A Gizmonk in Rainbow Rocks

by Moheart7

Chapter 5 - A New Situation

When Goggles awoke the next morning, he was glad to hear to drops banging against the roof of the trailer, meaning that the rain had finally stopped after an entire night of downpour. At first Goggles wanted to sleep in a little more, at the moment he felt like it was better than waking up to another day of squalor, however going back to sleep soon wasn’t an option after he heard the loud voice of Blue Lightning.

“Wakey-wakey!” she yelled, scaring Goggles so badly that he fell out of his hammock.

To Blue’s credit she certainly was better than any alarm clock, the only downside was the fact that without a real clock to give her the time, she never woke Goggles up at a time that was convenient, in this case she must have woken him up at 6 in the morning because the sun had barely risen yet. Needless to say, he was cranky as he could ever be when he dragged himself towards the kitchenette.

“How’s your sleep Sugar?” Blue asked, greeting him with a cheerful expression upon her face.

“Blue what are you…?” Goggles started speaking, before suddenly realising what Blue had just said. “Sugar!?!”

However while Goggles may have heard right, he still couldn’t believe it, just what the heck was going on?

“Isn’t this great?” Blue asked happily, quickly answering the question in Goggles’ mind. “My Personality Gem kicked in during the night, now I feel like a real girl, woohoo!”

Needless to say Goggles was speechless upon hearing that, after an entire month of waiting for Blue’s last gem to activate, this was the result she had? He had to admit, he wasn’t expecting anything like this.

“And THIS is your personality?” he finally asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Why?” Blue asked worriedly. “What’s wrong with it?”

“Oh nothing!” Goggles said quickly, not wanting to offend her. “I just didn’t expect you to be so… perky.”

Goggles may have been worried for the moment, but thankfully Blue merely gave him a happy expression on her visor and took it as a compliment.

“Breakfast?” she offered.

“Please,” Goggles answered with a smile, just hearing that offer made his mouth water.

Taking a seat at the table, Goggles waited patiently for Blue to ready his meal, he would have done it himself but yet another trait of himself he still carried from his time in Equestria was the fact that he couldn’t cook to save his life, and he knew that his amnesia had absolutely nothing to do with that fact. Thankfully there were several old cookbooks still inside the trailer when he and Blue moved in and Blue took the liberty of scanning each and every intact page so that she could easily make something somewhat edible, which wasn’t easy given the poor quality of the ingredients she had and the unsanitary condition of the stove. Luckily somehow she was able to use what she called her assimilation unit to modify the palms of her hands into hotplates, thus allowing her to cook without possibly poisoning Goggles at the same time. While Blue fries up a pair of eggs that hadn’t quite gone off yet, Goggles couldn’t help but wonder what other developments occurred during the night.

“So…” he said nervously. “What did you find out?”

At first Blue said nothing and just continued to cook, however after a few brief moments and a heavy sigh, she answered.

“A fair amount,” she said, her visor lighting up with various flashing images as she recalled every detail of what her Memory Gem absorbed. “Mostly about the general basics you requested, the Entrepreneurial money-making was a little trickier to categorise in order of relevance, but I believe I managed to figure out a system that could benefit us.”

At those words, Blue’s visor returned to normal and she returned her focus on the cooking, however there was still one other subject that Goggles wanted to know about.

“And the Magic?” he asked inquisitively.

At those words the pause Blue gave was slightly longer than the last one, but still, she knew she couldn’t just ignore her creator’s request.

“It’s very odd sir,” she finally answered, with a somewhat saddened tone in her voice. “I’ve spent most of the night searching through every source of information I can gather before the laptop’s power went out, but the only facts I could gather on Magic were the reports of Illusionists and folklore. In the eyes of the public sir, real magic doesn’t exist.”

Needless to say, Goggles wasn’t happy to hear that.

“Are you serious!?!” he snapped.

“I know, it doesn’t make any sense,” Blue replied defensively. “I mean we both know I’m powered by Magic right?”

“So you keep saying,” Goggles said, rubbing his temples with aggravation.

“So maybe you were right about my existence being kept a secret to the public,” Blue pointed out, placing the cooked eggs upon a plate. “I’ll bet that there’s no record of me or my creator anywhere due to the amount of secrecy put into everything.”

However while Blue’s efforts were appreciated, her statement didn’t really make Goggles feel any better, if anything it only made things worse.

“Well that’s just peachy isn’t it!?!” he barked. “Where do we go from here!?!”

