The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Chapter 45. Well that was easy.

Nope. Nope. Nope. And nope. Every room that I check, all in various shapes, colors, and sizes. I couldn't find Starlight Glimmers fucking door. After looking into some fucked up fantasy dreams with a timber wolf screwing a mare and other strange thing's I wish I could unsee. I slumped down defeated, and sat on a cloud in Spitfire's dream and watched her fly intimately with Rainbow dash.

The erotic display of sky sex wasn't very thrilling to watch, but I think that's because I'm not in the mood to be naughty in such a way. Blaze was also a major cock blocker too. With her constant nagging for me to get out of this dream, not letting me relax for a while on a soft cloud enjoying the wondrous reds and violets trailing behind the sun. Or the lesbian sex. "I wonder why Spitfire is having such a dream?" I thought.

"Get out, demon," growled Blaze. "You don't belong here. You are violating her privacy."

"Hm, you say something?" I asked tilting my head to get a better view of their sixty-nine freefall.

"I said..."

"... Get out?"



I could feel her glare at the back of my mind, scoring my level of concern for privacy for another living being.

"Now!" she blurted, causing the show to stop and Spitfire to go lucid in her own dream.

"Alright, fine. You killed the mood anyway," I grunted leaving Spitfires dream to resume my quest for epic loot.

Blaze stayed quiet after I left Spitfire's dream back into the mystical, starry, hall of doors, to search for Starlight's dream. Happy with the peace, I checked to see how much time I have left before I die. "Two days. Great." I sighed looking at my watch that I stole from a random dream about watches. I put the thought aside for now and opened a door hoping that it's the right one.

I peeked in only to be immediately kicked out. The level of force that was required to prevent that kind of intervention could be only one thing. It was the dream I was Looking for. I tried to reopen the door again, but to no avail. Whatever was keeping the door shut was incredibly strong. So much so that I don't think Luna could even break in. "I have never seen a pony quite like you," I smiled turning on the golden eye. I wrapped my claw in hellfire and touched the golden door nob in another attempt to break in.

Just as I touched the door, it blasted opened in pain letting me in with ease. Once inside, I glanced around hoping to find something of interest, but alas. It was empty. I frowned annoyed, but my annoyance didn't last. Starlight Glimmer appeared not happy to my intrusion. The violet mare kept her head held high despite I was burning her with the most pain full fire that anyone could endure. As tough as she was. It was only a matter of time before I break her and her plans.

"You're not what I expected," she muttered taking a gander at me.

"Yeah, and?" I said add more heat to my flame. She cringed from the new pressure, but she didn't let it bring her down.

"What's your purpose here?" She asked politely.

"I want you to disappear and end your pointless plan for world domination," I said with a slightly deeper than normal voice.

"World domination? That is positively absurd," she chuckled. "I have no such plans. Even if I did, what possibly would I do if I achieved them?"

"Simple," I ended my hellfire spell and prepared to exit the hall of dreams through her body. "What will I find when I teleport directly to your body?" I asked feeling the spell that Luna taught me take effect.

"Nothing but my room I assure you."

"What will I find in Gem fido? What will I find in fort Solstice?" I demanded.

"I don't know what you are talking about," she stiffened.

"What will you do when I cut the summoning circle of Malice?"

"Who is that?" she asked nervously.

"You have lost Aqua Marine," I said as the spell took effect.

I teleported in a cold room with frilly furnishings that best resembles a room from the renaissance period. White lace everywhere, a bed with a curtain and a soft patterned fur rug. There was only one thing missing and that was windows. I saw Starlight or rather, Aqua laying comfortably on the bed without a care in the world. I moved to the side of her bed and grabbed her by the throat and tied her up in arcanite chains. I dragged her out of the room to a concrete corridor guarded by two mares in heavy steel armor. They had a surprised expression on their face, mostly due to the tied up Aqua.

"Lead me to the summoning room or I'll kill her," I ordered them using my wings to unsheath Lupus and guided the blade to her exposed throat. They both gulped at the same time and nodded in unison.

The lead my down to the lowest point of the fort passing several guards that tried to free their leader, but failed to the quick slashes of my scythe. Along the journey, I kept Aqua from waking up by using a sleep spell, which gave me some freedom to do as I please with her. The leverage that I gained just by using Aqua as a shield was substantial. Whoever didn't attack fro the get go did what I wanted. Most of the things that I wanted to be done were things to destroy this mountain. Thus, the only things I wanted to be done was that all of the antimatter bombs to go off in fifteen minutes and the anti-magic field to be deactivated. All of which was completed before I got to the summoning room.

