The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Chapter 44. Revelations under a rock.

Pain. That's all I could feel. The pain of the heart, the pain of the mind and pain of the soul. Lying on top of the jagged rubble didn't help, nor being spited by a deranged shield I've come to know as; Blaze.

Being trapped underneath a mound of rocks from the collapsing roof of Everfree castle, didn't give me much time for a comfortable rest. Listening to the rocks go about their crashing did, however, give me the time to think about things that have been bothering me.

The first was like a needle constantly stabbing me behind my eyes. Everything about this game between my insatiable desire to save the world and stopping myself from becoming a monster felt wrong. Something wasn't right with the entire picture. It was like an entity was lurking in the background controlling the entire charade. Every motion that I take was too calculated, too precise. Nothing was out of place and all the pieces were falling to where they should be. It was only up till know that I realized it. Maybe it was from my time travel that broke me free from the controlling figure, In any case I was taking too long just to end it all. The reality is that I can just walk up to the place, join them and backstab them with ease. I'm not sure why I'm taking so long to do so, but if my hunches are worth anything. Then as soon as I get back, life will resume that way.

The second was the whole gathering thing. Collecting all the whatever I need to beat a super demon if he were to be released just sounds stupid, but then again. If I were to have them all then I will become a target to be consumed for my power. "So screw gathering the last two pieces." I thought.

The third was the test and my eye. I know what happens when it's all finished. I die, or rather, get reborn into something that's not myself. I won't remember anything beyond the point I created in a spell book that I made to give me back all of my memories. It's a pain for sure, but, in the long run, safety for those around me.

"I wonder when Greed will show up?" I muttered staring blankly to the torn traps unrecognizable to the naked eye.

"I'm right here." Chirped someone walking into the room decimated room. I swiveled my head to the sound to barely see a mare no bigger than a foal, walking up to me with a smile on her puke green face.

Why now? I thought unhappily.

"Hm? Your stuck," she blankly said.

"No shit," I tried to facepalm, but my position didn't let me.

"Need help?"

"Sure," I replied. I waited to be freed from my entrapment, but nothing came. I looked over to Greed wondering when she will help me, but what I saw was nothing more than confusion in her eyes. Probably because I usually don't ask for help.

"Well?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry."

It took the runt sometime to free me and my possessor, Blaze from the rubble. Once done she stared at me, searching for an answer within her subconscious, but after a minute or so. Greed smiled and gave me a hug, telling me it's okay to die. A little morbid to say to someone, but I treated it like I normally would, and hugged her back.

"Yep, but not now and not yet. I have thing's to do first. Sorry, but my death will be a little while," I smiled breaking from the hug. Greed frowned unhappily with my reaction to my own demise, but it is the truth. I'm ready to die.

"That's not right!" she squeaked. "You can't just throw your life away, you have people to care about!"

Okay, not the reaction I was expecting, but I can work with this. I thought.

"Yeah, I know. But in the end, It doesn't matter. Everyone I saved, everyone I know, and everyone I love will disappear along with me. The world won't remember us nor see the scar we will leave. And if that future doesn't happen, Ill make it happen, but how, I don't know."

"Shut up you wretch!" Greed boomed turning from an innocent little mare to a big scary dragon. Greed grabbed me by the throat and lifted me up into the air with ease for a better look at me.

"You can't deny your destiny! You will become a demon so stop acting like it will never happen!"

"Oh yeah?" I smiled. "Then stop me! It will take me only three days to finish my journey and there is nothing you can do about it. I already made my plan, I have what I need, and I now how it all ends. The eye of foresight is a bitch that way."

"Then I'll keep you here! You will live forever as the bearer of the darkness."

"You can't," I chuckled.

"Oh? Why's that?"

"Because time travel has some rules. Rule one; I told Luna to bring me back by morning. Rule two; That's in ten seconds. Rule three; My Greed is possession of reality, and I have given up on that months ago. Goodbye, Greed. I thought you were going to be difficult. Hehehe,"

I smiled feeling magic wrap around me. Greed frowned knowing that she was beat long before the fight even started. In all honesty, Lust told me everything, giving me an unfair advantage. In a flash, I entered the hall of dreams knowing that in three days time. It will all be over The invaders will be returned home. The demons I released will disappear. Lily won't remember me and Azura... Won't have a father anymore. Not that I was a very good one.

"I had no chance then?" Greed spoke softly to me in the hall.

"I'm sorry about that," I replied.

"So what will you do about Gluttony?"

"He or she is the embodiment of what I hunger for, and that is Love. But I have it now and it pains me to give it up, but that is what I must do, even if I don't want to."

"I see. Well, goodbye Winter."


Greed vanished as quickly as she appeared. I looked down the hall and began my journey to Starlight Glimmer. To end it all before it even starts.

"So which way to I go?" I muttered, looking at the millions of doors.