Friends in Equestria

by artsofallkinds


Discord's spirit floated around its stone cage. "How boring," he said, knowing not a soul could hear him. He had been re-trapped for awhile now, and although he still had a tiny grip on powers he used to have, he couldn't do anything from this garden that would live up to his more recent takeover, nor his reign in the distant past.

As long as Chaos existed in the world, he, the spirit of Chaos itself, would never disappear, only contained. It was like trying to capture a god of death; he may be away, but death still happened regardless. Chaos didn't need him to happen.

He had been gathering power from the country around him for a few days now, during which Equestria had recorded less natural disasters and such. The last time he did this, he released his power in the town of Ponyville, causing many 'accidents'. However, his plans had been thwarted by the same six ponies that had stopped him before (regardless of their knowledge of doing so this second time), five of them dressed in a purple costume for one reason or another. The Elements truly were a nuisance to his plans.

However, his next plan to stir up the peace was forming: he would cause chaos in this world by bringing in a visitor from another. He looked across the dimensional gaps for a candidate who could get around and was energetic, but would also want to hide things and create distrust. A perfect candidate appeared in front of him, a 'human' by the name of John. He flipped through the dimensions like a magazine catalogue, trying to find the right John to bring. He found a variety of John's, one of them even living with the Element of Laughter. He eventually found the John best fit to his plans and, like clicking the 'Order' button on a computer, he deposited a portion of his power into creating a rift through space itself to drag him here, adding a little more of his chaos to make this 'John' seem more 'normal' in Equestria.

Too late, however, he realized he made the rip to big. The rift could probably fit up to three beings into it, giving to them the same transforming effect, too. He wondered if this John would be near another when the rift reached him.

Needless to say, Discord was suddenly exhausted. He would have to awaken to whatever chaos he caused later. But he could feel it was gonna be go-o-od.