The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Chapter 47. The final boob job.

It's Christmas day, or at least, I think it is. A day that come's once a year bringing all the joy that follows to those who enjoy this time of year. A joy of merriment and fulfillment to the hearts of the selfless. A time of year that I greatly hate.

It's not that I dislike the morals that surround the day. It's the fact that I have always been hit hard both emotionally and mentally with a hope that I would be thought of for once, but with each passing year that never happens. It's my self-conflicting curse. A curse that I put upon myself for reasons I do not know. Who am I to feal this way? Especially now since I have no one but a figure of my reflection to give me comfort. A reflection that will give me a choice at midnight, the choice that will give me a rebirth like no other.

Only five chose to stay here in Equestria. Lily, Zephyr, Toma, Yuki, Prim, Azura and five others that kept their distance from me. I don't know their names, but that Won't matter in a few hours. Well, mostly.

When I go, all of them will be given a task while I'm gone. I just hope they can keep it straight and true.

I sit at my desk secluding myself from the other's. I write in my journal for my future self to read of who he is and where he's from. Sitting beside me is a black figure. It was he and he was humanoid in shape. He was a representation of what I have done in the past.

All the impossible, unrealistic, bullshit that was my life.

Really, when you think about it everything that I have done should be impossible! But, when you consider how magic works. Then the impossible becomes possible. Even if they're so many plot holes that an editor would run away from. "What the hell am I writing?" Anywho, when you read this shit will have happened. For better or worse. You might get this in a parallel universe or something. I just hope it's not somewhere that is a post-apocalyptic wasteland. I think that's where I am going to leave it younger me. I just hope that you'll awaken before the spell take's effect and send's you where ever it leads. On the bright side. You will still have you magical eye!

I closed the journal with a smile knowing that I can't lose. No matter how hard the asshole beside me may try. I placed my soul into the book, turning it into a soul jar. If my calculations are correct. Then when I make my choice at midnight. Then this empty shell will be transformed into something new. Except all my chaos and neutral magic will be erased. Well, neutral can't, but I will miss making exploding chocolate milk.

"You ready?" I said to the figure beside me.

"Indeed," was his reply.

"Then let's say goodbye."

I gathered everyone to the mess hall on the Ice runner. One of my new cargo ships for a meeting. The mess hall was mostly empty, only sporting a few chairs and a light brightening up the dull gray room. With everyone in attendance, I locked the doors with telekinesis and began to say my last words.

"Princess Celestia!" called a guard while rushing towards the dimly light throne.

"Yes, sergeant? How may I help you?" Tia spoke with tired authority.

"We have word that A strong magical disturbance in the northern region," the sergeant explained.

"What kind?" Tia asked annoyed.

"Darker than Tartarus itself."

Tia looked at her sergeant curiously from his description knowing that the "dark" he speaks of is controlled by one being. That one being took her place to protect the future in the past, and this epitome of concern is none of her business. Once the dark settles the world can rest in a temporary peace till the game of discord begins.

She sighed, tired from the long day and smiled at the guard giving him a sense of ease. "It is alright sergeant. My best is already there. There is no need for concern, so, please. Have a happy holiday."

"But your highness!"

"No, butts. You are dismissed sergeant," Tia ordered.

The guard left without further problems.

I stood silently at the cherry blossom tree, wondering when and if it will bloom again. The winter season isn't very harsh for this kind of plant, but it can be very unforgiving.

"Everyone didn't like the fact that I was going. Especially Azura, but they won't remember. After I gave them their goodbyes, I locked their memories of me deep within their soul. The only way it will come back is when I come back. But that's not all that I did. Using the last of my power, I erased the memories of the entire world of my existence, leaving no trace of anything behind. No legacy or infamy. In short. I cheated to an ungodly degree. I sent Blaze back to the vault in the castle of Canterlot and I freed Heather and Moon from their torment. Nothing will be left of what I did," I explained to the figure.

"And that is as it should be... Are you ready?"

"Yes," I sighed feeling the snow beginning to fall under the light of the moon.

"Then what do you choose?"

"I choose humanity."