Seeing the aggravated state her creator was in, Blue couldn’t help but feel guilty, the last thing she wanted was to disappoint him. However before she could say any words of comfort to him, all of a sudden the trailer began to violently shake.

“Perhaps outside would be a good option!” Blue squealed fearfully, dropping the plate of eggs.

“Good call!” Goggles screamed, sharing in Blue Lightning’s fear.

Luckily for Blue and Goggles, they both managed to dive out of the trailer just in the nick of time, if they had stayed inside for a second longer they would have been carried off with the trailer as it was raised by the huge crane raising it from the mud bank.

“What the Scrap!?!” Goggles exclaimed, pulling on his hair with frenzy.

“Let’s get out of here!” Blue screamed.

Seeing no possible reason to argue, Goggles quickly ran after Blue as they both ran for cover before the crane operator noticed them. After hiding behind the rubble of an already demolished building, Goggles and Blue could only watch in helpless horror as the trailer that served as their home was carried off a dropped into a large pile of scrap metal, obviously this was the result of the local construction crew’s attempt to clean out the area before building, which was easily noticeable upon seeing the other bulldozers and workmen walking in from behind the crane.

“Well great!” Goggles snapped angrily. “Now what do we do!?!”

It certainly was a dire situation for both of them, not only had they lost their home but now Blue was out in the open where she could be seen by just about everyone. However Blue somehow managed to stay calm and spoke to her creator.

“Well I may have a solution that may make things easier,” she offered.

Seeing that there couldn’t possibly be any ideas that could make things worse, Goggles listened to her suggestion without question.

“Do tell,” he sighed.

“Well I’m not entirely sure why,” Blue replied. “But I think now that all five of my gems have been activated, I have enough magical energy to do this…”

At first Goggles merely raised an eyebrow, quickly being confused with Blue’s statement, however as soon as she pressed her chest piece his eyes widened with shock. As soon as her finger left the blue light upon her chest it soon began to spread over Blue’s entire body like a small gush of water, when it finally began to fade, the metal skin soon reappeared as green flesh. In a matter of moments, the robot Goggles had known for the past month had transformed herself as a regular teenage girl with green skin, sapphire blue eyes, and wore a black vest top with an equally black skirt with a blue lightning bolt logo on its side, purple leggings and bronze capped shoes. Needless to say, Goggles was astounded with Blue’s new disguise, the only way that he was even able to recognise her was her green and blue streaked hair, the chest piece that could have easily had been an accessory to her top, and the black circuit lines that covered her skin, though those could easily have been described as tattoos to those who don’t know she’s a robot. As Blue admired her new form, Goggles couldn’t help but let his jaw drop with astonishment.

“Come on,” Blue finally said, starting to walk towards town. “Let’s get out of here.”

At first Goggle merely stood where he was, staring blankly at Blue as she continued to walk away, however quickly snapping out of his trance, he finally managed to let out an infuriated scream.



When Goggles finally managed to catch up with Blue as they both made their way through the streets 20 minutes later, easily offending the small number of bystanders with his foul odour as he passed, he was still extremely ticked off with Blue about her new disguise mode.

“You mean to tell me that you could disguise yourself all this time!?!” he snapped. “Where was this ability when I was trying to hide you from the public!?!”

Blue rolled her eyes at that.

“Hey, you’re the one who built me, remember?” she said in response. “It must have been a flaw in your designs, it’s not my fault I had to wait for all five gems to ignite.”

“No, I DON’T remember!” Goggles retorted. “Why do you think we’ve been living in that craphole of a trailer for the last month!?!”

Goggles would have said more angry words but thankfully he managed to regain some of his composure and took a deep cleansing breath, the last thing he wanted to do was make things worse by getting into a fight.

“Look I’m sorry Blue,” he said calmly. “It’s still early, I haven’t had breakfast yet, and I’m just a little cranky right now, especially after what we’ve just been through. Oh did I forget to mention that I’m not wearing any shoes!?!”

That last part Goggles couldn’t help but blurt out, after all he had been walking around bare footed ever since he was mugged the previous day and he never got the chance to scavenge for new ones yet. Fortunately, Blue’s new personality added to the care she had for him made her very understanding towards Goggles’ frustration.

“It’s okay sir,” she said, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “We can get through this, there’s no way we’re gonna give… Hey look, 5 dollars!”

Before Goggles could even blink Blue quickly dove in front of his and yanked out a small Five Dollar Bill that was lodged between the grate of a nearby storm drain, undoubtedly something that feel out of someone’s pocket while they were crossing the street. While any form of money was a blessing to him and Blue, Goggles was less enthusiastic about the find.

