//------------------------------// // new shapter for which is mearly my token getting out :) // Story: Data longs of a displaced // by Dragon363 //------------------------------// -Ultron's PoV- After filling out the bane of all existence aka Paperwork, I pick up my kitten allowing my facial cervoise curve my facial structure into a smile of sorts. I proceed to walk off from Miss Shy's establishment of dwelling. As I start to walk my pop up message box that shows up on my HUD says I have call coming. Upon seeing this call I answer it and use my memory file of annoyance vocals to say, "Yes, what is it?" The voice of Ultron sentry unit serial number UT6827361940 reptiles with, "Sir, there is something you must see to believe." I ask, "You didn't answer my question." The sentry unit said, "Sir, a rift in the space-time continuum or reality that is this one. This rip is one that leads to the idea verse of sorts!" I release a minor amount of built up ion energy, for it to be my own version of a sigh. I then activate my antimatter drive thrusts to start to my moon base. Since even with all my tinkering I still don't trust teleportation for myself. As start to assend I wonder who caused the initial rip in spacetime for it to cause it open more to happen. As I go thru the list at computer speed I manage to in about .3 seconds narrow it down to Brainiac or the happening of when two neutron stars crash I to each other during the fall into a supermassive black hole. I'm just not sure which, since the former is impossible to know since I can't just up and ask Brainiac if he has been messing with the fabric of reality. Since he will most likely try to kill me. The later would be impossible to even track due to the unlikeliness of it all. After the long flight I land near my sentries that are there. I then notice the hole in reality that seems to be waiting for something or someone not sure. I then ask the question everything has asked once, "Any ideas on why it hasn't closed." Sentry unit whose serial number I forgot replied with, "Sir, it appears to be waiting for something to be put into it, we didn't dare indulge its want without your presence." I put my hand to my metal face and rub the spot where if I were human my temples would be, then replied, "Ok, I will do it since you guys called me up here." I then grab a prototype sentry unit I had been working on for a while to kill time. Then proceeded to shift it into a portal opening gun that I quickly programed to play a message to anything that finds it. The message read as such, I said with the most Alucard like voice I could find in my memory banks, "Dear listener, I see you have found my portal opening gun. Use this gun to summon me, if you fight for the team of good then I will help you. If you fight for evil without a good reason well I can always see how much fun it is to do an autopsy on a living being is then find out if someone can live with there body inside out. If you are neutral, I will be friendly to you also, if you're wondering about the length of this message it is to instill as much caution was I can, as if basting a turkey which I will then proceed to cook or have some perverted creep do naughty things to, that's right I'm condoning food abuse...by that I mean abusing the food not using it to abuse someone else. Sincerely Ultron the defender of Harmony....smiley face emoticon." After I finish that statement I send the gun into the ideaverse aka the void. I then watch in intrigue as the portal closes with an oddly audible snap. I don't even start to ponder the implications of sound in space happening. I just proceed to program my base of operations and all my stuff to be moved to where I'm headed next. I then proceed to fly to everfree to first pick up my new pet then head to canterlot to set up shop in the crystal caves.