Twilight's Descension

by Harmonic Scrible

Chapter One

She awoke in the near darkness. Still feeling groggy from her rest, she looked around and took note of where she was laying. She was on a hay stuffed mattress, locked in a ten by ten foot room there was a rope attached to a padlock on the door leading up to a lantern, hanging from the ceiling. The rope led from the lantern to a gramophone. Finally there was a set of saddlebags lying next to the bed she was on. She tried talking out loud seeing if anyone was outside of her door, nothing but a sharp pain and a harsh whimper escaped her mouth. She looked down inspecting herself, she appeared to be a light purple coated pony, with no wings. She did however have a horn and a currently unkempt mane which if straitened would be the same length around her forehead just covering her horn and above her eye line. Her mane was purple, highlights of violet and pink in it. There was however no visible injuries on her.

She thought to herself "Where am I… and for that matter, who am I?" She tried reaching for the lantern with her hoof, but it was just out of her reach. Giving up on that idea, she turned to the gramophone. There was a crank on it that looked fairly dusty. She started turning it, and a female voice rang out from the musical device before her. The voice was very intellectual sounding, and it oddly sounded very familiar to her, but she couldn't place the voice to anypony she knew. Now that she thought about it, she couldn't remember anything before waking up in this room.

The voice was saying, "Welcome! You are now listening to the sound of my dis-embodied voice. It will serve no purpose to look for me, for this is a voice from the past. I bid you welcome to my Cabinet of Perturbation. It is my study of the Equestrian psyche, specifically yours. A set of recordings have been prepared to chaperone you in the chambers ahead. There are a few parts to this study, and it is up to you, not only to pass, but figure out which elements are important. Please go on, move into the next chamber. Just remember, they can all be saved. There is always a way." And with that, the voice cut off and the musical device abruptly stopped producing sound.

The padlock containing the door and the lantern snapped and with a loud bang crashed to the floor. And the lantern calmly fell to the floor still attached to the ceiling and gramophone. She was very confused at what she was just listening to. "Equestrian psyche? And what did she mean by 'Cabinet of Perturbation' ? Was she insinuating that she…" She cut herself off trying not to think of anything too horrifying. She leaned down to pick up the lantern in her mouth, put the saddlebags on and turned to the now unlocked door. "Well… here goes nothing" she silently said to herself, walking through the door to the dark recesses of the deathly silent corridors.

She made her way through the collapsed hallways of what she had started calling "The Dungeon" she passed by a broken ladder and some cylindrical boxes labelled "Tinder Box" she also realized that her lantern ran on oil and it was less than half full when she picked it up. Tinder boxes were very useful for lighting torches that were hanging along the wall. All the torches were locked into place by some mechanism that her hoofs couldn't unlock on their own. She put any remaining tinderboxes into her bag.

She had spent the last twenty minutes wandering the empty halls, since leaving her now unlocked room. When she finally found a door that wasn't blocked by any kind of rubble or debris she became ecstatic and started galloping towards it with new enthusiasm. She slowed to a trot and finally stopped dead in her tracks as she started hearing sounds form on the other side of the door. It sounded like a female crying, but it also sounded… wrong… She couldn't place why the crying pony sounded wrong, or why she sounded familiar. Less so than the voice on the gramophone, but still very familiar to her. She turned off her lantern and crept up to the door, which had a small bared window in it.

What she saw at first was a yellow coated pony with a pink mane and tail facing away from her. Her vision started to narrow as her eyes adjusted to that of the will lit room beyond the door and what she then saw terrified her and set her heart racing, The pony was yellow with a pink mane and tail but three of her legs were covered in spiked chains, cutting deep into her left foreleg and both hind legs. There was fresh cuts and scrapes all along the body, most of which were bleeding profusely. The place where her cutie mark should be was cut open and had scars all along it making what once was a cutie mark, now unrecognisable. The mane and tail were ragged, with patches missing off of each of them. It looked like at one point the pony had wings, but they were now torn off at the joints leaving bloodied stumps in their place. Finally, the pony had a metal brace tightly strapped around her throat which was also heavily bleeding.

The pony was the embodiment of all things horrible, sad, and scared. Seeing the wounded pony like this caused the mare with the lantern to jump back and know some rubble aside causing a small noise. The pony in the room stopped sobbing and began to turn around. What the mare saw now was that the injured pony had no eyes in her eye sockets! Just empty holes in her head where her eyes should have been. The mare now let out a small screech and the injured pony immediately started walking towards the door but now she was talking in an eerie and yet soft tone.

"Is that you, my love?" It gasped, "You came for me!"

She was now shaking and starting to lose her footing as she was shakily backing away from the door.

"Please wait… Come back…"

By this point the lantern wielding mare was galloping back into the darkness to hide from this… creature that now was coming for her. From behind her she heard this thing smashing at the door the mare was just at and finally opening the wooden barrier while simultaneously breaking any lock that may have once been on the door. The mare hid in the darkest corner she could find and just sat there, shaking in terror hoping that the thing would not find her.

"Oh… Why did this happen…" it stopped and seemingly gazed off in the direction of the first room the mare had come from, "Is that you, I hear? Wait! Come back!" the mare turned her head slightly in time to see the creature sprint off towards the first room. The mare waited till the creature was out of sight and then ran back to the newly smashed door in an attempt to escape this terrible dungeon.

