//------------------------------// // Chapter 3. // Story: All I want is a friend // by burdockwing //------------------------------// Chapter 3. Pinkie woke up to some kid over her head. He was a earth pony. The young colt had a light orange coat and an orange mane "Um hi…" the child only stared but then spoke up "Hi! Are you Pimy pie?" Pinkie looked puzzled "umm…" the young colt jumped up and down "The one pony in the news! They say you are pink, fluffy and have a balloon cutie mark!" Pinkie got scared "Why do you need to know?" the colt stopped jumping "You are! Why is every pony talking about you?" Pinkie looked around expecting his parents to come around "You don't know?" "No, everyone says I shouldn’t read the news papers because I won't understand, so they won't let me look at them." Pinkie was still worried he would tell his parents "No I'm not, you should really get home." the colt looked at her side where her leg used to be. Her bandages were old, muddy and bloody. "Are you hurt? Wait here!" The colt ran away and Pinkie was scared that he went for his parents so she was ready to run but the colt was already back "I know some medical things! My dad taught me!" Pinkie sat down relieved "It's okay I'm fine." The colt began opening up his small medical bag. "Your bandages are really filthy, it shouldn’t be that way." The colt began to cut through Pinkies bandages. He pored bottled water onto a rag and began to lightly clean Pinkies shoulder of all the blood. Pinkie flinched "By the way what's your name? And where are your parents?" The filly finished cleaning and grabbed a bottle of antiseptic. "My name is Scout. My mom was lost during my birth and my father died of illness about a year ago." Pinkie flinched as Scout poured some antiseptic on her shoulder "Then who watches after you?" Scout wiped her shoulder with a dry cloth "The town mostly but I stay in my old house. I can redo your stitching if you want. It looks like it's been loosened." Pinkie didn't want to but she thought it would be better to get all the medical help she could. "Umm…sure, do you know what you're doing?" the young colt went rummaging through his bag "Yeah my dad taught me, he was the town doctor." Pinkie took a deep breath as Scout stuck a needle in and out of her shoulder then removed the old stitches, making sure to keep the wound closed at all times. "Now you just need new bandages!" Scout wrapped the bandages around Pinkies shoulder then over and under her one front leg "There! how does that feel? To tight?" Pinkie moved a little "No its great! Thanks." Scout packed up everything and grabbed his bag. "If you need a check up or anything I'm over there." He pointed to a house about eighty six feet away "By the way what is your name?" Pinkie thought for a second "I'm…pink…berry." Pinkie couldn’t really think of a good name "Cool, but you should probably get some rest, too much movement might reopen the stitches. Thanks for the practice!" Scout walked back to his house and Pinkie was happy to have met someone new. Pinkie walked back over to the tree and sat down. Pinkie daydreamed for about ten minutes until dash got back with a couple groceries. "Hey Pink, I got the house for cheap!" Pinkie smiled. Rainbow set the groceries down and unlocked the door "The bad thing is that there's only one bed." Pinkie walked into the house and it was surprisingly big "Is there a couch?" Rainbow put up the groceries "No but it's okay, we can just share the bed." Pinkie looked at dash "Ummm okay." Rainbow finished with the groceries "There's a bathroom with a tub, a kitchen, two empty rooms and that’s pretty much it." Pinkie limped through the house looking around. "Pinkie. You really need to get some rest, It's been a big day." Pinkie didn't feel like arguing. Rainbow walked Pinkie over to the bed "So do you feel fine, I noticed you have new bandages." Pinkie got under the covers "Yeah there's this nice kid that lives around here and he knows some medical stuff, but he doesn’t have any parents." Rainbow pulled the covers over Pinkie "That’s nice." Dash wasn't really paying attention. Rainbow stared at Pinkie for a while "What?" Pinkie raised an eyebrow. Rainbow smiled "Nothing." and she walked out "Good night." the she closed the door. Pinkie thought for a second "Is she alright..." Rainbow wasn't herself, Pinkie was worried that the memory potion didn't