The Weed

by kudzuhaiku


“...and I had a really nice time,” Tarnish said to Twilight’s image in the mirror.

“I’m very happy to hear that,” Twilight replied.

“When everything started to go wrong in the cafe, Igneous, he was okay with it. He actually threatened the chairs and said he would smash them with a pickaxe.”

“Tarnish, he’s Pinkie Pie’s father… I’m positive that he has dealt with all kinds of strange things. He’s probably used to weird stuff happening.”

“Weird stuff does happen here. For a time, they used to think the farm was haunted. Turns out, it is the ley line intersections causing some freaky disturbances.” Tarnish peered down into his mirror. “Any word on Flim and Flam?”

“Yes, actually. They were seen in Baltimare, selling dehydrated water. Instant water, just add water. They were selling a powder claiming that it was instant water. By adding a little bit of water, you’d double the amount of water you added. The brothers skedaddled though.” Twilight’s face crinkled. “Some books are on their way in the mail. I hope you enjoy them. Tarnish, it has been great hearing from you, but I have to go. Please take care of yourself. And good luck on your magic studies.”

“Thanks, Twilight.” In his mirror, Twilight’s face vanished. Tarnish took a deep breath and then looked out of his window. The farm had been a welcome sight when they had been coming up the road. He stared out at the grey dirt and thought about how much it had felt like home when he had seen it. This wasn’t his home, it was just a place where he was staying.

A place that felt like home. He had been so happy to see it.

A knock upon his door startled him from his thoughts. He set the mirror down and said, “Come in.” He watched as the door creaked open and then Maud’s head peeked around the door.

“Talk with Twilight?” Maud asked.

Tarnish nodded.

Maud walked into the room and then jumped up onto Tarnish’s bed. She sat down and made herself comfortable. Her turquoise coloured eyes stared at Tarnish. She let out a faint sigh and then just sat there, staring at Tarnish. She still had one little curl in her mane.

“So, uh, when we get back to work, what are we going to be doing? Around the farm I mean,” Tarnish asked.

“We have most everything done we need around here. For a time,” Maud replied. The mare sighed once again as she stared at Tarnish. “We do plan to head over towards Cobbler Creek Road and help rebuild the bridge over that way. The wooden bridge is rotten and falling apart. The Rock Haven city council wants to build a covered bridge so travelers on that road can take shelter if it storms.”

“I’d like to help,” Tarnish said.

“It should be safe. It’s just over the rise and a ways down the road. It should be close enough that your magic will be stable.” Maud blinked. “I’m trying really hard to be irresistible and get your attention. I’m practically throwing myself at you.”

Gulping, Tarnish’s eyes glanced at his bedroom door. He felt sweat beading up along his neck, back along his mane. “Um…”

“Ha.” Maud’s attempt at laughter fell flat, it was more of an exhale of air; the corners of her mouth turned up ever so slightly, but enough that it was noticeable, even by Tarnish. “You look so cute when you get flustered.”

“You… you’re teasing me,” Tarnish said, almost unable to believe that it was happening. He smiled.

“I felt like being funny. It doesn’t happen very often.” Maud hopped down off of the bed. “I think I am going to go write some poetry. I’m feeling inspired.”

“You really think I’m cute?” Tarnish asked.

“Well that depends.” Maud blinked and then looked Tarnish in the eye. “Do you think I’m pretty?”