“Great,” he said sarcastically. “Let’s see how long I can hold onto THIS money,”

Clearly Goggles still hasn’t gotten over being robbed yesterday, then again, who could blame him? However despite that Blue knew that Goggles’ couldn’t keep up this attitude of his if they were going to move forward from their current situation.

“We really need to get some caffeine in you,” she said gently before gazing over their surroundings. “Okay, what can we get for 5 dollars?”

“Mugged?” Goggles suggested sarcastically.

At those words, Blue groaned and walked ahead.

“Oh would you just come on!” she snapped.

At first Goggles didn’t follow, he merely stood where he was with the same aggravated expression on his face.

“You know, I’m starting to miss the Blue Lightning WITHOUT a personality!” he called out sarcastically, finally shooting off into a run to catch up to her.


As luck would have it, there were a few shops that opened this early in the morning even if there were little to no people up and about, which was just as well since Goggles would have probably scared them off with his smell anyway. The particular place he and Blue went to was a small Coffee Shop, undoubtedly a café that most of the builders come to for their morning pick-me-ups, which made sense to why there was only one other person inside other than the cashier and the man in the kitchen when Goggles and Blue walked inside.

“What would you like sir?” Blue asked politely. “Coffee?”

“You kidding me?” Goggles replied raising an eyebrow, somewhat surprised that Blue hadn’t figured this fact out yet. “I can’t drink that bitter swill, I’ll have a tea.”

Blue rolled her eyes at that.

“Any particular brew sir?” she asked, ignoring Goggles’ rudeness.

At first Goggles didn’t know how to respond to that, after all he had been drinking nothing but water and the occasional treat of out-of-date soda, however the more he thought about, the more one particular blend of tea seem to feel right to him.

“Camomile please,” he sighed.

Goggles couldn’t remember why, but somehow that particular brew seemed to be the right choice. Giving him a slight nod, Blue then walked up to the counter to get the tea while Goggles looked for an empty table, which given the circumstances wasn’t that hard. As Blue waited patiently at the counter for the tea to be made, Goggles simply sat at the table closest to the window with a troubled look upon his face, normally around this time of the day he’d still be in the trailer finishing off breakfast and writing down a new entry in his journal, however he left that along with everything else he had inside of it when it was carried off by the crane, meaning that aside from Blue Lightning, the only things Goggles had left were literally the clothes on his back, and even they were coming apart at the seams, so it was no wonder Goggles was feeling depressed. Suddenly Goggles’ depression suddenly began to fade when a new sound reached his ears, only it wasn’t new at all, in fact it sounded… familiar. Quickly turning his head towards the table behind him, Goggles spotted where the voice was coming from, without a single doubt in his mind about it he knew, this was the same hoodie- wearing girl that was singing in the park yesterday. After a few moments to listening to that harmonious voice again, Goggles finally managed to regain himself enough to snap out of his trance and stand up from the table, there was no way he was going to let this girl get away without giving her have a piece of his mind, he was in too foul of a mood to let it slide at this point.

“I recognise that voice anywhere,” he growled, walking up to the girl, her face still hidden under her hood. “You’re the girl who almost ran me over with a taco cart.”

That was when the girl looked up and Goggles was finally able to catch a glimpse of her face, he may have had a massive lecture thought out in his head but at that point Goggles had to admit that he was taken aback by the girl’s good looks. Now that he could see her face Goggles’ couldn’t help but blush, she was a pale blue-skinned teenager with blue hair with navy streaks, captivating violet eyes, and wore a red pendant around her neck that dangled just outside of the neckline of her hoodie. Now that Goggles’ was met with the girl’s face, he suddenly didn’t feel the need to yell at her anymore, he didn’t know why but there was just something about her that made him soften up a bit, however now that he started up the conversation he needed to find a way to turn it into a different direction fast.

“…But you didn’t,” he finally said, allowing the girl to sigh with relief, clearly she had been somewhat nervous when Goggles walked up to her. “So for that I owe you a cup of tea.”

At those words the girl smiled, which was surprising since most people would try to walk away because of Goggles’ odour by now, maybe the girl was just too nice to care like the other two girls from yesterday. When Blue Lightning finally came back with Goggles’ tea, it wasn’t long before all three of them were sat around the other girl’s table having a pleasant talk.

“I am SO sorry for what happened,” the blue-skinned girl said, her hoodie now pulled back to reveal a long ponytail. “I hope you weren’t hurt too badly.”