work or was wearing off. But shrugged it off, it couldn’t have failed. Pinkie wiggled deeper into the covers and went to sleep. Rainbow Dash walked around the house and put all her groceries away. Rainbow was tired but thought it best to let Pinkie have the bed, it was only three o'clock anyway. Rainbow was shocked at how every pony acted back in ponyville, even Rarity showed some resentment towards Pinkie back at the hospital. Rainbow thought back to the night Applejack tried to kill Pinkie, the look of hate in every ponies eye's was appalling. Rainbow was worried that they would be found, she was worried for Pinkie. If what every pony says is true then Pinkie has been a little more than a friend to her. "Poor Pinkie. This has to be really hard on her." Rainbow walked into the kitchen and started making dinner. Around six Pinkie woke up "Mmm…something smells good." Pinkie got out of bed and stumbled out of the room. "How'd you sleep? I didn't think you'd wake up so early." Pinkie walked to the dining room pulled out a chair and sat at the table "I slept good, but I smelled food so I got up." Rainbow dash walked over with a salad and a bowl of pasta. "You haven't eaten since you were in the hospital right? You must be starving!" Pinkie looked at the food and smiled. Dash got herself some food and sat down. The two ponies ate their food, Pinkie especially enjoyed it. The two were almost finished when a loud banging at the door startled them. "Open up!" Pinkie and dash dove into a room. "Shhh!" they both were very quiet as the banging continued. A smaller voice started talking and then the same loud voice "Well we were told someone just bought this house!". Then the same small voice, but it was too soft to hear. Pinkie and dash's hearts were racing. Dash was squeezing Pinkie tightly but Pinkie was to scared to notice. They remained silent. There was no banging or voices for a while then a soft tapping at the door "Hello? They're gone!" Dash crawled over to the window and pulled back a sliver of the curtain to see a small orange foal at the door. Pinkie poked her head out of the bedroom "Who is it!?" Rainbow turned "Some foal!" "Is he orange?" "Yeah." Pinkie walked over to the door and opened it. The colt was standing proud "Some ponies are looking for you." Pinkie and Dash looked around "Don't worry I told them my sick aunt from the country side is living here." Pinkie still wasn't sure "Why would you do that?" "Well I'm not stupid. You have to be the pony every pony is talking about! But you seem nice so I fooled them!" The proud young pony had a look of triumph on his face, feeling smart enough to fool several adults. Rainbow grabbed the foal and took him inside "Were they wearing gold armor?" Scout thought for a second "One was. I thought it was kind of weird" Rainbow looked at scout "You fooled a guard and several others!? Good job slugger." Rainbow patted his head "His names Scout!" Pinkie said while smiling. "Yeah well I need to go, but you probably should lay low." Scout waved back to the two mares and walked back to his house. Either Luna stopped helping Pinkie or Princess Celestia just wasn't giving up. Rainbow cleaned up all the dishes and Pinkie put them back in the cabinets. Rainbow finished cleaning. "By the way when was the last time you took a bath?" "At the hospital." "Well you should probably take a bath." Pinkie grabbed a towel out of a closet and walked over to the bathroom, dash was filling the tub. "Excuse me." Dash smiled at Pinkie "What you think I'm going to let you walk on slippery tile and break something?" Pinkie looked at dash "I don't need your help!" Pinkie started unwinding her bandages. Dash finished filling up the tub then stepped aside "Fine. Try and get in." Pinkie walked for the tub. She almost slipped but regained her balance. Dash giggled. Pinkie tried getting in but couldn’t hold onto the tub. Dash was quick to catch her. "What did I tell you!" Pinkie looked at dash menacingly. Pinkie started cleaning herself, Dash started to clean Pinkies back. "I can clean myself!" Dash gave a blank expression "Do you really want to play this game?" Pinkie sighed. Dash began to hum a song as she poured water onto Pinkies head "Hey! *cough* You could have warned me!" Dash just kept washing. Rainbow Dash then dove a hoof with a wash cloth under the water, Pinkie screamed "I can wash that part!!!" Dash