Inside the summoning room was what I expected. A giant pentagram, blood everywhere, and a bunch of magically charged gems powering the circle. I kept Aqua on my back and pointed to the gems.

"Remove them," I demanded to one of the many guards that decided to follow me. The guard was hesitant at first, but after I killed him the next that I ordered did without question or delay. "If my knowledge was correct then all that's left is to disconnect the right line within the pentagram.

"Stay out of my way," I said looking at how much time I have left before the bombs went off. Which was more than enough time to end the end of the world.

I walked to the center and quickly found the right line to remove. I thanked Dex mentally again for giving me the vast knowledge of Latin and with a swift slash of my scythe. The circle disappeared and after checking that it was the right move with the eye of foresight. I put everyone that was not in the mountain that belonged to the order into the mountain and left with Aqua just out of range of the bombs to watch the show.

I turned Starlight Glimmer back into her normal self and woke her up with just a minute left on the timer. I made sure that none of the new order members escaped their demise.

"Wha?" she yawned sitting up beside me. It took her no time at all to be aware of her surroundings and instantly screamed for her guards that would never come. I looked down at my watch and then back up to the mountain. I pointed to the mountain for Starlight to see what I wanted her to see. She was hesitant at first, but once she looked her heart stopped.

Underneath the starry sky, a black sun erupted from the center of the mountain. The black sun ate the entire mountain within seconds, leaving behind only a crater to the depths of Tartarus. Once the show was over, I turned on the golden eye and filled the crater, leaving nothing but a flat surface that Griffin the griffin will wake up on.

Using silver eye, I checked to make sure that Starlight Glimmer was the only person left of the new order. Happy that she was. I turned to her with a demonic smile.

"Like I said before. You lost. You have two choices. One, run and never come back. Two, die in a fire. What do you choose?"

"How?" she gasped in horror. "What are you?"

"I'm worse than Malice. I'm Winter the prince of darkness."

She slowly back away from me too afraid to say anymore.

"I suggest you run and never stop running for the next time we meet. I'll turn you into my slave."

Starlight bolted as I laughed as evil as I could. Once she was a good distance away. I snapped my fingers and returned home with the feeling of emptiness. Probably from how easy it was to beat her.

Starlight bolted as I laughed as evil as I could. Once she was a good distance away. I snapped my fingers and returned home with the feeling of emptiness. Probably from how easy it was to beat her.

I walked onto my ship through the emergency bridge door wondering what has transpired during my absence. I know that two day's had the past and I see my three new ship's had arrived safely and the supplies distributed to their proper places. I walked into the bridge with a half-hearted smile on my face only to have it removed to the sight of two people screwing on my console. The couple paused their romp and stared at me like two frozen deer. My eye twitched in annoyance, but I didn't let it get to me.

"What are you two doing?" I asked closing the door behind me. They took a quick glance at my bloodstained armor and gulped.

"We are... um... IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" They said in unison.

"You," I pointed to the male griffin. "Get your ass back to your room and in the morning report back here at twelve o'clock sharp. And you," I pointed to the female griffin. "Same thing. Now go both of you before I show you what a real fucking is like," I said unsheathing Lupus from her rest.

"Yes, sir!" They said unmounting each other and bolting for their rooms and their lives.

I slowly followed them soon after to my room realizing that shit is about to hit the fan in the morning. Just as I was about to fall asleep in my bed in my armor. Loud yelling boomed from somewhere nearby. I grunted back up to see what was happening.

"You stole my blanket!" went Zephyr.

"No, I didn't," denied Tomahawk in her usual monotone.

"Yes, you did!"

"No, I did not."

They went back and forth like this for several minutes like children, so I decided to separate them and hopefully get some sleep. I walked up to Zephyr trying not to think of how cute her kitten pajamas were and trying not to think of where she got them. Toma had the same outfit, but it was black while Zephyr was pink.

They didn't take notice of me until after I punched them upside the head with dragon scale gantlets.

"Shut up I'm trying to sleep," I moaned turning back towards my room.

"Winter!" they squealed in unison before jumping on my in a tight hug. Which was odd, especially for Toma. Once they realized this, they jumped off pretending like it never happened.

"When did you get back?" asked Zephyr trying not to meet my tired eyes.

"A few minutes ago," I yawned.

"Where did you go?" asked Toma also trying not to meet my eyes.

"Back in time to defeat Nightmare moon, why?"

They stopped and stared like I said something stupid before telling me to go back to bed and no more drinking.