A New Chaotic Life on the Road

by FeltyElk7

Chapter Two: Arriving in Tall Tale

For over a week, I kept traveling across Equestria. Occasionally, I stopped for a day or two and just hung out in the trailer or practiced using my magic. I had gotten good at using it and one time, I conjured up a shark that was eating a cheeseburger. One day, while I was pulling my trailer across the road, I saw what look a town in the distance.

"That must be Tall Tale", I said," It looks quite nice. What do think, Nightshade?"

As I finish talking, my shadow started to move on it's own. It turned into a large black dot, and out from that dot, rose a unicorn mare with black fur, red eyes, and a red mane and tail with black highlights. Her cutie mark was the symbol for Shadow the Hedgehog.

This mare was my companion and sister, Nightshade.

You see, during my travels, I got really lonely and decided to make a companion. I then decided to use my own shadow as what I would use to make her for two reasons. One, shadows are a part of you, so they understand what you're thinking and how you feel, and two, being a shadow means that they can be stealthy and can also turn into all sorts of creatures. So, using my magic, I brought my shadow to life and decided to name her Nightshade. During the time we spent together, we had bonded quite well and she was particularly like a sister. So, I decided that she can be my sister.

"Yes, it does look like quite a nice town", said Nightshade.

"Think the ponies there are friendly?" I asked.

"We won't know until we see it for ourselves", said Nightshade.

"You're right, sis", I said, "Well, we won't find out by standing around here. Let's go".

Nightshade nodded and turned back into her disguise form as my shadow. I then headed toward the town, wondering about how things will turn out for me.
After entering the town, I began to look for a place to set up shop. After a while, I found an open spot in the marketplace. I then opened one side of the trailer and out popped a stand, with shelves filled with potions, books, clothes, weapons, and other things. I had originally planned to sell items from movies, games, cartoons, and tv shows, but I thought I might save that for when I decide to open an inter-dimensional shop. There was also a banner above the stand that read "Breezy Day's awesome antiquities", which was also the name I decided to give my disguise form.

"Now that everything's set up, I think I'll go change outfits and freshen up a bit", I thought as I enter the trailer. I then made my way to the bedroom and opened the wardrobe. Just like the trailer, it was bigger on the inside. There were rows upon rows of different outfits. I began to search though the outfits, looking for the right one. After a few minutes of searching, I had found what I was looking for. A long, grey cloak with gold trimmings and the symbol for chaos on the back, with the top arrow stretching all the way to the hood.

"Perfect", I thought as I put the cloak on and pulled the hood up. I then walked over to a large mirror and got a good look at my reflection. The cloak covered most of my body and the only part of my face that could be seen was my muzzle, giving me a mysterious look. Satisfied with how I looked, I made my way out to the stand and stood behind the counter, waiting for some customers.
By the end of the day, I was exhausted. Many ponies had come to buy things from me. At first, they were a bit suspicious due to my appearance, but after a few satisfied customers, more of them began to visit my stand. Once I had satisfied my last customer for the day, I retracted the stand back into the trailer and made my way inside.

"Man, that was a long day", I said, taking off my cloak and hanging it on the coatrack,"I never thought that being a merchant could be so tiring".

"Yes, but you must admit, you did quite well for your first time", said Nightshade, coming out of her disguise form.

"Yeah, I guess you're right", I said,"Still, I think I might be nice to take a day off sometimes, you know, to relax and spend time with you".

"You know what, I think I'd really like that", said Nightshade.

So, we had some dinner and afterwards played some Mortal Kombat X. I had beaten her two or three times, but Nightshade was quite a skilled gamer. After a while, we decided it was getting late and that it was time for bed. We said goodnight to each other and went to our own bedrooms. I then went over to the dresser and pulled out a set of pyjamas, a sleep mask, and some curlers for my mane and tail. After all, every mare needs her beauty sleep. Anyways, I slipped on the pyjamas and and put the curlers on my mane and tail. Finally, I headed over to the bed, got under the covers, pulled the sleep mask over my eyes, and turned off the lights. Within a few minutes, I was peacefully sleeping, dreaming about what may lay ahead for both me and Nightshade.