smiled "Oh don't be such a drama queen." Pinkie finished taking a bath and Dash helped her out. Dash began to dry off Pinkie who was in no joking mood. "You know I didn't need your help." Dash smiled and patted Pinkie on the head. "Whatever you gotta tell yourself." Pinkie woke up to the sounds of birds and some pony snoring. She tried to move but was restricted by something, she poked her head out from under the cover to be nose to nose with Rainbow Dash, still asleep. Pinkie shoved Dash away "Wha…" Dash sat up and yawned. Pinkie got out of bed "You need to stay out of my personal space." Dash rubbed her eyes "Good morning to you too." Pinkie limped out of her room and into the kitchen. It was time to start a new life, one day at a time. Pinkie sat in the shade as Rainbow washed the bed sheets with a wash board. "Come on! I can help!" Pinkie said annoyed at the fact that she couldn’t do anything "No! The last thing you need is work." Pinkie sighed and laid down in the shade "Well what do I do…" Dash grinned "Well you could take another bath." Pinkie blushed "I…I don't need another bath. I want to help by doing something." Dash finished washing all the sheets and then hung them out to dry "Well I don't want you getting hurt! You need to remember that you're injured and being hunted! You need to not only remain hidden but you need to recover!" Pinkie was shocked when dash snapped at her. Pinkie didn't need to be reminded that she was hated and crippled. Dash walked over "I'm sorry I snapped. I'm just trying to help you." Pinkie looked up at dash "I know. It's okay" Pinkie still looked depressed. "How about we eat lunch?" Pinkie just got up and went inside. Dash made some daisy sandwiches and cleaned up after a very quite lunch. Dash looked at Pinkie who was still very quiet "Are you okay? I'm sorry about what I said." Pinkie didn't look up "It's alright." Pinkie couldn’t help but think about everything that had happened. Dash walked over to Pinkie "You can help me clean up." Pinkie began to perk up. Dash and Pinkie had finished up cleaning and Pinkie still seemed a little depressed. So Dash decided to pay Scout a visit. "I'll be back Pinkie just stay put." Pinkie was making the bed and didn’t acknowledge the Pegasus. Rainbow decided to see if there some sort of anti depressant that Scout could prescribe for Pinkie. "Hey Scout!" Rainbow said when Scout opened the door. "Hi! Is Pinkie hurt?" Dash looked almost embarrassed to be asking for this "Well kind of…she's been kinda…not herself lately. I was wondering if there was anything you could do?" Scout thought for a second then motioned for Dash to come inside. "I have a book on some plants that help mental anguish. Would that help?" Dash smiled "Yes that would help big time!" Scout flipped through pages and then stopped. "Yellow harvest snips. A plant that helps make a more positive attitude. To induce happiness. This plant has three yellow petals, and a long dark red stem." Rainbow sat down "Where does it grow?" Scout flipped a page "It should grow in…forests…I think it should grow over in the natural gardens. A place in the forest where there are tons of natural flowers. Rainbow bolted out the door "Perfect!" Scout chased after her "Are you sure you don't want the book as a reference!?" But Rainbow Dash was already flying into a forest. Rainbow swooped past tree's going deeper and deeper into the forest with tons of flowers around her. Dash looked at the beautiful garden that was around her. She came upon a clump of flowers with three yellow petals and a long dark green stem "Perfect! This will make Pinkie her old self in no time!" Dash walked back, she was happy that her friend would soon be happy. Dash burst through the door of the cabin. Pinkie jumped but relaxed when she saw her friend. "Pinkie! I got something for you!" Dash floated over to the table and placed one flower on the table. "It will make you happy! It’s a flower that scout said helps ponies." Rainbow smiled. Pinkie had a blank expression "Wait that’s…" Dash looked at Pinkie "What have you seen this flower before?" Pinkie gave a week smile "Yeah…" Dash smiled and nudged the flower towards Pinkie. Pinkie ate the flower without hesitation. Dash nuzzled Pinkie and they both smiled. "Thanks Dash. You're a really good friend…I'm really lucky to have you." Rainbow looked at Pinkie "That flower must be working! I'm