If I Could Rearrange The Alphabet...

by overlord-flinx

The Final Chapter: ...I would put "U" and "I" together.

You always expect that day to come. You plan for it, plot for it, mark it up on the calendar so you don't forget it... But it always shocks you when you see it. That one day that'll change your whole entire life. It's crazy. Too crazy. Sometimes I think it can't be real that it's finally happening. But, here I am, talking about it happening. I can't wrap my head around it, y'know?

But I don't need to tell you about it, do I? You've been with me since the start. You know what I'm talking about. And this time, you'll be right there along with me to experience it as it happens. I feel like I'm about to upchuck all over the place while at the same time jizzing everywhere... It's a weird line of excitement I'm walking, I guess. Eh, you'll know what I mean some day.

Until then, lets get married!

...Not you and me. Me and Octavia... You can watch... Who knows? Could be some pretty mamas at the after party for you.