“You're in my way.” Then with one move I cut the minotaurs throat open. He drops to the floor holding his throat. I look back at Leon as he pulled out a handgun and fired, only for the round to bounce off my shield. Jack I love your tech!

I think in joy as I make a run at Leon as he looks at me surprised that the bullet didn’t hit. Leon went back to using the dagger blocking or parrying my sword strikes. But the thing I was watching out for was the embers flowing out of the slits in the blade every time it hits or get hit.

I almost felt like I could see everything around me but that was just what I felt, not what I could see. Leon then after putting his handgun away pulls out a small object and throws it into the air. I followed it with my eye as we push each other back then a flash of light explodes.

I couldn’t see… At that one moment I thought I was going to die, but only my right eye was blinded by the light and sound. The left one, the one I lost saw something else. I could see everything moving in a form of light, is this what magic looks like?

Leon looked different, unlike the others around me where I can see the dragonblight running through the legions vanes. Leon whole body was overflowing with something twisted. I lift up my left hand and blocked his attack. I say block but really I just held out my hand and had him stab me in the palm of my left hand.

“What? how did you do that.” Leon said as I wrap my fingers around his hand. “That flash grenade should of blinded you!, how did you stop my attack?” He asked trying to pull the dagger away.

“I’m not telling.” I said in creepy tone but then I saw something in the sky. It was this large ball of light and it was heading straight for us! I quickly let go of Leon and jumped back just as something slams into the ground. I finally open my right eye, it hurt a little but I was getting my vision back.

It was Faust, she just stands there looking at me as if not sure if she should join this fight. Then she looks at Leon and say this. “Turn back it's over.” What? what did she mean it's over, just what was she thinking.

“Well if you say so.” Leon said then sheathed the dagger and ran off into the chaos that was the battlefield. Forget him I’ll deal with him later, right now the Blighted Faust had all my action right now. It was just like that time with Sister went nuts, all I felt from her was raw power.

However unlike Sister, Faust was showing full control of her powers. That's not to say the dragoness had no control, just that I’m not going into that right now. My gut felt like ice, my movements were slow and careful. I knew full well just how powerful she is, to be honest I think I’m going to die.

I then saw Faust raise her hand into the air and saw some kind of large dragons fly down from the sky. I could hear it roar as it and two others attack the griffon Stormwalls, my Stormwall was having a hard time being out numbered by the smaller warbeasts.

“It's time to end this brother.” Said Faust. I turned back just in time to see her spread her wings and fly right at me. This is going to hurt I thought to myself as I quickly try to move and block her attack.

***Blighted Faust pov.***

I kicked him with both talon like feet into his chest sending him flying into the mud. I watch as he tried to stand again. I was hoping he would be stronger by how much athanc was in his body.

I felt sorry for him this was not his battle yet he fought anyway. I teleported out of the way of a large ball of fire that he threw at me. I felt the Archangel’s fighting, as well as the warbeasts but something was wrong.

They were acting feral as if the warlocks that were controlling them have. That's when I saw it as I hovered in the air. The Diamond Dogs were aiming for the warlocks, I could feel Everblight displager over this. I could feel the dragon trying to control my brother.

What am I thinking we’re not even the same species and yet, I think and feel he is my brother… Damn you Everblight. I think to myself as I saw him get up again. “Asphyxious!” I heard somepony call out from above me. I look up in time to see a gryphoness dive bomb me.

I blocked her sword with my arm, the armed scales and blades stopped her attack. I then threw her blade away and grabbed her by the throat. The gryphoness clawed at my ‘hand’ as I remember Everblight calling it. “You should not have come here.” I said calmly as I reach out to one of the dragons under my control.

I picked one of the Archangel’s; a large dragon that had just torn off the head of one of those ‘Colossals’. I frowned as Everblight kept correcting my thoughts within my mind. I watch as the dragon flew into the air before landing behind Asphyxious. He turned around just in time for the beast to chomp it jaws down on him and swallow.

I’m sorry. I think to myself knowing I can not disobey the dragons will. I hear yelling from the griffon who was still in my hand. She was screaming at me and yelling, trying even harder to get free and attack me. “I’ll kill you! he was my friend you bitch!”

I punch her in the stomach, that knocked the wind out of her. I felt sorry for her, I just took away someone she saw as a friend. I was about to break her neck and give her a quick death. When I heard the dragon roaring in pain.

I looked back at the dragon as smoke poured from its mouth as it rolled on the ground in pain. That's when I saw the side of its body start to expand as a glowing light could be seen inside. I could feel the beasts unforgiving pain, then the side of its body explodes. That alone was enough to stop the battle that was going on all around me.