glad you're happy." Pinkie smiled. Pinkies teeth were red, red foam began foaming from her mouth. Dash stepped back as Pinkie hit the ground and began to seize up. Rainbow dash burst into Scouts house with Pinkie on her back. "Help! Something's wrong with her!" Rainbow put Pinkie on the floor. Scout stepped back but quickly dashed to his patient when he realized this was serious. Pinkie twitched on the floor as Scout looked her over. Rainbow was in tears over in the corner. Scout fetched an anti poison and poured it down Pinkies throat. Pinkie slowly stopped foaming and began to twitch less and less. "What happened to her!" Scout checked Pinkies heart beat then replied "She ate something. What did she eat?" Rainbow sat next to Pinkie, Dash was still sobbing. "I gave her that flower!" Scout was surprisingly calm, and he walked over to his books. "I think you confused yellow harvest snips with rotten fang. You got the wrong plant. It's pretty common" Rainbow leaned over Pinkie and nudged her "She's dead…" Scout pulled rainbow away "No she's not. She's in pain though." Pinkie threw up. A mixture of plants and stomach acid spewed out. "What do you mean the wrong plant!" Scout flinched at Rainbows angry voice "Well the one that is safe has a red stem. The other has a green stem. Both of their petals are shaped differently." Rainbow stood silent. She had almost killed Pinkie. Scout began giving Pinkie several different shots of medicine, then finally Pinkie came to. "Pinkie!" Rainbow dove for Pinkie and hugged her. Pinkie was dazed and confused. Pinkie just remained silent. Rainbow stepped back. Pinkie had a blank, ashamed look on her face. "Did…did you know!?" Pinkie just looked down "Why won't you let me die?" Rainbow was furious "What the fuck!" Dash looked disgusted. Pinkie saw this look and it reminded her all too well about all the looks she got from every pony else. Pinkie kept her head down and began to cry "I don't want to have to deal with all this! I'm done!" Rainbow looked at Pinkie with tears in her eyes and said "Your done when I say your done!" Scout tried to intervene "Arguing won't help!" Pinkie threw up some more then blacked out. Rainbow dragged Pinkie back home after thanking Scout. Pinkie woke up on a hard wooden floor, Rainbow dash was chucking out a bunch of stuff. "What are you doing?" Dash kept throwing away stuff "I'm getting rid of anything you can use to harm yourself." Pinkie sat still then she realized she was covered in vomit. Pinkie stood up and headed towards the bathroom but was stopped by Dash. "What are you doing?" Pinkie didn't want to look Rainbow Dash in the eyes "I'm filthy…I need to take a bath." Rainbow went in ahead of her and started running the water. Rainbow cleaned up Pinkie and then finished throwing everything sharp, chemical, or dangerous away. By that time it was dark. Pinkie was limping over to bed when she was slammed into the ground. "Ugh! Hey what are you-" Rainbow held Pinkie down "What you did today was horrible! If you ever put me through something like that again I will hurt you!" Rainbow began pressing on Pinkies wound where her leg used to be. "Hey! Aughhh! It hurts! Please stop! Ple…please!" Pinkie squirmed to try and get out from under Dash but it only hurt worse. Rainbow had a look of anger on her face. Rainbow pressed harder and harder. "Aughhh! Stop!" Pinkie started to freak out but couldn’t get away. Rainbow got off of Pinkie and helped her up. Pinkie was scared now, she walked a little faster towards the bed and quickly got in. Rainbow also got under the covers. Pinkie was officially worried that there was something wrong with Rainbow. Pinkie was scared not only for herself but also for her friend. Pinkie woke up and Rainbow Dash was cooking eggs. Rainbow is always cooking or doing something helpful. Rainbow looked at Pinkie with a smile. "Breakfast will be done soon." Pinkie sat down at the table, she was really hungry. Pinkie and Dash finished their breakfast and were both cleaning up. "Ow. My side really hurts." Dash looked at Pinkie "I wonder why…maybe we should go see Scout." Pinkie still felt scared of Rainbow Dash. They got to Scouts house. "Well you need clean bandages and I guess some pain killers but other than that everything is healing up rather nice. I think the flower is out of your system but another thing you might need is an anti depressant. I