“Nah,” Goggles responded with a casual shrug, trying to make himself look tough in front of the girl. “In all honesty, that wasn’t the worst thing that happened yesterday.”

“Especially when you compare it to this morning,” Blue added, rolling her eyes.

“Thank you Blue,” Goggles said sarcastically, not really liking how Blue was just stepping on his moment.

Upon that sentence the three simply looked at each other awkwardly for a moment, not really knowing what else to say next, however there was one conversation starter that Goggles knew what was sure to break the silence.

“Uh… might we ask your name Miss?” he asked ineptly, hoping that he didn’t sound too weird. “I don’t believe we’ve been properly introduced.”

Thankfully the girl accepted Goggles’ effort and replied.

“Fair enough,” she said with a shy smile. “My name is Sonata Dusk.”

So far, so good.

“Pleasure to meet you,” Goggles said, returning the smile. “I’m Goggles, and this is my… friend, Blue Lightning.”

Blue nodded at that, not really giving Sonata a second thought. Goggles on the other hand, couldn’t help but sigh with relief with what he had just said, had he not corrected himself, he would have accidently called Blue a robot in front of Sonata, either way things were starting to bode well. Which was just as well since the introduction was all Goggles needed to get the conversation going, for the next hour he graciously listened to Sonata as she talked. Goggles didn’t say much to add to the conversation save for a few small questions, he didn’t know why but for some reason he just liked to listen rather than say much himself. Of course Blue had her own questions too, however they were a little fiercer that Goggles’ were, this was more than likely due to the fact that she had become a little protective of Goggles for the past month, and now that she was able to go out in public with her disguise mode she was going to make the most of it, luckily none of Blue’s questions were able to insult Sonata in any way.

“So why were you singing in here anyway?” Blue asked, interrogating Sonata a little further. “Free Hot Chocolate?”

However Sonata merely responded with the same cheerful smile she did with all of Blue’s questions, it was as if she felt like Blue couldn’t phase her in the slightest no matter how personal she tried to get.

“Oh no,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. “Sometimes I just like to sing to myself every now and then, I take an early morning stroll, come in here for a drink and sing a little song where I’m not disturbed by anyone.”

Goggles couldn’t help but relate to that, sometimes even he needed a little alone time so every now and then he would play his guitar on the roof of the trailer, at least that’s how it was when he actually had the trailer or the guitar.

“You certainly have a rare gift,” he complimented. “That voice of yours can stir even the most haunted of souls.”

Sonata couldn’t help but bush at that.

“You really think so?” she asked.

Goggle merely gave a nod at that question, which was satisfying enough for Sonata. For a moment Goggles felt somewhat normal, at least more than he did for the past month, however that’s when Sonata ruined the mood with one of her questions.

“So… why aren’t you wearing shoes?” she asked, suddenly scrunching up her face as she sniffed the air. And… why do you stick so badly!?!

At those words Goggles’ happy expression dropped, suddenly snapping back into his depressed reality.

“You’re only noticing that NOW!?!” Blue snapped, amazed on how long it took for Sonata to absorb that particular fact.

“Hey don’t be rude!” Goggles retorted, once again regaining his equanimity.

Hearing this Blue was somewhat surprised, normally Goggles would be just as agitated but for some reason he seemed to be sticking up for Sonata after stupid question, maybe it was just pity due to her idiocy.

“Yeah, sorry about that,” Goggle apologised, not really caring about the question itself anymore. “We haven’t had any access to any decent bathrooms for the last month… nor any OTHER form of decent luxury.”

Sonata raised an eyebrow at that.

“Uh… what do you mean?”

Now Blue was sure that this girl was an idiot, anyone else could have figured out the implication by now. Goggles on the other hand simply elaborated.

“Well at the moment we’re kind of… homeless.”

“HOMELESS!?!” Sonata blurted out suddenly, startling Goggles so much that he fell back in his chair.

“Yeah,” Blue replied, rolling her eyes and helping Goggles back up. “And they scrapped our trailer just this morning. As of an hour ago, Goggles and I are now living on the streets.”

At those words Sonata gasped, now that the information had FINALLY sunk in, she instantly felt sorry for Blue and Goggles, no one should have to live on the streets. Suddenly her face lit up.

“Not anymore, you’re not,” she announced, rising from her chair. “Come with me.”

Then out of the blue, before anyone could protest, Sonata then grabbed Goggles by the scruff of his shirt and pulled him away, leaving Blue Lighting to follow them as she pulled him out of the door.