That's when I saw it. From within the remains of the Archangel I saw him Asphyxious was eating it. I let the griffon go as I fly down to him, once I landed I could hear the sound of meat being torn and eaten.

That when I saw him lunge out of the dragon corpse covered in blood swinging his sword at me as it was ablaze. However what shocked me was not the fire covered sword but the look in his eye. That was the look of a wild beast!

I quickly sent warbeast after warbeast at him but he just dived head long into them. Stabbing with his cutlass, I was in awe as he drove his blade into their heads, and cutting off limbs. No matter what I did he just kept coming, then before I could take to the air he teleported right in front of me. I felt his blade bite into my chest, the feeling of the cold around me as I landed in the mud looking up at the rain filled sky.

However Asphyxious was not done. I felt his hand, as it forced its way into my ribcage, crying out in pain as I grab onto his arm. The look in his eye was as if some kind of mad will was driving him. This was not Asphyxious, that's when I felt it the athanc being pulled out of my body. I could feel Everblights anger flowing into my mind lessen, it didn’t want to let me go and yet I could feel my link to the others fade.

The Legion was pulling back, leaving me behind to die. I didn’t really mind that much as I looked up at him. I watched as Asphyxious; the one I called brother was eating my athanc. I felt the darkness take me as his hand reached out for me one more time.

***Asphyxious pov. Back at the Den.***

I hurt, everywhere… I wasn’t joking either, one of the healers said I have over 30 torn muscles and over 4 broken bones, two of them ribs. The strangest part was I don’t remember what happened. The last thing I saw was being eaten by that dragon, next thing I know the Legion gone and I’m laying on top of a blighted Faust whose chest armour was missing!

Ya weird part about that was she was not dead, had this odd scar down the middle of her chest but that's it. I just can’t work out how that happened, not only that but the griffons are talking to Gilda and jumping to conclusions like me kidnaping her.

She kicked their beaks in for that, I had Faust locked up and underwatch until we can understand what the hell happened. Right now I’m resting in bed, Gilda went off with the griffons, don’t know if she will be back.

I just wanted to rest but felt like I had to stay awake for some reason. Then I felt myself being lifted out of bed then rushed through the tunnels. Once I saw the Pink tail and wings did I realized who it was. “Sister mind telling me where the fire is? I’m not yet fully recovered.” I say as she keeps running down the halls.

I was a little worried that she was running like this when she supposed to be resting. “Chrysalis eggs are hatching!” Sister called out as she speeds down one tunnel. I, I was drawing a blank. The eggs were hatching… as in my kids are being born right NOW!? I save us both some time and teleport us straight to her egg chamber.

Once in the room with Sister helping me stand I looked at all 20 eggs as they start moving. We go closer to one as it started to hatch. I saw Pupa buzzing around all the eggs too excited to stand, still I smile at that. The egg looked like it was moving as something small was trying to find a way out.

With one small poke from inside the egg gave way like a wet paper bag. I quickly reached out and catch the small form in my hands. The soft sounds it was giving off was like a bird, with chirps and low buzzing I was more drawn to what this small life looked like. It was a anthro changeling but unlike Pupa and Chrysalis it had small dragon like wings and a tail, parts of it body was covered in what looked like very small armour.

It was to young to tell if it would have fangs like their mother but I didn’t care. I hugged the small form close to me and it stop crying and just rested in my arms. “Wow…” This was a lot to take in right now. Not only that but Pupa was carefully picking them up and putting them around me and Sister.

Sister looked like she was having a ball cuddling them all with so much care as to not hurt them. I then noticed something, where was the Queen herself? That was when I felt her arms slowly wrap around me and I felt her large breasts pushing into my back. When did they get so big?! I think in mild panic as I look over my shoulder at her. She then kisses me as I felt her tongue move around in my mouth.

“They may not look like changelings but I don’t care. I’m just happy to have them with you my king. Now then let's get to work on making a couple thousand more~” Chrysalis said with a lustful tone. I blushed at that and felt that burning desire from when I first had Len, Chrysalis and Sister come back again.

I just slapped myself in the face to get some control. I looked into her eyes as she started to rub herself on me, god damnit! “Let's give it a year or two, maybe ten before we do something like that okay?” I ask but she just kept sucking on my neck, god I want to take her to my bedroom right now.

“I think we can wait that long in the meantime you have some work to do… let's get a good work out till then~” She said as I let her kiss me. I’m so fucked… Was my last thoughts before laying down on the floor with me. Then Pupa jumps on us laughing holding three baby dragonlings in her arms. Well looks like I’m saved for now.