think I could order a shipment from some of my father's old contacts." Dash smiled "So how long till she is completely healed?" Scout finished putting on Pinkies new bandages and was now getting some herbs out of a jar. "Well at the very most I would say two months." Rainbow tried to give scout some bits as payment, he politely refused but Rainbow insisted and Scout excepted the payment. The two mares were walking home and Rainbow decided that Pinkie needed some rest, Pinkie didn't want or need rest but she thought it best not to anger dash. Pinkie laid in bed thinking about all the things she did and the things that the "other" Pinkie did. She was wanted dead and every pony else hated her, Dash would too if Pinkie hadn't done what she did. Pinkies side hurt and she didn't want to be here. Pinkie thought about Dash and what could be wrong with her, this didn't seem like the normal Rainbow Dash. Pinkie wanted her old life, her old friends. She wanted to throw a party for some new pony coming into town. She had lost all the laughter she once had. Pinkie didn't want to go on like this. Just then Pinkie heard dash open the door and walk to the bed. Pinkie laid in bed still and silent 'What does she want? This is fucking creepy…oh Celestia this is it! I am so dead! Please make it quick." Dash was standing at the edge of the bed but remained silent. Pinkie was frozen with fear. A minute passed and Pinkie decided to turn over and look at dash. Pinkie turned over and saw Dash standing right above her with a grin on her face. 'Oh shit…' Pinkie was scared shitless. Rainbow got up on the bed with her front legs. She moved her face closer to Pinkies. Pinkie couldn’t move, she wanted to run but couldn’t. Dash's muzzle was no more than a half inch away from Pinkie's. Dash kissed Pinkie for a couple seconds. Pinkie was shocked and decided to move. "What the hell! What the hell! " Dash got off the bed then looked at Pinkie "What?" Pinkie was completely thrown off and confused "Why did you do that!?" Dash also had a look of confusion "What do you mean why did I do that? I've been dropping hints like crazy! I thought…" Pinkie got out of bed, she wasn't scared just confused "I thought you had the same feelings." Dash walked over to Pinkie. "What feelings?" Pinkie felt very awkward. Dash just blushed "What…why would you think that?" "Well from what everyone told me you gave up a leg for me!" Pinkie inched back. "Yeah! Because your my friend!" Dash looked at Pinkie with a confused look. "That’s a little more than being a friend!" There was a long awkward pause "Look Dash, I'm not…that way." Dash blushed even more "What? I…I thought…I should go." Pinkie stopped Dash. "Wait if you care about me so much then why were you hurting me?" "Because I care about you so much!" Dash left the room and closed the door. Pinkie was still coming to terms with what just happened. 'son of a bitch! This is weird!' Pinkie went back to bed, But couldn’t sleep. This just changed everything from scary to awkward. Pinkie woke up, It had to be at least seven at night. Pinkie walked out of the room hoping everything was just a bad dream. Dash was nowhere to be found, there was a note on the counter "Gone to pub. Be back with dinner later." Pinkie knew Dash felt something for her but didn't want to think about it. Pinkie sat looking out the window. An hour and a half passed and Dash finally got back. She flew down to the door with a brown paper bag in her jaws. Dash walked into the house nearly stumbling. She was obviously drunk. "Hey are you okay Dash?" Dash put the Paper bag on the counter. "Yeah…fine…I'm fine. Here its food…" Dash looked at Pinkie, She looked like she had been crying. Pinkie was worried "I'm going to bed now." Dash stumbled to bed. Pinkie was thinking about it and just decided to eat then deal with it the morning. Pinkie finished eating and walked over to their room, She lost her footing and hit the ground. "Ow!" She tried to get up but it took a lot of effort. She finally got up. Pinkie felt alone, like there was no pony there for her. She knew the feeling all too well. Pinkie walked into her room and Dash was splayed out on the bed. Pinkie got under the covers, Dash was murmuring in her sleep. Pinkie woke up and Dash was still sleeping. Pinkie for the first time didn't wake up to the smell of Breakfast or the smile of her friend. she decided to make