When she entered the room, she looked for the closest thing she could find to a barricade which happened to be a table she over flipped and pushed against the door. When she felt she was safe enough to start looking for a way out. A few doors leading into about four prison cells and a trapdoor on the ceiling were visible. There was also a metal grate covering a large portion of this room on the floor. Underneath was a pool of water with a few pipes that were dribbling some water into the pool of water. One of the cells was locked and had a bared window large enough to see all the way into the room. Inside, an orange pony was tied to a stone pedestal a canvas bag was covering its head. When the mare saw this she let out a gasp, the pony in the room seemed to perk up a little and a deeply accented, yet feminine voice arose into a level just above a whisper

"Ah' don' hear any more cryin'… 'Scuse me but can y'all help me out here? Ah' appear to be in a mighty bind righ' now…"

The mare was startled by the this new pony. It didn't sound as frightening as the previous creature's voice. She tried to respond, but found again that her voice was now replaced by a coarse and demented version of what it used to be. When she tried speaking, it was still extremely painful for the mare. Instead the mare gave the door a gentle tap, loud enough to be heard but quite enough that it wouldn't bring back the twisted creature in the hallway, in response to the pony.

"Well now partner, Ah'm not sure if y'all 're like the rest o' them but if y' aren't it'd be a mighty fine thing if y' could free me."

The mare looked around outside of the locked room for any sign of a way of getting in. She noticed two things in particular around the room that may be of use; one, being a lever situated a few yards to the right of the door to the new thick accented voice. And two, a hole in the wall above the door just out the mares reach. She tried getting to the hole entering the room but quickly gave up and walked over to the lever. Seeing no other option currently available to her and the room being devoid of objects she could stand on, besides the table which was currently blocking the door the creature ran out of in search of the mare, she walked up to the lever eyeing it carefully. She slowly reached for the lever with her fore hooves and pulled down on it.

*Click* The sound of turning cogs filled the room and there was a now much louder shout coming from the room.

"WOAH, WOAH! Stahp righ' there sugar cube!" the voice practically screamed, "Y'all really don't wanna do that, calm down and let's talk 'bout this, alrigh'?" the thick accented voice was pleading now with light sobs coming from behind the door. The mare quickly backed away from the lever and now knew to leave it be, lest it hurts the pony behind the door.

She tried to apologise to the pony behind the door, but again her voice came out as ragged sounds that made no actual sound resembling speech. Inside her head she was screaming "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!"she was silently asking forgiveness when the voice called to her.

"All righ' there sugar cube," sharp intakes of breath coming from the pony "I can see y'all didn't know what was going to happen when you did that, otherwise you'd prolly' have done it again. Look, there's a separate mechanism above th' door to this room. If y'all can get that, I can get out 'a here mah self. All y'all have ta' do is get up there an' we can get out 'a this together."

The mare nodded, mostly to herself, in understanding. "Think! Where is something that can get me up that high?" She gathered every memory she had that may hold relevance to getting her high enough to activate this mechanism. "That's it! The ladder from earli-" she cut herself off remembering where it was. It was in the hallway with that creature. That meant that she would have to go back out in order to save this pony. "No! Maybe I can use the table to reach it!" she tried to reason with herself.

The mare trotted back over to the table this time dragging it back to the door with the orange pony. She slowly and carefully started climbing onto the table. Reaching up and looking into the hole above the door she found the mechanism the orange pony was talking about. She started reaching towards it when she heard two noises, one below her, one behind her.

The noise behind her was a voice, one she was hoping to not ever have to hear again. "NO STAY! Don't leave again…" the ghastly voice yelled at her.

The voice rang through her mind setting off a fear like that of no other. The second sound was the table, snapping as the creature smashed it with her chained fore hoof. As the table came down, and the mare on top of it with it, it created a large amount of dust, making the already fairly hard to see in room, even harder to see in.

The creature was slowly approaching the mare now whispering in that calming yet grim voice of hers "Hush now. It's alright."

Falling dazed the mare only temporarily but she quickly recovered her senses and bolted out of the room back into the hallways hoping the dust would give her enough cover to get out unnoticed. She got a few dozen yards away from the room with the creature and quickly thought to herself

"I have to find that ladder quickly and try to avoid that monster! It didn't seem to notice me when I was hiding in the dark. Maybe I can hide around one of these piles of debris if it comes after Me." thoughts ran through her head a mile a minute, and by the time she found broken ladder she could hear the hoof steps behind her keeping to her pace. She picked up the ladder and placed it on her back while she hid behind some rocks. The steps got closer, and closer until she could hear the creature calling out to her.

"Where are you? Come back…" The voice kept calling out, ever relentless in finding the mare that was running from her. The mare chanced a glance at the monster which was pursuing her, when she spotted it her heart skipped a beat and her vision started to blur and a darkening sense of paranoia and terror flooded into her very being. Just as quickly as she looked at the creature, she looked away and covered her head, shaking the entire time. Eventually the sounds emitting from the creature faded off into the distance. Relieved of her pursuer temporarily, she took the time to make sure it was gone and not about to show up out of nowhere to attack her. Only then did she start creeping back to where the other… sane… pony lay. She pulled out her lantern in order to see where she was going.

She arrived back at the prison keep, and used the ladder to climb up to the hole above the door. She reached in, pulled the lever and climbed back down.

… *Click* she heard a soft sigh coming from the cell the orange pony was in.

"Thanks partner… Ah don't think ah could have stayed like that much longer."

*click click click* … *SNAP* the sounds were now coming from above the mare as the trapdoor flung open and started swinging as another ladder dropped from the newly made breach the trapdoor made while opening. The orange pony no longer had the cover over her head and was now facing the purple mare. Her eyes were unfocused and were a grayish colour.

"Ah'm a might glad y'all didn't pull that lever a secon' time or ah'd be like an apple crushed under an anvil by now… Ah need t' rest a bit though, so ah'll catch up with y'all later. Be careful sugar cube. An' don't let them monsters get a hold of ye'."

The purple mare nodded and began climbing up the now descended ladder.

End of Chapter One