//------------------------------// // 8- Judgement Day // Story: Follow the Wind // by FrostTheWolf //------------------------------// Follow the Wind- Judgement Day Perspective- Raven         When the morning sun came up, I became quite hungry and my stomach was grumbling. Not to mention the fact that I was completely exhausted. I have been here with my friends and my dad for the past few days and now, the longer we wait, the more I feel restless. It had been only five, maybe six days since I met George and Glimmer told me when exactly that Shay and I would be going and supposedly, today was that day. Over the past few days though, Alex had fully become a Dragon Pony now and Chloe had turned into a Fox-pony. Now all of us have completely transformed and with it, each one of us got some kind of perk. For me, it was my Aura powers. For Alex, he had electrical abilities and was now a living battery like Cole McGrath from InFamous and Chloe herself had some special abilities herself; but wasn’t quite sure what they were.         Anyways, I was up and walking towards Chloe, trying to see if anyone else was awake. Seems like the only one up at this hour was Shay. Who was tossing and turning under the fur by my ears. Moaning a little. I sighed a bit.         ‘Maybe we should get some room service so we don’t leave the room and disturb anyone?’         Not a good idea. Loud knocks on the door would wake up the rest of the gang. Any other ideas, brain?         ‘Is your dad up? Maybe he can take you and Shay to breakfast. It’ll also give you the chance to say good-bye before you two end up disappearing.’         Good point. Today is Judgement day after all. Shrugging a little, I walk into the nearby room where my dad would be sleeping, only to find him in the bathroom with his pants on and shaving his face. As he washed up and put on his shirt, dad turned around and soon saw me and Shay outside the bathroom door. “Why hello there, you two. Am I in the way of something?”         “N-no.” I reply. “I’m just hungry. Wanna go get breakfast?”         “Sure. Just give me a minute to get my shoes.” He said as he found them by the door and opened it up quietly so we wouldn’t disturb the others who were sleeping. I quietly walked out of the room as the two of began to move towards the elevator. My fur twitched a little on top of my head as I felt Shay rise from his slumber and wondering why we were moving. I told him that he and I were going to breakfast alongside my dad so that way, our bellies would be full for if we were truly leaving and ending up in Equestria like what Glimmer Thorn had told us. The sounds of leaving had him be a little upset, but the thought of food quickly distracted him from that. I kind of understand what he might be going through. If he and I were being separated from the others, then he would be separated from his sister. I had that feeling before when I was little and I had to go somewhere for a few days while my brother was with my mother at the hospital. Stuff like that is hard to deal with, but you needed to persevere nonetheless. You couldn’t let these things drag you down.         As we reached the elevator, dad held the door open so we could come in while he pushed the button for the ground floor. Our room was on the eighth floor, which was near the top of the building. So, in other words, we had a LONG way down. But on that elevator trip down, I heard dad ask me something I honestly didn’t expect.         “So… Are you nervous?”         I look at him with a puzzled expression on my face. “Wha-?”         “Your front paw is shaking. When you were a human, you would be fidgeting with your hands. This time, it’s your paws. Is something on your mind son?”         Damn it. He got me on that one. “Yeah, a little. It’s more of the feeling that I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone for if I do go to Equestria. I know that going there would be fun, but I feel a bit anxious with leaving you and mom. Leaving my home for that matter. I mean… what if I don’t come back?”         “Son… Don’t worry about it. You will come back home one way or another. You just need to think positively… Remember when you were little and your mother and I showed you and your brother Aladdin?”         I nodded my head, wondering where exactly he was going with this.         “Well, where you going is ‘A whole new world’, so you and everyone else should just be able to enjoy the experience instead of being dreadful about it.” He replied, the elevator passing level four as we were soon approaching the ground floor. “Plus, I’m actually kind of Jealous because of everything going on. It’s not everyday you get the chance to be your own creation and get powers from it.”         He was… actually right. I just needed to be optimistic. Given the fact that I was now a wolf with a freaking energy blade and aura like powers, I now get to see what it’s like in my own characters shoes… Or paws because Rufus doesn’t have shoes. Thank Nox I still had my jacket.         ‘Did you just say Thank Nox instead of Thank God?’         Technically, the civilians of Equestria wouldn’t know what god is, brain. I’m just getting into character.         ‘Good point.’         Anyways, once we reached the ground floor, we made our way to the breakfast buffet. However, unlike how I would normally get food there, a few changes had to be made this time around in order to accompany my new size. For one thing, I had to stay at the table we were sitting at while my dad had to go get the food for us. Second, when he did bring the food, I had to eat it like how normal canines and equines would since they never used silverware (to my understanding at least, not sure about the filly named Silver Spoon though).         Now I feel like Charger and Capital when they want to try and get table scraps.         Breakfast consisted of Eggs, Pancakes, cereal, and bacon with a glass of water and the straw I needed on order for me not to lick out of the cup. I had to have some sort of manners in this place! The food was just as good as when we stopped at Denny’s on the way here last week. But now, seeing that this seems to be my last meal in this world, it felt like the only chance for me to reflect on my memories from over the last few days. From when the changes first began to when our trip began. Even the times where I saw Rufus and Glimmer Thorn. Now, I need to prepare for the trip ahead.         When Shay and I finished my food, I told Dad that I was going to get some air and also ‘Prepare for the inevitable’. Before we left, he gave me a warm hug and told me that he would be praying for my safety and for everyone else too. Shay and I then went back outside to the small park like area that the center had set up for kids and fillies that were affected by the changes that were taking place. During this though, I heard a voice behind me.         “Why hello there, Wolfy.”         I looked around me to see that no one… or nopony for that matter was outside right now. But when I looked behind me, I saw myself looking at the Spirit of Chaos himself. Discord. In all of his chaotic glory.         “Surprised to see me?” He asked.         “I would, but then I would be lying,” I told him. “After your appearance last time, I sort of expected you to use a little more caution. Especially when you and your ten seconds of fame put this place in a state of emergency for the past week.”         “Right… I am using caution now. Only you and your Breezie friend can see me and… normally, you would appear in a flash of light… But for you two, it’s different.”         “How Different?” I heard Shay ask.         “Well, do you know of Nox?”         I nodded. “Avatar of the Night. The one that Rufus preaches.”         “Exactly. That’s the thing… You see, there was a time where I lost in a game of cards against her because we did it without magic and the winner of the game would ask the other for a favor. Nox won that night and now, I’m here doing the favor for her. She wanted me to make sure that the two of you arrive in Equestria safely and that I don’t do any “Funny Business” with the two of you.” The Chaos Avatar snapped his talon, summoning a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off of his face. “Well, now I’m here. Ready to go?”         I looked at Shay, who was looking at me from atop of my head. We both had the same answer. “Yes. Yes we are.”         All I remembered after that was a bright flash of light and the Draconequus smiling. “Have a safe trip.” Few Hours Later         I woke up with my face in the snow and a pounding headache. My body felt like it was being peltered with snowflakes as I tried to readjust my eyes. I had a feeling that I would end up here, especially after meeting Rufus here during the first dream.         The Crystal Empire. In all of it’s glory… The only problem though was that I was in a freaking blizzard. But it wasn’t me that I was worried about, it was Shay. I was hearing him moan in pain and when I saw him, he was trying to curl up and stay in my jacket. Things began to click and now I figured out the reason why. Breezies live in a warm forest like environment, so their bodies can’t handle sheer cold like the conditions right now.         I needed to find Shelter and fast. Before Shay could freeze to death. Looking around, I see a wooden cabin in the distance and began to sprint. When I get there, I’ve used my Aura to unlock the door and look around the cabin to look not see anypony inside. I whipped out Latros and use the heat from the blade and some logs I found scattered around to start a fire. Hopefully, that will be able to help us get some much needed rest for a few moments.         KNOCK!! KNOCK!!!         “Hello? Anypony home?”         Sh*t. End Chapter 8