Breakfast herself. Pinkie tried making breakfast but dropped almost everything, including some of the food. She made oatmeal and eggs. The eggs had shells in them and the oatmeal was cold. Pinkie made Dash some breakfast too. Rainbow Dash woke up with a huge hangover. She walked out of their room. "Good morning. I made breakfast." Pinkie said with a small smile on her face. Dash looked at her but quickly looked away. "I need to run some errands. I'll grab some breakfast in town." Pinkie knew what this was about. "But you're hungover…" Dash walked outside without saying anything else, she made it outside but not before vomiting in the bush. Pinkie closed the door, she felt so alone. Her only friend was avoiding her at all costs. Dash got back late at night after doing "errands" Pinkie didn’t do anything else but lay at the door waiting for Dash. Pinkie didn't want to lose her only friend. Dash walked in the door and tried to get to bed without saying anything but was stopped by Pinkie "You're avoiding me!" Dash looked down "No. I've just been busy." Pinkie couldn’t believe her friend wouldn’t even look at her "Well…I need to tell you something." Dash looked at Pinkie to show that she was listening. "I…I actually like you…in that way." Dash perked up "Really!?" Pinkie was ashamed of what she was doing. "Yes…I just haven't been true with my feelings because I'm embarrassed." Dash ran over to Pinkie and nuzzled her. "Thank goodness! I thought you were going to hate me for kissing you!" Pinkie didn't have those kind of feelings for Dash but she just wanted her friend. Pinkie nuzzled into Dash. It felt great to know she had her friend back. Dash looked Pinkie In the eyes and kissed her. Pinkie didn’t want Dash to find out she was lying so she played along. Dash had a grin on her face "How about we make it official?" Pinkie felt this could go badly. They walked into their room pressing sides along the way. Dash got into bed and Pinkie followed. Dash cuddled Pinkie then kissed her neck slowly. Pinkie blushed and began to feel really weird. Dash made a move and crawled on top of Pinkie. Pinkie flinched as Dash locked their legs together and Dash thrusted into her. Pinkie thought this felt incredibly wrong but was happy that she was with Dash. Rainbow Dash began to moan and thrust even more. Pinkie felt strange but couldn’t fight the really great feeling and she moaned loudly. Dash kissed Pinkie and began to work her tongue into it. Pinkie followed by wrapping her tongue around Dash's tongue. Dash rubbed her cheek against her new found lovers "I'm so happy…" Pinkie wrapped her legs around Dash as she thrusted even harder. "Me..too…" And Pinkie really was happy. This felt weird but also good. Pinkie felt ashamed that she could feel any pleasure from her friend but her mind slowly grew foggy and Pinkie began to gasp for breath. Dash began to nibble on Pinkies ear, this made Pinkie feel even better. Dash began long harder thrusts, Pinkie could feel a warm wetness begin at her crotch and it began to flood out of her and all over the bed sheets. She couldn’t help but moan. Dash licked Pinkies muzzle with caring and loving strokes. Dash thrusted into Pinkie harder and harder letting the feeling take over her body. As she shared her pleasure with Pinkie she was falling in love with Pinkie all over again. Rainbow was losing herself in the bliss. Pinkie felt soaked, she felt Dash's wet Privates grind against her own. Dash was enjoying this too much, Pinkie couldn’t fight it even if she wanted to, there was too much pleasure clouding her mind. Dash kissed Pinkie again, sliding her warm wet tongue into Pinkies mouth made Pinkie feel really weird. Dash wanted to show Pinkie her love by doing everything she could. Pinkie felt a strange sensation, her breaths grew deeper and her body began to twitch as she came. Pinkie was oblivious to everything including the pain of her shoulder. Dash panted and was feeling ready to finish so she hit Pinkie with one more long thrust. As Rainbow threw all her weight into Pinkie she came. They both were tired and panting. Rainbow Dash laid limp on her lover. She cuddled with Pinkie. Dash was really happy that she could get these feelings out that she has kept bottled up for the past couple years. "I'm so happy we can be together." Pinkie buried her face in Dash's chest and started crying tears of joy. "Me too."